agree 100%. never got feedback from an alleged powwow to consider enhancements people were asking for and now this. i mean it's good for you guys to get it free but for those of us who supported this developer it's a stupid business decision, a stab in the back. won't be buying (EVER!) from these guys again.
Brother, I understand you very good! I purchased it on day one ... good game with some small things which I am missing ... Same here: Questions for different AI Level and other things: No answer at all ... and now this ... Looks like abandomware ...
If they made it free, they probably have a very good reason for that IE : Low sales, a deal with a publishing partner or whatever. Moaning about the fact that you "lost" money doesn't help, since you got exactly what you paid for : They didn't implement any IAP or anything like that that altered the gameplay of the game you bought. Does it sucks ? Yeah - you were unlucky. Does that makes them evil ? Hell, no. They're trying to make a dime for their hard work, and seeing a game go free is usually BAD NEWS for the devs. Hell, I'm actually pretty sure they'd prefer to have their game stay at the initial price but had to do otherwise. So don't be childish there, guys
you're just mouthing off as you have no more idea as to why they did it than i do. my reaction is no more childish than your assertions have merit. you want to post your own opinion, fine but don't tell me how to react.
Sorry, I don't care about the Money. I spend around 100,- Euro per month for iPad Software, so I do not care about that. I hate it that the developer was here in this thread in the first week with big words ... but then: NOTHING! No Postings, no updates ... just silence ... and the fact that they give it now for free makes me think: OK, thats it! Very sad, because this one could be a real gem ... with some polish.
If you spend 100 euro a month on ios games, like myself you should be used to this, get over it. You win some ya lose some ! p.s this is not free as yet in the UK, This will probably change at 12:01am but at the moment it's not!
LOL, developers have reasons sometimes to make their apps free. Sometimes they might be showing it off at a conference or something, and want everyone to be able to get it without having to pay for it. Apple only allows so many promo codes, so their only option is to make it free for the duration of the conference. I'm willing to bet that or something similar is what happened here. If you happened to catch it free, good for you. If not, this game is easily worth the price you paid or will pay for it, and you did NOT get ripped off just because some people were lucky enough to catch it when it was free.
Yeah, strange at the time I made the post, before 12am as I stated it was not free. Mabaye it was only free for half a day (shhh it'll make the early adopters feel better) no worries not really my bag anyway, peace n power!
Hello Brethren! Thanks for all the feed back, and a thousand appologies for the radio silence the last week, thing is, we're extremely busy planning the great thin that is GDC and all the stuff we will be doing there! If you happen to stop by, we will be at booth PL 311 at GDC Play. We've got awesome UHR buttons as long as stock lasts We're 100% dedicated to UHR-Warlords, rest assured. As response to questions: We have powwows at regular intervals, and absolutely everything that you suggest, report and propose goes on our priotitized list, even if we don't reply right away. There will be updates, but we're only three weeks in, and development takes both time and money. Also, there is a delay in approval of each new build, so we try to stack up and do updates in large bursts. There will be a new build up after GDC, mostly fixing bugs and improving interactions, we will try to get to all requests, but can't promise all of them. We need to agree with you for one thing, which we mostly do, so then it comes back to the time and money thing, please be patient. The free 24 hours was, exactly as suggested by @MrMojoMisin , part of a big marketing stunt to introduce the game to new markets. China, to be precice. We don't have huge marketing budgets and have to play smart. This plot, I'm happy to say, went very well, and got word about the game out to hundreds of thousands of gamers in Asia, which hopefully will generate income, which in turn covers the money thing about getting updated features in place. In the app store it is not possible to set single countries to free, it is worldwide or nothing. So we went worldwide, without announcing outside of China. Our reasoning was that this only increases mass and multiplayer games availability, and thus provides a better service to everyone that has already bougth the game. You see, this was a now or never deal for us, and a very, very good one that not all devs are offered. Hope this is acceptable and understandable for everyone! And thanks for your support so far, and please keep supporting us if you like the game! Our goal is to keep it coming and gettig better!
Glad it went well. Just know that any "vitriol" on here is from a VERY vocal minority. Some people will always be "butthurt" when a game they paid for (and $7 is "expensive" on the app store, lol) goes free or on sale to others. They'll use words like "betrayal" as if this were some episode of Game of Thrones or something. But your real fans will not hate you for it and only want to see this game get as big as it deserves to!
Is there any way to undo a move before you end your turn? I'm just learning the game so I find myself only moving and forgetting you have to move AND attack. An undo option would be helpful.
Thanks for the support. To be honest this is all new to us and quite overwhelming. I mean, after every feedback we get I want to go fix/tune/implement right away, but it's not that easy. I'm glad you understand that it's a process and we are by no means done. @Card You cannot undo, unfortunately.
Don't worry, you get used to the move/attack thing pretty quickly. Great game btw! Campaigns went by really quickly. Are you planning to add a difficulty setting?
Thanks! As I mentioned earlier we have a list with the things people want. Difficulty setting is among the top ones.
I can understand the breaking into China thing. Glad it went well for you. If it lets you keep updating and developing this game, then fair enough. I still gots love!
What about lightening the game up? Colours are bland and dark. I really hope that gets some attention Thanks GaZ
Also on the list. Keep in mind, though, that the game has a certain dark theme and art direction, but we do realize that it might be a tad too dark.