The being stuck at 0 part is just that you don’t have nearly enough probes to budge the counter. Keep in mind self-replication is going to accelerate as numbers go up, so you have a number of orders of magnitude ahead of you.
Im stuck here too. Ive got 3.8 oct Paperclips and Ive disassembled everything but the batteries holding the necessary power. Halp
I'm in the space exploration phase and I can't seem to increase my probe trust. I have plenty of yomi, but the button is greyed out. Am I just supposed to keep launching probes or what?
That was an absolute blast. Ruined my weekend in the best way. e: If you need more trust, have you upped your max trust available via honor?
Two minor aesthetic bugs I've run into a couple of very minor aesthetic bugs -- they don't affect game play, but just look a bit weird. The first bug arose when I had the project Spoiler "Full Monopoly" appear in the project list, and then immediately after released the Hypnodrones. At that point, of course, money no longer exists, and so there is no way to complete the Full Monopoly project, but it nonetheless hangs around in the Project list. It seems to me like any project involving money should be removed from the Project list once the second stage of the game appears and those projects can no longer be completed. The second bug may be more of an iOS thing -- when scrolling up through the game, the Spoiler Work/Think slider widget UI element will scroll up into the iOS status bar. No other UI elements do this, so I assume this is some sort of odd rendering bug.
Awesome game! Just finished it. My issue was just a poorly designed probe. Once I messed with the probe stats a bit, I started progressing just fine. Again, great game!
I'm hopelessly addicted to this still. How long did it take you to make this? / how did you come up w/ the idea?
Can we get bigger benefits for restarting a universe? Demand is only useful in stage 1 and creativity... meh... you get so much eventually it really doesn't matter. I am sorry I don't have a good suggestion as to what would be better to boost... maybe higher ops generation, stacked; or higher drone operation; or higher yumi generation... just trying to think of what carries over to most stages.
Why this over browser? I played the browser version a bit before the iOS version was released. It was fun. It seemed to work perfectly fine on my iPad in Safari. Why would I buy this version instead? Is there any substantial, material difference between the two? As far as I can tell, it is essentially the same experience. Thanks in advance. Peripatetic
My swarm is currently disorganized, but the “Synchronize the swarm” is greyed out??? I didn’t have this problem on the browser version, is this a big or am I missing something here? EDIT: Nevermind, the game untangled when I turned autotourney off...