Around Taryn Ridge there is Cranyon Lake (spelling?)... on the border of this lake are 2 gaves with characters "Ug" and "Og." The dialogue should explain from there... or if you want to be less refined just kill them both. Thanks!
Today I made a levitation potion. It's pretty funny and I was able to land on top of a building in Karn... but... is there any REAL reason to use it other than just for kicks?
so i've been looking for entrance to the spider queens lair..ive been searching all around that little dot but i still cant find it :/. Help anybody?
I've done that quest on me 100% lawful run. By that I mean, you must always do the good thing in any quest and stay lawful. Don't kill Og in that halga's ring quest..basically any two sided quest where you're allowed to kill both parties.
You learn the recipe from the guy standing at the docks in East Calleheim. You catch the fish for the recipe there at the docks. Then make the potion on a cooking fire. Ah, OK. I wasn't sure if there were maybe some secret areas that were only accessible by climbing to a high place, drinking a potion, and then floating softly to that place. (Like how I was able to land on top of a roof in Karn)
Huh. My very first playthrough I was 100% lawful and I still got attacked. My second playthrough I did kill Og (or maybe is was Ug) to get the ring. I also became "neutral" from that guy in the sewers. I assume that's why I was attacked. Still can't figure out why I was attacked the first time, though. I found it much faster to simply fall and take the damage. The damage is quite minimal and way faster than doing a lot of fishing, making the potion, etc. Speaking of faster, I've become quite lazy by using the safety ring to cut journeys shorter... It reminds me of the awesome spell called "Recall" from Ultima Online.
NOTE TO ARALON DEVELOPERS... Please please PLEASE add Game Center achievements. That is all. Thank you.
Hmm..maybe there was another quest. How did you get the key to the mansion? I don't really know to be honest, but that's my theory. Seriously, where do you get other head gear? I saw a wolf one in a screenshot yet the only one's I've seen were the one's in Callahiem.
That's what I did as well in my first playthrough. On my second, I kept Helga's Ring with me so I could levitate anytime I wanted. Sometimes the fall is rather high and there might be enemies around the landing spot, or death pits and lava to avoid. A lot of games actually have equivalents to such "return" functions. Teleport/Fly/Dig from the Pokemon series, Traesto spell/stone from the SMT series, Shining Force, etc. Although it makes travelling/navigating through the game more convenient, it also makes it a lot less risky.
If you're talking about the guy in the Bank, if you want to finish his quests (if I remember correctly, he gives 2; collecting sapphires and emeralds) you'll need to do so before killing Lord Telmon - after which he'll start being aggressive.
Fun fact, the ring originally took you back to your old house it was meant to be used only if you get stuck in something, or fall out of the world, not for travel.