We don't have that device so we didn't test the game there. But it's totally capable of supporting the full screen on an iPad Pro 2018, so we will look into it and fix it Thanks for the report!
re joystick: Oh my, now I feel rather silly. Didn't notice at all that you can scroll down the options menu "Snap to finger" works best for my personal preferences, good job with having that one in already. re Grenades: My problem at least is depth perception: I find it impossible to judge where the grenades currently are in comparison to a reference/target point on the ground. Most of the time, I aim way too short. And the further out the target is, the harder it gets for me. TVmissile and Laserorbs are super easy to use, which makes the Grenades stand out negatively even more. re last stage: That one was a piece of cake, especially compared to the two stages before it. Only lost the first try because I forgot to check if there are ground units too, what with the obvious target right in front of you and all that While I appreciate that you are aiming for a more hardcore experience, I strongly suggest to add an "easy" game mode: Just keep the current missions as they are, and label them "normal" or whatever. Tone down some of the nastier ones, so a novice player can win them after a few tries, and you got yourself an easy mode. For example, in stage 3.20 I'd do away with either the healers or the shielders in most groups for easy mode, to make things more manageable. Oh, and as I am done for now: Any plans already for an expansion, or a successor game? Would like to see more of it for sure.
Thank you! That's awesome to hear that you like it by the looks of it! Now let's see what you are going to say to how it feels and plays
Joystick: Oh, don't worry about that! We have already made the scrolling bar more visible, I guess we need to make it glowing now Grenades: We are aware that they are one of the harder game mechanics in the game. Goal was to have a weapon that has an immediate benefit in the early game but can scale in to the late game. It's all about the practice, perhaps we may consider lowering the cool down a bit, so people fire them more often and get better hang of it. Right now we are collecting feedback to see how people feel about that. I am glad that you managed to fight trough that last stage! I can see how the boss can be quite distracting from what's going on on the ground. Having multiple difficulties was on the table at one point during the development. We didn't scratch the idea entirely, but ultimately decided to release the game with just one difficulty. That is mainly for two reasons. First: up until recently we had no idea what would be the baseline. Is the game too easy, too hard? Who knows? We certainly don't, because after playing it for god knows how many hours the difficulty perception gets very distorted in comparison with how new player sees it. Second reason was that we were not even sure anybody would want that and if, how many people would that be? Development already was taking long enough, so we decided to ignore "what ifs" and just focused on releasing the game. Thank you so much for all the feedback, because this is exactly the kind of discussion that is very important for us and for potential future changes of the game. As for the expansion: It's still very early after official release and we have lot of work ahead. We really want to support Type II for as long as there is somebody playing it. When we are done, we would like to take a break and make something different. An entirely new game. So, right now we are not considering Type II 2 (what a name that would be ) or any expansions or DLCs, but we are so excited to hear that you would like more of the experience we've tried to create. Even just after beating the game, that's just incredible. How long did it take you in total anyway? We are stating 6+ hours of playtime in our press kit, but that's how long approximately it took us. And like I said - that can be very misleading...
Re playtime: Battery says 23 hours over the last 10 days. But a good bit of that was achievement hunting after I completed the game Guesstimate is 10-15 hours, depending on if you just press on, try to get all achievements right away, etc. Re difficulty: Type II definitely is on the quite difficult side for me. I gave up on the achievements I didn't get yet, because I find them too hard - if not outright impossible - to achieve. So yeah, if it's not too much effort for you, I highly recommend adding an easier difficulty level. By the way, calling the new mode "normal" and the existing difficulty "hard" should be better psychologically than "easy & normal" Re more content: Perfectly understandable, no worries. Curious what you come up with next, after you had your well-deserved break of course.
Thanks for the playtime report! That's even better than we thought! We are considering the difficulty suggestion. Achievements are optional and are actually made for hardcore achievement hunters in mind. They are supposed to boost the replayability, which actually worked in your case quite perfectly it seems We just hope that the game is now finishable without being frustratingly hard. You have no idea, how much we are looking forward to starting the "next thing", that we have already been thinking about heavily (and are so excited about!), but now we have to take the most proper care of the players of Type II, that we are so grateful for. You, for example, are an amazing example - you are a source of endless feedback and motivation to stay in game dev!
Loved this game for different TD gameplay. I’m tired of just setting towers. But what id like to see: story. I don’t know why should I shoot at those trucks. I mean, yeah, they are destroying my base, but why they do that?
Thank you! We didn't want to make the story feel dull or shallow, so we decided not to do it at all, leave it to the imagination of players and focus purely on gameplay, graphics, optimization etc.
There’s a Lite version now so you can try it out: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/type-ii-lite/id1479295348
Yes, that's true, thank you for mentioning it! In the LITE version, you can play first few levels of the game and decide whether you like it or not. We decided to make a LITE version, because Type II is a premium game and some people hesitated with the purchase and/or didn't want to use the refund option that we have encouraged them to use in case they didn't like it.
Type II is on a week-long holiday sale right now! https://apps.apple.com/us/app/type-ii/id1471767851?ls=1