UH-OH! iOS Has Serious Security Flaws

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by sticktron, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. YouSuckDude

    YouSuckDude Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2010
    Above My Postcount
    Yup. It keeps companies from tracking exactly what you do on your phone. They can tell if it's jailbroken, if your apps are pirated, what you search for on safari, as well as many other things like your email etc.
  2. sticktron

    sticktron Well-Known Member

    You are mistaken. It's only an opt-out for four stat providers. It has no protection for what apps can do.
  3. Foozelz

    Foozelz Well-Known Member

    This thread is a joke.
  4. Booch138

    Booch138 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Data-Entry Operator
    Coolidge, AZ
    With any device, or computer I use, I automatically assume people are monitoring my every move. Whether this is just paranoia or whatever, I still just assume it. Weather it's the company (like Apple) or 3rd party hackers. Does this stop me from looking at my shit that I look into routinely? Hell no. F*ck em.
  5. ImNoSuperMan

    ImNoSuperMan Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    Normally I dont care but thats mostly coz there isnt anything I can do about it. But if you can create such an app, then yes, I do want it.
  6. sticktron

    sticktron Well-Known Member

    #26 sticktron, Nov 30, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
    What other device do you have that's openly leaking your name, phone number, address, current location, your address book, and your keylog?

    Not your PC, not your feature phone, not your xbox, etc. This is a uniquely serious situation. People are carrying with them at all times a tracking device thats globally connected. And a keylogger. We need to be aware and concerned about the security of such a device. Only then can Apple be influenced to close some of the holes. I just want the iPhone to be the best it can be, and that requires bringing to light the dirty bits so they can be cleaned up.

    If you have no problem with anyone knowing your every move, then you should at least care about the privacy of the other people in your address book. They haven't consented to you giving out their personal info.

    My reason for bringing this topic to this particular forum is because as early adopters we are the prime target for any such attack. This is not about a virus or Trojan or worm or rootkit: this is stuff in the public APIs.

    I do my banking on my iPhone... but now I know anyone case easily see my password. So what do I do now? Go back to using my desktop? I do 90% of my computing on the iPhone these days.

    How can you expect any large companies to start switching to iPhones for their employees when there are no safeguards against stealing corporate information? That alone should be a major worry for Apple since they need the business market to defeat Rim, etc.

    Why is it that I can do this?
    NSDictionary *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
    NSString *phone = [defaults valueForKey:@"SBFormattedPhoneNumber"];
    What reason is there for Apple to give me the power to get that info so easily? How many Apps need your phone number? Skype? Why not AT LEAST show a confirmation prompt like with location?

    Or why can I do this?
    NSMutableSet *set = [NSMutableSet set];
    NSString *dir = @"/var/mobile/Library/Keyboard/";
    NSArray *dirContents = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:dir error:&error];
    for(NSString *filePath in dirContents) {
      if (![filePath hasSuffix:@".dat"]) continue;
      NSArray *a = [self wordsInDictionaryCacheFileAtPath:[dir stringByAppendingPathComponent:filePath]];
      if (!a) continue;
      [set addObjectsFromArray:a];
    NSArray *words = [[set allObjects] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)];
    // words now holds a sorted list of your keyboard cache contents!
    Shouldn't the System forbid Apps from reading the keyboard cache? What business is it of theirs? Shouldn't there at least be some kind of warning, like "XXX wants to access your Keyboard History, allow it?

    I fail to see how this is "a joke" or whatever lame comment some people drop by to delight us with.
  7. Foozelz

    Foozelz Well-Known Member

    PC does keep all those. Durp-a-hurp.
  8. sticktron

    sticktron Well-Known Member

    #28 sticktron, Nov 30, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
    I guess my original reply was deleted by a mod.

    Your PC's data is protected from the outside world by a number of factors not present on the iPhone, such as hardware firewalls and traffic management software (eg. LittleSnitch). Unless you catch a virus or similar, or get rooted, you are relatively safe.

    You also know when typing in your web browser that the SSL encryption is protecting your passwords. You can check your tasklist to see if there is a keylogger running. You are protected by default. With iOS, there is no protection (of certain things), so you are not protected by default (or ever).

    As you can see, there is a significant distinction.

    Furthermore, Apple provides developers with the tools and instructions to retrieve your private information in publicy available APIs. Anyone can make and submit a malicious app, hiding inside a game, and reach millions of targets. For $99 USD.

    On PCs it takes a hacker or someone with specialized knowledge to create software that circumvents protection. So not only is your data pretty well protected, it also takes a rather skilled individual to get at it, so the odds are very low.
  9. iMario

    iMario Well-Known Member

    As long as they don't literally touch my device I'm cool with it. Enjoy yourselfs.

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