Universal True Skate - (by True Axis)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. totallymichael

    totallymichael Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2012
    New glitch video. I accidentally learned how to fly and it's pretty hilarious. Also, I just upgraded from my trusty ole' iPhone 5 to an iPad Mini Retina and it is sweeeet.


    Oh, and Luke, I'm still constantly getting crash cam wobble even though I have it turned off.
  2. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    Woo new update is out, another new skate park.
    While the last two skate parks are pretty empty compared to the normal ones I'm really enjoying them because this is the way I like to play TS having just a few things and trying to nail different tricks on them, the real courses are my favs so far.
  3. luketrueaxis

    luketrueaxis Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2009
    Game Development (Managing Director of True Axis)
    Melbourne, Australia
    I was about to break the news, but I a bit slow this time.
  4. totallymichael

    totallymichael Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2012
    New Spin Cam! It's a bit hard using three fingers at the same time, but this seriously opens up a whole new ballgame for trick possibilities. Oh, True Skate, how you cause me such sleep deprivation. So hard to stop playing with this.

  5. luketrueaxis

    luketrueaxis Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2009
    Game Development (Managing Director of True Axis)
    Melbourne, Australia
    It is strangely addictive, but don't get too dizzy;)

    We will have to think about attaching a whole new group of trick detection. btw, there is a mini update on the way that will improve some long standing flip trick miss-detection issues.

    Still thinking about your idea of making the spin cam trigger based on how you start the trick, however, your video does show off some of the advantages of turning it on and off as you please.

    I was also thinking it might make sense to add a way to switch to fakie with out needing to do a 180 ollie.
  6. riggysmalls

    riggysmalls Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2010
    #1086 riggysmalls, Jul 25, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2014
    I love the spin cam and especially the new park! I do have two questions for you though. Could we possibly add the option to switch the spin button to the other side? I'm goofy and that's right where I push from. Secondly, if you have all four wheels on the ground could the spin button not change the camera angle? It makes it hard to pop from such a vertical angle and I would like to be able to roll up to a bs 270 lip and still see where I'm going.

    All in all I'm super stoked on this update though!

    Edit: in it's current location, spin cam also blocks doing tailslides/noseslides in the closest camera angle.
  7. luketrueaxis

    luketrueaxis Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2009
    Game Development (Managing Director of True Axis)
    Melbourne, Australia
    Spin cam is very much experimental at this point. We may not have tested it properly with different cameras, and I all ready regretted us not taking a little more time to add a left handed option.

    Having a different camera when 4 wheels are on the ground is an interesting idea, although personally I like it the way it is. You can always hit the button just after you start a tick.
  8. riggysmalls

    riggysmalls Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2010
    Awesome, I hope to see a few more tweaks to this in a future update :)

    Another recommendation. When holding the spin cam button, could we disable the slow down on your momentum?
  9. totallymichael

    totallymichael Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2012
    #1089 totallymichael, Jul 27, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2014

    Since it is still a beta feature, it would be rad if you were able to figure it out, to allow the option choose either the spin cam button or my suggested method. The spin cam button seems tailored for one-handed play, but I feel like my method would be much better for us two-handers.

    And, yeah, there's definitely a benefit to being able to turn on and off the rotation at will. I've noticed that while you're spinning mid-air, you can actually keep holding the spin button and swipe a shuv in the opposite direction and you'll instantly spin the other way. It can definitely feel pretty unrealistic with too much rotation, but doing shifty kickflips is actually pretty damn fun.

    I do think a different way to switch to fakie would rule. The best method I can think of would be to swipe in opposite directions at the same time on the ground on both sides of the board. Like swiping up on the left side and down on the right. Either that or a simple toggle button somewhere. The spin cam does already make it feel a little cluttered on my iPhone 5 though. I was constantly hitting it on accident while pushing goofy-footed. And, as others have pointed out, it seems that the spin cam acts as a brake as well. I'm not sure how hard this would be, but it could be awesome to allow people to move the spin cam button around as they please (but not on the board obviously). Maybe like how you move icons around in iOS.

    I also just noticed Riggysmalls' comment about it blocking noseslides and I'm not sure how I didn't notice that. But yep. It definitely makes backside noseslides for us regular people on iPhone 5 almost impossible in the most zoomed in view (the only one I use). This isn't really an issue on my iPad Mini.

    Oh, and I noticed that replays now have sound! Good job on that. Now, if I can only make sure True Skate doesn't leave my phone memory and have to reopen, I'll be able to do tricks on the go and record the replay when I get back home. This is sweet.

    Also, I just redid P-Rod's tricks from the new SLS park.
  10. Flan

    Flan Member

    May 25, 2012
    I've got a quick question, how do you stay vertical and land back in a bowl or on a smaller ramp? Every time I hit one I just launch forward. I tried reading through this thread a bit but I couldn't find anything. Thanks for the help, this is by far one of my favorite iOS games.
  11. riggysmalls

    riggysmalls Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2010
    There are some options concerning accelerometers. You can tilt your phone backwards as you pop to stay in the ramps better.
  12. totallymichael

    totallymichael Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2012
    Since I play two-handed and can't take advantage of the gyro controls, I've learned that if you wait to pop your trick until right after your front wheels (or all four) have gone above the coping, it definitely helps landing back in the ramp. The opposite is true as well, if you're ever wanting to use a ramp as a kicker to go far, not high, the earlier you pop on transition, the farther out you'll go.
  13. dontdiewondering

    dontdiewondering Active Member

    Feb 20, 2014
    New Parks

    I have been having loads of fun playing True Skate with all of the recent improvements. I love the spin cam, although it clearly needs some work. I'm hoping it will always be available in future updates. I think it would be awesome if the user could define the size/location of the spin cam button, and clearly it should not cause you to lose momentum when pressed.

