I have in-app purchased $100+ per game on Modern Combat 5, Tap Sports Baseball, Madden Mobile, NFS: No Limits, Trials frontier, Gangstar Vegas, Asphalt 8, Golf Star and WGT Baseball. I was perfectly willing to pay this money purely in pursuit of my own entertainment. I was not brainwashed or mislead by the developers nor the publishers of these games. As a matter of fact I'm patiently waiting for NBA Live Mobile to come out of soft-launch so I can do the same with it. Not the popular payment plan on TA, but entertainment and enjoyment don't come cheap.
any single player game with always on internet connection is a waste of time and money any single player game with technically a bit of multiplayer to justify the always on internet is trash any game that forces you to go multiplayer or you cant proceed (finding anyone to group with in MH explore) is garbage
Not a big fan of KOTOR on mobile! Does it support MFi controllers? I would give it another chance on iPad if it does.
Oh, you are one of those "Whales" other developers are always talking about.....Err...So....wanna hang out? I joke, but that is quite a lot of money invested on mobile games! I think as long as you are enjoying the game, independent on the platform you play it on, that is no problem expending money on it. I spend aroun $300 a month on console, pc and mobile games. I don't feel any regret about spending that much money every month on new games...As long as I enjoy playing them.
Agreed. However it's not the popular opinion. What's great that I can say, take a month or so off from MC5, for instance, come back and jump right back into the fray. Love it.
Downwell was fun for all of 15min before deleting it. Too frustrating to have to start all over just to keep dying, not interested. Not fun unless you are one of those kids that can beat all 3 Dark souls games simultaneaously blindfolded on a modded nintendo power glove without taking a hit on any of them. Ditto for Wayward souls 2, not close to as good as the first.
I managed a couple of hours out of Downwell so I don't dislike it as much as you, but yeah, I don see why it's so loved. There is only one Wayward Souls as far as I'm aware.
The App Store in its current state is an utter failure, quality-wise. It suffers from a lack of quality control and an outdated search/discovery system. The categories are very basic and rarely reflect well the games they include. For one masterpiece, there are 5 okay games and a 100 cheap and stupid cash grabs. I used to care about mobile gaming, but now I don't. I just don't have the patience to sift through myriads of F2P runners, city sims, RPGMaker games and weird Chinese one-button games. Most devs either jump on whatever the current bandwagon is or try to imitate some stupid gimmick. Apple's decision to allow basically everyone to publish a game lets people flood the market with low-quality junk. And at the same time, their disdain for any kind of user-curated content stops people from being able to tag games, etc., which would make looking for games much easier. For example, the iPad seems like a perfect platform for point&click games, right? Well, good luck finding any. There's no way to check for new releases in a genre that you need, because having more than 12 types of game is confusing, I guess. The search feature won't do you any good, too, and the "Adventure" category is filled with all types of rubbish. The only resort is to hope you find out about a new release somewhere on the Internet a year later. This sucks.
I have more games than I can play on a lifetime. Even if not another game is released or that only trash see the light of day on Apple store I have way more games than I can handle. Mobile is the platform that provided me more fun.
Playing retro ports or games mimicking 16-bit console games of yesteryear on mobile is boring. As someone alluded to earlier in this thread I too was one of those gamers who thought as hardware improved and got more powerful we would see more graphic intense games on our mobile devices - the trend with developers seem to be giving us more f2p shallow games or nothing at all, don't get me wrong though, I have no real problem with f2p as I've played and enjoyed many of those games and have always been in the camp that is reluctant to throw down £30-£40 ($40- $50) on a premium mobile game - are you crazy!?! - one of the major attractions to me with mobile games on ios is the initial affordability, however the water is becoming very muddy now. I just felt as time went on there would be more choice between premium quality and f2p. E.g. A really basic gaming history where I had high hopes is Capcoms street fighter: Street Fighter IV (2010) - Street Fighter Volt (2011)- Street Fighter x Tekken (2012) - to nothing since!! but make do with lame f2p swipe and tap fighters like Marvels contest of champions and Mortal Kombat X rant over
I hate the word 'addicting'. When did 'addictive' go out of fashion. I also hate the over-use of the word 'premium' for any game at any price. New release at seventy pence, oh, thank god, it's premium everyone types. It's not premium it's seventy flipping pence. Apart from that it's all cool.
The use of the word "addicting" is indeed loathsome. Just use the proper adjective! I don't think that's an unpopular gaming opinion. As for "premium", that doesn't bother me. You make a solid point, but I think it's become clear that the word has taken on a different meaning when applied to mobile gaming that bears only a vague relationship to its original meaning.
'Addicting' is a real word. It's a transitive verb. Should it be used as an adjective, like the way we use 'amazing' or 'interesting'? Technically, there's no error in doing so, but it feels awfully redundant with 'addictive' around. Language changes according to the whims of the masses, however, and I think it's clear 'addicting' is going to stick. Might as well make your peace with it. As crimes against language go, I can tolerate it better than I can the new popular usage of 'literally', at least.
Where is the "unpopular" in this opinion? Doesn't everyone agree that iTunes is "style over substance"? I can make the same complaints about Netflix haha don't get me started. My unpopular gaming opinion isn't really an opinion: The only game I play on mobile anymore is Solitaire City and I only play it when I'm waiting for something or on the can. I've always liked tweaking games which is how I got into designing them. I slowly stopped playing them so much, mainly due to carpal tunnel and other problems. BTW: Advice from a long time gamer - if your hands or fingers or wrist start hurting - stop. I don't care if it's a mouse or a tablet, you will screw yourself up if you don't moderate your use. I used to play Descent until my arm was gonna fall off (plus guitar too). After years I have some pretty bad problems that keep me from working or gaming as much as I'd like. I may need surgery on BOTH wrists, as I use left and right hand for the mouse no problem. I'm hurting typing this. Just be aware of this. There are a lot of people these days reporting problems now that mobile devices are so popular. Take breaks and stretch. It slowly gets worse over time and before you know it, you're hurtin. Do some research.
I really and truly cannot stand roguelikes. I don't want to start over again when I die, even with improved stats and or weapons. Permadeath makes me cross. If I see roguelike in the description of a game I pretty much immediately pass over it.