Thanks, I certainly understand that but glad you can see there is room for improvement in that department GaZ
Happy I paid $7.49 for it and will do it again for the developer. Perfectly good reasons and silly not to jump at opportunities like this. If it helped, fantastic! Those who feel 'cheated', did you feel cheated when you first bought and played the game? Would you have felt this way if the dev had a way to not show the price drop to everywhere but China/or any region? We all want devs to support the games, no iap and more content. Then when they want some support you cry betrayal! Think from the devs perspective once in awhile. Back on topic, all the best, so far so good! Few fixes but sounds like their coming.
Talk about butthurt fans, lol. I think there were more tears cried OVER that episode than blood spilled IN it.
Not yet, but I am enjoying single player immensely! I love the strategy that is involved. For example, how you can block the diagonal movement of a ranger without being attacked by it. The AI taught me that trick by the way. I think that is something important for me to learn in this game: positioning pieces so that I can attack but the oponent cannot. And there are so many choices. You can cause a lot of damage with a giant that is healed by two shamans. And an assassin's backstab is very powerful and hard to protect against. I finished the first campaign. Now the second and then multiplayer!
Hi all! Today we submit a new version to the app store containing visual improvements to the battlegrounds. The play area has been lightened and the tiles are now greatly improved! No we'll just wait for the approval from the app store. Hope you'll like it!
Version 1.1 is out! We've brightened the battlegrounds and redone the tiles. The colors have also been tweaked. [Comparison image] Go update (or buy) now! Blog post about the update
We noticed as well It was not a conscience choice of ours. It just fitted our theme and story very well.
Well, it doesn't look like you're game is copying any similar titles, so I see nothing wrong with it It's just that after Autumn Dynasty Warlords was released, I kept seeing more and more games with that word in the title. Yours is not among the bad examples though as I see no similarities between UHR and ADW.
On another note, we're working on further improving the graphics of the game and this time it's the creatures themselves that are being handled. I will post some images when I've done a bit more polish. Hopefully that will be the next update.
Well, it's always great to see the devs involved on the forum In concept, it seems like something I would enjoy playing. Maybe I'll give it a try at some point
@Slem - found a bug in newest update i have the update and thanks for lightening it up a bit. i double click the Beast to take a look at his stats BUT then when i single click to put him back, he instead goes in the card slot where the Wizard is. Both cards are there but now the Wizard is on top and the Beast below it. the space where the Beast normally goes (after Warrior) is blank. i don't think this is supposed to happen and it didn't happen before the patch. can you take a look please? this is in a custom game. thanks and found another, after double tapping the Giant he goes back on top of the Warrior so there is a blank space at the end of the card row where the Giant is supposed to be. somethings screwy. oh, i might add that when it's my turn again the cards are all lined up as they should be. UPDATE - i think i've narrowed it down for you. it didn't happen in the campaign and it ONLY seems to happen when i play as Arghan. doesn't matter who my opponent is or what battle map i use, the cards going in the wrong places (as explained above) only happen when i play as Arghan in a Custom Game (single player). hopefully you guys can fix this.