Hey I have been exploring with Unity, and I made a game called Newfound City. A free roaming FPS. I need help with the app. If anyone here would like to help me, It would be highly helpful, and you will get 1/2 of profits.
Alright! We have abruce42 on making Newfound City's Menu. Spidey146, everything except for building the city is open: Coding PR stuff like that!
Is it 3D? I'll do PR if you want, always wanted to see what that's like, I don't have wi-fi at my school though so it cuts out most of my time.
need a comedian? I might get my friend to make an intro on Adobe After Effects CS4 He's youtube channel is www.youtube.com/thegreatzuzu
Tell him it isn't for apple, but it is for the world! Tell him to Email me at dontkickthat[@]me[.]com