My most anticipated release tomorrow night is Meltdown. It's $2 and it's a tactical dual stick sci fi shooter. There's a 30 mission campaign wih 4 player drop in drop out online coop, along with randomly generated coop missions to complete, and a planned Survival mode. There's a ton of weapons and a cover system, as well as a bunch of melee weapons (space chainsaws are always cool). There's also a level up systems I believe. It's pretty little known so I recommend everyone go check out the thread. Also, there's lots of robots.
All I can say is that I am loving the Gamebook releases over the next two weeks! Sorcery 2 and Lone Wolf will be day one buys for me!
Really hope Steam Punks is released, that looks great Havent got any interest in that Miner game, just looks like another runner
Same here. I'm even struggling to get excited for the new Rayman game, though hopefully that'll change when I play it.
I thought Rayman was tonight ? Must admit i'm not too excited by the releases. Sorcery 2 i really want but i'm still in the middle of Sorcery 1 so i have to finish that before getting the new one. Gutted that platformer style game Steam Punk isnt out till next week.
Rayman is a worldwide release (So tomorrow). Ubisoft always release their games like that or at least they do it more often than not. Update: Or you know, maybe not! ( I'll shut up now
Looking like Rayman (assuming that it'll be a simultaneous worldwide release), Meltdown, Octagon and Zombitsu for me tonight. Possibly Monsters Rising if it turns out to be iPhone compatible after all.
According to Game Informer, Football Heroes is releasing November 7th at midnight Pacific Time. Free-to-Play.
Its a decent night indeed but next week is looking stronger to me with Lone Wolf, Oceanhorn and potentially Baldur's Gate 2 releasing...