Trump 2016

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by JBRUU, Apr 8, 2016.

  1. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
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    Oct 28, 2013
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    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    Thanks for the info. I have never heard of Gary Johnson or Jill Stein... Ever. I guess it displays a) the lack of inclusive political reporting we get in Canada or b) my own stupidity and ignorance :(. Either way, in grateful, it's nice to know there are alternatives

    As for my Trump/Trudeau comparison, I apologize as I should have been more specific. Yes they are polar opposites but BOTH sound like complete morons when they open their mouths and it's embarrassing to here some of the stuff they say. That would be the parallel. As for slowly destroying Canada Trudeau has already implemented policies that hurt Canada and Canadians economically in addition to fostering hatred, racism and inequality, albeit unintentional. The liberal party approval rating is still fairing well however, it is and continues to decline... Depending on the source reporting it.

    Lastly, though I don't agree with the language you chose with "fear and division", I do agree that it was time for Harper to take his leave. :)
  2. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
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    Oct 28, 2013
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    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    #42 Lickzy, Jul 7, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2016
    Please explain to me why this is advantageous for Canada and All Canadians.
  3. pluto6

    pluto6 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2009
    Most of you are all obviously under 40 years of age.

    In 20 -50 years, you will all be gnashing your teeth and reflecting on your naivete. The young all think they are so smart until the world smacks them in the face.

    Elect your criminals and reap your rewards. I will be comfortably buried and will be looking down and weeping for my grandchildren.
  4. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
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    Oct 28, 2013
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    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    That added a ton of value to the conversation.... So what do you suggest ?
  5. DonnyDJ76

    DonnyDJ76 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2011
    Hackensack, NJ
    If Trump is elected, which is doubtful, there might not be any grandchildren to weep for in years due to his denial of climate change... Let's see now...How many wars has he served in? Oh, that's right, none. Where are his tax returns? Other than to build a huuuuge wall what are his other plans? He is against immigration.(obviously), but what groups does he like? Well, he's been endorsed by David Duke and the KKK. He hates just about every minority, or at least many of his followers do. He has filed bankruptcy four times due to his failed businesses. Anybody here have their degree from Trump University? He wants Newt Gingrich to be his VP? Not going to help. This man has virtually disowned his lesbian sister, and had left one of his wives while she was dying from cancer. He is intelligent, but a miserable person. Chris Christie? That would bag it for Hillary. Here in NJ, he has a 29% approval rating. Bridgegate scandal. Trump is a piece of work. He worships past dictators and he has many qualities similar to them. Other than Pence, nobody even wants to run with Trump.

    Hillary is clearly a better choice. She wants to continue helping out the middle class and she believes in equality for all. She actually has an economic plan. I was 16-24 when Bill Clinton was president and the economy was quite prosperous. Things were great until W ran the economy into the toilet. Speaking of the Bush family, they prefer Hillary! So do many other Republicans!

    My suggestion would be to either obtain or renew your passport in case delusional Donald pulls it off due to these new strict voter laws.

    Pluto6- I'm 40 with a post graduate degree, so I hope that meets your standards.
  6. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
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    Oct 28, 2013
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    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    Thank you kindly for your well-informed, educated and well-articulated input. Comments like yours ADD VALUE to a conversation.

    Truthfully I'm not a huge Clinton fan but at the end of the day... Atleast she has a platform and some goddamnn plans for Pete's sake. I see her as a lesser of 2 evils to be honest and without question I'd support her over trump any day, despite some of her negligence and past indiscretions. :)
  7. mrmatis08

    mrmatis08 Member

    Mar 29, 2012

    @Lickzv. I couldn't agree with you more. In point of fact- a president who hasn't been accused (or "convicted") of negligence or being indiscreet (in the last 50 years) at some point during his term??? Was there ever?
  8. PBSNellie

    PBSNellie Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2013
    Southern CA
    What is really sad about this entire situation is that these candidates are the best the parties could come up with who are willing to run (I think there are better people for the job but they wisely choose to stay out of it). Doesn't say a lot for our immediate future.
  9. pluto6

    pluto6 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2009
    I believe that your comments in this thread pretty much meet the internet definition of a troll. Have a nice day.
  10. pluto6

    pluto6 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2009
    So, you probably have thought about some things, but are your most important issues for the President really social? Is your litmus test for qualifications what their tax returns showed? Unfortunately I can't even argue most of your points as they are straight out of Democratic talking point memos and so therefore are twisted and gnarled beyond all recognition. I would think with a post graduate degree you would think critically and dispassionately. I really don't know what Trump would do. I recognize the vast majority of what is "reported" about him is designed to make him look poorly. I think that his public persona served him well for his prior life as a celebrity real estate development, but I am distressed that he continues with this persona rather than adopting a more rational tone.

