Universal Ultra Blade - By Kyle Barrett

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Foolish Mortal, Jun 21, 2022.

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  1. Foolish Mortal

    Foolish Mortal Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2017
    Thanks for update! I've increased the frequency of tutorial tooltips (since that was an easy adjustment). I have an unfinished collections tab (similar to VS), and what I've been thinking I might want to do here is go broader and turn it into a compendium all items, currencies, monsters, and skills that have been encountered. So we could potentially solve tutorialization and collection visualization in one space. Will play with it.
  2. tops2

    tops2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    Played a few more games (mostly on Kranea). When I get past maybe wave ~12-15, there’s always I think a green/white boss that comes out and I get the “insta-death”. I think he does an attack on the ground that spreads out. But most of the time, by the time I see him, I don’t see the attack and instantly die. The last time I made it to wave 19 and was walking around killing trash mob. By the time he appeared on the edge of the screen, I’m guess he attacked when I couldn’t see him and I instantly died from having full life (3 bars). Maybe this boss should be nerfed a bit. Maybe lower his damage to 1 health bar or so.. When there’s too many enemies and I’m just running around, it’s hard to see and adds frustration when I can’t do anything. Each time this boss shows up (in the past few days), it’s instant death for me no matter how much life I have.

    Glad to hear about a compendium, especially for items and unlocked skills. If there’s space, maybe use some “regular English” (with none of the thematic terms) to help clarify things. As I side note, I was messing around with that latest Tomb Raider/Archero clone…and all the skills descriptions I encountered were super clear…

    I probably will take a break soon as I feel some burnout… Hopefully I helped a bit!
    Foolish Mortal likes this.
  3. tops2

    tops2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    #43 tops2, Feb 17, 2023
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2023
    Quick update. Still seems like the relic that generates the gold is bugged. The beginning of a new game will spawn about 5 gold and then no more for the rest of the game until I die then start the next game.

    Below is my current waves progress:
    Page 1: 26/20/17/1
    Page 2: 15/15/6/12
    Page 3: 10/17/10/13
    Page 4: 4/1/6/5

    Haven't unlocked pages 5 and 6. The challenges on page 4 are hard. I think with some persistence, I should be able to unlock page 5 of the challenges. If page 4 challenges are still hard, not sure if I can unlock the page 6 challenges.

    I seem to be randomly making progress for random blades that I unlock.

    Maybe another suggestion to manage the numerous blades is have an icon for (primarily) melee vs range blades. And let players favorite/unfavorite blades and allow filtering by favorite. I can't remember any of the blades I tried. I click with some and not others based on my play style.
  4. Foolish Mortal

    Foolish Mortal Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2017
    Thanks again for the updates (and to those adding testflight feedback). Was able to get a lot of these issues into my latest tuning pass. Trying to track down that relic gold drop bug.
  5. tops2

    tops2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    #45 tops2, Feb 19, 2023
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2023
    Below is my current waves progress before latest update:

    Page 1: 26/20/17/1

    Page 2: 15/15/15/16

    Page 3: 10/17/10/13

    Page 4: 4/2/6/5

    Page 5: 6/3/1/1

    Below is my current waves progress after latest update (I won't list pages 1 and 2 as there's no change cause I'm trying the "harder" challenges):

    Page 3: 20/17/16/13

    Page 4: 4/4/10/5

    Page 5: 10/3/1/1

    Post the latest update, I just played more by unlocking more blades and leveling them up till lev 4. I still get that bug where old blades unlocked before the last 2 patches are stuck at their current level.

    For the gold relic bug...it seems like it sometimes will start generating gold again after a few minutes IF I have less then about 15-17 gold (can't tell exactly). There seems to be an invisible cap around 19-20 gold and it won't spawn anymore..even when starting a new game.

    I guess in terms of my progression in challenges..a few challenges I seem to be having trouble with. The rest is highly dependent on right character with right skills. It does feel like for the most part, the difficulty is about right. I'm definitely not one of those elite players with ungodly skills, but probably decent enough...so from my progression above, about 3 really difficulty challenges and 3 decently difficult challenges.

    Edit: Played some more. Made some progress on page 3 of challenges.

    Page 3: 20/17/16/17

    Just can't make any progress on pages 4 and 5. Gonna give up for now.
    Foolish Mortal likes this.
  6. solarnya

    solarnya Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2015
    Close to Tokyo, Japan
    the time is coming
    KeKhan likes this.

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