Universal Ultra Blade (by Kyle Barrett)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Feb 22, 2023.

  1. tops2

    tops2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    #21 tops2, Feb 27, 2023
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2023
    Weird! Feels like I just had a “broken” run. Leveled up the “barrier after heavy attack” a few times so I spammed heavy attack with Fanir Agoll blade. Played Brun (all foes fly) and got up to wave 55! I basically couldn’t get touched after a while. After wave ~25, got kinda bored but kept going just to see what happened. Ended up getting one shot after picking up a level up from a boss. Weird thing is my life dropped to 0 but I was still alive but couldn’t move. I background closed the app, and luckily on restart, it retained the exp and the wave I reached. Crazy!

    But really annoying thing is looks like there’s maybe 2 relics that didn’t unlock (“Hael’s Scepter” and “Gavel’s Skull”). I’m guessing the bug I encountered where I had 0HP but was still on the screen and couldn’t move…but didn’t get the normal end of game screen. Maybe force quitting didn’t allow the run to count for the relics unlock.
    naghihimutuc likes this.
  2. naghihimutuc

    naghihimutuc Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2020
    I just wanted to say that I got to wave 104 after abusing the shields . That said, I just was blessed by the rng gods. I died after my fingers hurt ahaha.

    Really reeeeally great game, and I would love to see some lore come from the many worlds you’re “visiting” with your chosen uh, absolutely harmless visitor. Is there a max number of PCs you can unlock? Is there a way to get to character 45 without clicking left-right a lot of times?.. Like a, uh, Street fighter style character select screen or something? Or a scrollable list..?
    tops2 likes this.
  3. braunchitis

    braunchitis Member

    Aug 5, 2015
    I’m still unable to load the game. Seem to be missing a button prompt on Home Screen. On an iPhone 13 mini. <“there are literally dozens of us” Modern Family meme>

    Attached Files:

  4. Foolish Mortal

    Foolish Mortal Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2017
    Any chance you have an old save from the original beta/test flight? I think eranor was an old name, that save format may be corrupting the new one I've been using for launch. Apologies for the hassle, you may have to delete the game before re-downloading from the app store.
  5. Wall Jump Games

    Wall Jump Games Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2020
    Absolutely loving this so far! So much harder than VS due to the reduced health pools and increased enemy and move set variety. The game also hooks you in much the same way with that sweet, sweet meta progression, with this being one of the best meta progression loops I’ve seen.

    I agree that the game is probably a bit too obtuse, but I don’t find it a problem personally. I don’t think the game is as satisfying as VS and I vastly prefer upgrading in VS due to how much more impactful items and weapons are, but I think this makes up for those faults in the ways it improves over Vampire Survivors.

    In terms of the PC port (thanks for the key @Foolish Mortal), it’s not great. I’ve not really given it too much time yet due to busy-ness, so I’m not gonna discuss it now but in a week or so (hopefully) I’m going to give more in depth thoughts based on more time across both platforms, but the first impression wasn’t good on the PC side.
    houseofg and Foolish Mortal like this.
  6. Delusionaltool

    Delusionaltool Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    #26 Delusionaltool, Mar 10, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2023
    @Foolish Mortal Just downloaded this!! What a dope game!!! Awesome art design and animations.

    Some suggestions from games like VS.

    an arrow guide like system of some sort if a chest appears or an important item off screen the arrow will guide you to it if you scroll it off the screen.

    when you get to the top, left , right, bottom of the screen it should continue. Rather reaching the very top or bottom or left or right sides and it stops why not have the level keep scrolling infinitely. Like ex. once you reach the top you come to the bottom of the screen, you get to the end of the right side and come to the left side.

    something like a monster codex that describes attacks and weakness on discovered enemies you could even have a preview window with the enemy animation. Also great way to show off your beautiful enemy sprites. To know what you have not discovered yet?

    explain what tempering means on character select screen. You could even have a hold your finger on a menu item as a tooltip you may not know what it is and a box comes up to explain what it is. Examples like the level up shards, or the tempering. Like in game what do the shard chunks do? Hold your finger on it and it pops up what it is.

    A small map would be nice to show the layout of the map.

    a control option where you dont autofire. Yes it works well as it is. But it be nice as you have the arrow to aim for direction you could have a button for single attack, the heavy would work the same. Would let you be more precise.

    It has portrait mode but needs Landscape Mode. Could be menu option or just tilt the phone.

    These merely are suggestions. The game is awesome as it is. Alot of hard work went into this and you can tell the work paid off, it really is a beautiful game i love the sprites and animations so much.
    Foolish Mortal and houseofg like this.
  7. Foolish Mortal

    Foolish Mortal Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2017
    Thanks for the thoughtful feedback! There's a lot dig into here. I'll be trying to build that long overdue codex and tooltip system into the game next.
    Coratesh and Delusionaltool like this.
  8. Coratesh

    Coratesh New Member

    May 5, 2023
    I am playing on Android, and I enjoy it a lot... But I do have a few questions that aren't readily answered, and I hope someone can help.

    First, Kyle - I have ADHD and I really appreciate that you have made an accessible game that doesn't prey on people like me with intrusive ads, or energy mechanics. That alone has made me 100× more likely to buy your other/future games. ❤

    - What is the difference between the free and the premium versions?

    - Is there a point to leveling up Blades beyond the initial 4 levels to unlock their starter set of weapons/armor? I have one Blade at lvl. 120 because I like the loadout a lot, but he doesn't seem to be any stronger than my lower level Blades.

    - Are there any plans to let players block certain items from spawning? The "slow time" items lag my phone, so I never take them.

    - Are there hidden criteria to get certain items to unlock? I am down to one book, one bolt, one shield, and one hilt (I think?) that won't show up on new Blades.

  9. Foolish Mortal

    Foolish Mortal Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2017
    Hey thanks! Glad to hear you're enjoying it.. Here are some answers to your questions- hope these help:

    -The premium version on Android has more character slots and an accelerated progression (since there are no iAPs)

    -Differenr relics have stronger affects depending on how high blade levels are. Ill probably make a few relics in the future that benefit from the super high levels (100+) that we're starting to see now.

    --you can't block items from spawning, BUT in the latest update I added a few relics that can change what items appear during your run.

    -There aren't any hidden criteria for unlocking items. The first 40ish characters pull from an exhaustive list to ensure you get around 80% of all items. After that point, you're dealing with some more RNG as you unlock characters. I may have a feature in the coming update that will alter this (looking into it).
    Coratesh and houseofg like this.
  10. Coratesh

    Coratesh New Member

    May 5, 2023
    Thanks for answering! RNJesus has never been my friend, but I am content to grind and summon as needed.
    sebgo likes this.
  11. Foolish Mortal

    Foolish Mortal Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2017
    Would anyone here be interested in helping me trouble shoot an update that lets you replay any level in a sidescroller format? It's an optional game mode, looking for bugs and qualitative feedback on the one-touch platformer controls:

    Testing link: https://testflight.apple.com/join/1SC673vF

    Testing notes:
    • Buy and equip the spire core in order to play the game as a platformer.
    • Controls: Drag to move left/right. Swipes now move and jump your character. Attacks are no longer automatic, but tap/heavy attacks execute unique jumps per each class and are more powerful.
    Visual Preview: https://twitter.com/_FoolishMortal/status/1682901074112573440?s=20
    sebgo likes this.

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