University trained, experienced Composer and Sound Designer looking for projects

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by daisyalesoundworks, Aug 3, 2015.

  1. daisyalesoundworks

    daisyalesoundworks New Member

    Sep 10, 2014
    Hey guys, I'm a composer and sound designer for games and film. I have a degree in music and am halfway through a degree in sound. I have formal education, unlike many freelancers on sites like these.

    I have worked on 16 games. Two are released and are on Google Play and the Apple Store, five are in development and the rest didn't make it past beta.

    My website is

    To possible future developers/team members: you get what you pay for. I am happy to work for profit share or on a contract basis, but do not expect free music. It cheapens the whole community.

    If you're looking for sound work done, I'm happy to get my resume to you, as well as put you in contact with some developers I've worked with so you will understand my quality of work, speed and communication skills.


    Composer/Sound Designer
    Daisy Ale Soundworks

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