    I do know that Hillary acted criminally and she has repeatedly lied to the public on a variety of subjects. It saddens me to think that people feel that someone like this could be considered for the highest public office in this country. And, it seems that many people are wanting her merely due to her gender.
    The Clinton's were never for the middle class - her husband was forced to move to the center because of the Congress and probably most influenced by Speaker Gingrich and the congressional shut-down at the time. The country enjoyed relative prosperity (although I remember people having interest rates on their homes as high as 17% under Clinton). I guess my savings was helped by 12 % CDs at the time - but how sad to be thrilled by a 8.25% variable load on my house. Inflation was pretty rampant during his tenure. However, Clinton did not bring about the prosperity - it was a joint effort with a Republican Congress.
    IMO Hillary is interested in one thing - power. It has been so ever since they came into the public eye.

    So, as with so many things - time will tell. I don't think that the country will be well served with an uncharged, unconvicted criminal as its head of state. Obviously our country is going to pay a price one way or another. I just think the price exacted is going to be much worse under HRC.

  11. DonnyDJ76

    DonnyDJ76 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2011
    Hackensack, NJ
    Social issues happen to be very important to me. There are other issues that are important as well, especially our economy and national security. Trump promotes hatred not only on a domestic front but on a foreign front as well. I respect your your opinion, Pluto6, but I would feel quite nervous that Trump is way too unstable and he would be more than happy to hit the 'red button' if he were to be elected. Please respect my opinion as I respect yours.
  12. pluto6

    pluto6 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2009
    I certainly respect your opinion I personally dont think the federal govt was established for promotion of the types of social issues that are going on. I think that is why we have states, counties and cities. Having a federal govt that uses force to make social change is not really a good way of doing things IMO.
    I think the Trump is painted as unstable because he has portrayed himself in many situations in that way. However, I maintain his children seem to be very bright, respectable people. I dont know many kids that are the products of unstable parents that turn out well. Also, business is not run with unstable persons. I fail to see how he could be so successful if he were a loose cannon. Are you aware of any self-made billionaires that are nut-jobs? I suspect he has a public persona that is what it is. I think he likely still is prone to spontineity behind the scenes, but I also think for him to have been so successful, he does not push red-buttons everytime he gets upset.
    As I have noted before Hillary is at the very least a perpetual liar. That she is willing to lie in public office does not bode well for a country that already mistrusts most levels of government. My earliest opinions of HRC were that of a woman seeking power. Anyone seeking power for its own sake is a very dangerous individual. So, I find a power seeking liar to be more of a concern than someone who may or may not be overly sensitive and spontaneous.
    For the both of us, time will tell - although we will never know what a different direction would have brought us. A random thought I always find amusing/interesting - what would have happened to the US in the absence of TARP? So many people say the country would have crashed and burned - whats the evidence? Certainly we never had the situation encountered - expert opinion is only valid in drawing on like circumstances - trying to predict an unknown is no better in the hands of experts that soothsayers.
    Anyways, I thank you for your very polite response. I am not seeking to change anyone's minds. I do hope that people go out and question information and their own beliefs and recognize their bias' prior to judging a situation.
  13. JBRUU

    JBRUU Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    That's a really interesting observation.
  14. Reaganomics

    Reaganomics Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2009
    I forgot what I was going to say.
  15. dwincelowicz

    dwincelowicz Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2015
    Sarasota, FL
    Easy - They weren't actually RAISED by Trump. Trump was a tool that went around doing whatever he wanted, and still does mostly except now he's under the light of the media.

    His wife/ex-wife brought the kids up and raised them with morals and decency. Not Trump.
  16. pluto6

    pluto6 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2009
    Except that is not what his kids have ever said or maintained, nor his spouse. More trolling / talking points without merit.
  17. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
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    Oct 28, 2013
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    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    Everyone who disagrees with you is a troll. Go cry somewhere else. It's all over the place that trump's kids were raised by his wives, paternal grandparents and boarding schools, not him.
  18. bigrand1

    bigrand1 Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Geriatric Party Animal
    California, USA
    True statement! I was thinking it, but you beat me by saying it. I definitely picked that up right away while reading his uneducated as well as un-informed rants here! Kinda laughable TBH!! As he said himself, a person who is seeking power for power itself and is a power-seeking liar is a very dangerous individual. And that's not Trump?! Pretty funny stuff this guy talks!! Only thing worse than naivety is stupidity! That's a good example and unfortunately that runs rampant these days! #
  19. pluto6

    pluto6 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2009
    No, trolls are people that argue for the sake of it with nothing to support it. You make unsupported statements like "its all over the place" and expect your truths to not be questioned? His kids have repeatedly stated their dad has been a very large part of their lives. I am not even sure why you are arguing for someone you can't even vote for.

    How can anyone argue that HRC is a serial liar? That is a case for which there is irrefutable evidence. Any arguements you make about Trump is pure speculation. Of course, people making up their own facts is pretty much the norm these days. I recognize the characterological faults that Trump portrays in public. Can you not recognize that HRC has some terrible flaws, one of them being a liar? That used to be called perjury and people used to go to jail for that.
  20. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
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    Oct 28, 2013
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    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    To be fair, I tolerate stupidity and ignorance. Not everyone is equally as informed and people are entitled to their own opinions. What I cannot tolerate is people calling others down for no reason, other than not sharing a similar view point. What he is doing is discrimination.

    Thanks for chiming in though and sorry I beat you to the punch:D

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