Universal [Upcoming] Homerun Clash by HAEGIN

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Haegin, Aug 23, 2018.

  1. Haegin

    Haegin Member

    Hey Guys~ :D
    I've got our new mobile game news.
    The name is Homerun Clash, You can reckon what is about, huh?
    It's Homerun derby mobile game. We're about to soft launch globally.
    You can play Homerun derby game with full of strategy.

    If u r interested in, please join our social channel and take look at
    Honestly, need some followers T_T
    Please come on in ~!!!!

    Official Facebook
    Official Instagram
    Official Twitter
  2. hiyamategame

    hiyamategame New Member

    Jul 16, 2018
    :) expected!
    Haegin likes this.
  3. Haegin

    Haegin Member

    Thank you for the attention

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