    Just wanting to throw my 2 cents out there regarding new parks. I really like the new SLS parks, and they are great for realistic mode. Now I'm also hoping for some new parks in the style of the UnderPass/Warehouse/Schoolyard/Inbound parks - larger with more variety and fun for both realistic and regular modes.

    I still think it would be awesome to have some kind of MegaRamp or super wide halfpipe with hips/extensions/etc.

    Thank you True Axis for all of the hard work. I am hopeful the SLS connection is bringing you more users and funds for the future of True Skate. Looking forward to the new SLS park on 8/22, and then hopefully a return to some other new parks.
  14. dontdiewondering

    dontdiewondering Active Member

    Feb 20, 2014

    Quick thought - wouldn't it be awesome if there was a slider for "realism mode" instead of a toggle on/off - you could slide all the way to the left for realistic mode, all the way to the right for regular mode, and select somewhere in-between for varied results.
  15. splucas26

    splucas26 New Member

    Aug 11, 2014
    Games of skate

    I think it'd be pretty awesome if you added online games of skate. I normally play skate with my friends, using my phone vs their phone, but that isn't exactly an option all the time. I think an online multi-player where you do player vs player 5 letter games of skate would be super sick.
  16. luketrueaxis

    luketrueaxis Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2009
    Game Development (Managing Director of True Axis)
    Melbourne, Australia
    Been so busy with all these SLS courses coming out at the same time as all the SLS events, plus dealing with all new support questions after our free promotion. I have had a lot of trouble answering everybody.

    Spin cam has had a very positive response, so we will continue to develop it. The most important thing is to add a left handed option, which I think will happen after the next update which we have already submitted. We need to try to find some time to add new trick names that spin cam makes possible, and make fakie easier. The issue with pressing the spin cam acting as a foot brake will be in the coming release.

    It looks like at least the next 3 courses will be SLS courses. There may only be 3 or 4 new courses for the rest of this year, and it is starting to look like any new courses by us will have to wait until early next year. I think we will start designing some more of our own courses very soon, and a MegaRamp course might be one of them. It is a very popular request.

    It might be a possibility, but right now, there are separate leaderboards for both difficulty, if we do that slider it would have no leaderboards. We might be adding new skateboards with different physics that can be purchased, so we might wait until we do that before thinking about a realistic mode slider.

    Honestly, personally, the game of SKATE doesn't sound much fun to me, however, people keep asking for it and I think we might do it soon, depending on how much time we can find for it with everything else.

    I'd be curious to know how you play, Do you have to call the trick first?
  17. riggysmalls

    riggysmalls Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2010
    1- super exited for spin cam improvements and trick list. Greatest feature of this game yet

    2- I love the SLS courses, as I solely play realistic mode now. The normal courses just don't work with realistic mode.

    3- in SKATE you have to call the trick first. Easy way to do this would be a slider for FS/BS, Normal/Nollie/Switch/Fakie, Board Rotation/Body Rotation, Flip trick. Picking all those parts in a modular fashion makes more sense than a giant list. Amongst skaters, the game of SKATE is played almost every session at a skatepark. I've played countless games over the last decade, and they're always fun. Just a thought :)
  18. luketrueaxis

    luketrueaxis Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2009
    Game Development (Managing Director of True Axis)
    Melbourne, Australia
    I can't remember that I have ever seen skateboards playing SKATE, and for years I skated every day at skate parks. Ether it wasn't in fashion when and where I skated or I didn't notice. I suppose I was mostly inline skating on ramps, but I would have thought I would have noticed some people playing skate on the connected street courses if it was common. I was often surrounded by skateboarders.

    I did see some inline skaters attempt to play SKATE, but it was always terrible so was extremely uncommon. Everybody has different abilities, and everybody has different go-to tricks. It was not uncommon for somebody to have 5 ticks that the next person just couldn't do. If you know that one person can do one trick and the other person can't, a game of skate becomes boring at that point. I guess flip tricks are a little more random then inline skating tricks which are a little more the case of, either you can nail it most of the time, or you fail it most of the time.
  19. amusing Grace

    amusing Grace Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2008
    Music, Muse, Magick
    Berlin, Germany
    I remember playing SKATE at a curb in the 90ies, doing lip trick type stuff like FS nosegrab to tail or kickflip to 50-50, very laid-back sessions.
    Jason Lee just got pro and Mike Vallely got that freestyle-like streetboard at that time.
  20. totallymichael

    totallymichael Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2012
    I have to agree with Riggysmalls on that one. I know trends definitely vary state to state (and especially country to country), but games of SKATE have been really common even when I started back in the late 90's. I think almost every skate session I've had in the past decade has included at least one game of SKATE. They're a very common and fun way to warm up.

    I definitely agree that, for the SKATE implementation in True Skate, you would definitely have to call the trick first. Otherwise it would be completely terrible seeing somebody do the most random, ugly, 100% luck-based trick and have to try to recreate it. It would be like playing an actual game of SKATE with someone who just does "dork" tricks, like weird boneless combos. The only issue with this is that the trick naming would have to be almost flawless or else it could cause some frustration. It would suck to pull the trick you called perfectly, but it got registered wrong. Also, looking at the Berrics' rules for Battle at the Berrics would be a great resource for a SKATE implementation (like last letter on defense always getting 2 tries, etc.).

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