Universal [Upcoming] JELLY SNAKE - One touch snake action (By UNIT5) - April 8

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by UNIT5, Mar 5, 2020.

  1. UNIT5

    UNIT5 Active Member

    Mar 29, 2017
    Game Developer
    Seoul, Korea
    #1 UNIT5, Mar 5, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2020

    Hello everyone, I’m excited to announce the open beta for our new title, JELLY SNAKE.
    We are planning to release worldwide in April, 2020.

    We invite you to discover and improve the fun and flow of the game
    ahead of the official release of Jelly Snake next month.
    I would like to verify the fun of many stages during the beta period.

    Based on the results during the test,
    we plan to add many features like multiplayer or various stage elements.
    Please enjoy the game, and share us your feedback.

    Please give us a lot of feedback and we will release it as cool as possible.

    Join JELLY-SNAKE BETA through the link below!
    & Now available on GooglePlay :

    # Game Pitch
    • From cute & simple levels to very difficult levels where developers have rechallenged dozens of times
    • Try out various bizarre stages with brilliant ideas!
    • Only 1% super hand can go above level 100!

    # Features
    • Simple but not easy one-touch Jelly snake action
    • Hundreds of levels with the obstacles that rotate, move and change.
    • Simple at first, but more and more hard and amazing levels
    • Over 40 kinds of Jelly snake characters
    • Tons of decorations can makee your own cute Jelly Snake
    • Fun to find various easter eggs hidden in the map

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    # Description
    • You have to collect all the candies with Jelly Snakes that rotate left and right each time you touch them.
    • Be careful not to hit obstacles, monsters, or even my tail!
    • You can reach higher levels only with your skills.
    • Collect all candies from the map to exchange for cute snake decorations.
    • Earn new Jelly snakes with coins which you gain every time you clear a stage!
    • Make the Jelly snake the longest in the world in challenge mode unlocks at level 10.
    • Win medals in challenge mode and get special exclusive Jelly Snakes!
    • Almost done, but failed?! Don’t be disappointed, you can try again with only leftover candy! (Only once!)
    • What if you got stuck in a very difficult stage? There is a chance to skip that level!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Beyond the exhilarating one-touch action, puzzles, quizzes, and mystery genres!
    Can your Jelly snake be the longest and sweetest jelly in the world?


    > JOIN BETA NOW! <
    & Now available on GooglePlay :
  2. UNIT5

    UNIT5 Active Member

    Mar 29, 2017
    Game Developer
    Seoul, Korea
    OMG, I mistyped the title, it's JELLY SNAKE, not SNAKE JELLY. :(
    Does anyone know how to change the title?
  3. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    @UNIT5 upper right corner under the yellow box title: Thread tools - Edit title
    UNIT5 likes this.
  4. UNIT5

    UNIT5 Active Member

    Mar 29, 2017
    Game Developer
    Seoul, Korea
    I've fixed the title, Thank you so much!
  5. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    Like the idea, but having to watch an ad just to collect the items you've earned, even after you've bought the no ads IAP, is gross.
  6. UNIT5

    UNIT5 Active Member

    Mar 29, 2017
    Game Developer
    Seoul, Korea
    Thank you for playing Boardumb, we have missed this part. We will fix it and redeploy it right away. Thank you so much for the comments!
  7. Maxime0683

    Maxime0683 Active Member

    Feb 5, 2020
    I just downloaded the game! enjoying so far...
  8. UNIT5

    UNIT5 Active Member

    Mar 29, 2017
    Game Developer
    Seoul, Korea
    Thank you for joining beta test!
    We fixed release schedule for Jelly Snake to April 8 !! :)

    A lot of updates are under development through beta-testing.
    Maxime0683 likes this.

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