was surprised this was not on the front page.. but with all the new games on the front page.. but hey this is good news for the platform i think.. even if its only major players will dive in id imagine with the cut they want and apples cut. if this was posted in another part of the forum.. please ignore. link here: http://www.engadget.com/2010/12/15/unreal-engine-3-dev-kit-adding-ios-support-tomorrow-infinity-bl/ chris.
Good news indeed. Hopefully by adding iOS support they'll pull in some developers who weren't actually planning on an iOS version, but had a moments inspiration and decided to see how well it'd port over.
yeah thats was my logic. i think i read a lot of dev company's use the engine on the PC. then port it to the consoles.. if this is a case its not to far fetch for them to experiment with the ISO api in the new SDK. time will tell.. but one thing is for sure.. the game quality has gone up since last year. seems the start of the trend was when we got grand theft auto.. probably before but thats when i started paying attention. chris.