So I've just started playing this again and hopefully someone can inform me why my high scores aren't showing. I scored like 970 on the best 15 second challenge which puts me in about 7th place for the day, but when I view the leaderboard it shows what % I am in but it doesn't actually display my name I'm logged in properly and whatnot. Any help?
I figured that after I saw your Facebook post with the new bugs video. I can't remember if I've made that, it is hard to hold your speed. Actually, we made grinds slow down faster in this update. That might have been in android for a while. It fixed up a lot of ways to game high scores. Yep, I don't know how that got in there, it looks a bit like it things you are coming off a grind. I wish we didn't make the grind dismount flips quite so crasy either, but any changes like that now will cause a lot of complaints. Manuals are actually easier in this update already, but still challenging. Manuals and caspers are possible, but not scored. We might added scores too them at some point, but I don't think we will allow them for trick stringing, because I don't want the best trick scores to turn into Tony Hawks, although, I suppose it might make sense to add some reward for stringing together a long trick. Just the daily boards? Actually I am trying to remember if there was a bug in the daily tables that I might have fixed but I need to do an update on the server for... I can't remember, even though it was just a few days ago. Not likely anytime soon sorry.
No, it's all the categories. Like I said, it shows at the top what percent I'm in, but then I locate my score range in the leaderboards and I'm not there.
The replay features pretty cool, I can see now though that people are using glitches to get crazy scores How do we share a replay to facebook or youtube?
You can't yet, but Luke says it's something they want to do eventually. It'd literally be game changing for me... I can't wait!
Alright, so I was messing around with caspers and manuals a bit more today and I agree it is slightly easier now. However, I'm still finding it next to impossible to do anything meaningful with them, because I can't actually land in a manual. All four wheels always touch the ground when I land, no matter what I try. Also, in the case of caspers, it basically stops your board immediately no matter how fast you are moving, so I can't do much with that either. Realistic, though. Here's my two cents for how to add manuals in the game without breaking it or turning it into THPS2: Only score manuals when you are ON something, like a bench or table. Otherwise, you can still do them, but just won't rack up a massive score by endlessly stringing things together anywhere you want. I think this was suggested much earlier in the thread (maybe even by Luke?) and I still think it's a fantastic solution. As for the fear of turning the game into Tony Hawk, I believe the reason manual/trick chains are so ridiculous in that series isn't because they are possible to do; it's because they only require simple button taps and are thus incredibly easy to perform. I think that True Skate would be fundamentally immune from this problem because nothing requires simple button taps. You are using real (ish) movements in real (ish) physics to perform these tricks, and I don't think adding the ability to string tricks together with manuals would violate the spirit of the game at all. In fact, I would argue that taking a stance AGAINST them is almost a violation, because the joy I derive from True Skate comes from the fact that I can do anything I want using the physics of skateboarding if I can figure it out and practice enough. I don't mean to sound too critical. I'm just passionate about these things because I absolutely love this game and the work Luke and Co continue to do on it! : )
Well that's weird because I can see the update notes on the Play Store but my game hasn't updated and there's no option in the Play Store to update. It's the first time I've seen that happen to any app
Whoa. Holy crap, they are! I honestly hadn't even tried them since this update, but they're way way easier to hold now. Now it's actually possible, and even easy, to manual across the whole flat red ledge (in the shaded corner) in Underpass. This is going to be a blast. I just tried and I think you must just be ollieing too high. The trick is to ollie just high enough to get on the obstacle. If you ollie too high it almost always instantly goes back down to four wheels. Also (you probably already know this, but..) for manuals, when you ollie, catch your board with your finger far down on the tail. And for nosemanuals catch it with your finger far up on the nose. I think the real trick is simply ollieing just as high as you need to. I'd recommend practicing on the flat red ledge in Underpass. It's kind of perfect. I was able to balance a manual across it pretty easily. Nosemanuals are a different story. They're definitely a bit easier than they were, but still pretty damn hard.
Omg! Just nailed my first (think it might be called a Casper slide/grind?) Ollie to half a kick flip and catch the board upside down like a darkslide but on the nose of the board, held it like that while I slid across a flat ledge then flipped out. Don't know what you call it and it wasn't scored but it looked fantastic I'm pretty sure I've seen Rodney Mullen do it before, although he is a legend.
There seems to be a bug when sliding. Sometimes if you have two fingers on your board when sliding on a ledge, the game freaks out and shoots your board really fast away from the ledge.
That's awesome that that's possible now. Mullen would be so proud. Still lovin' this update. I can't wait to do a full on manuals video.
Yay! Finally hit top 10 on a leaderboard! I love the replay feature so you can see how others have made it up there! Also, sidenote: favorite feature of this patch is that it no longer loads game centre. I hate that stupid banner that pops up!
I'd probably need to see that to look into it. It sounds strange though, because if your score is high enough to be in the top ten, then it should not show you a percentage, it should show a number. We did just make a change to the server which I don't know weather it might help or not. Thats right I did. Only problem is I am not sure there is an easy way for us to integrate that into the existing levels. From what I remember of THPS there was a mecanic where manuals would become more difficult the longer you held them for. It was impossible to hold them for ever because the physics would keep getting harder and harder and harder. I don't want to do this in True Skate, because it is too unrealistic. I am a bit worried that if we make the manuals easy enough so that they are fun, then if you practice and get really good at them, then some people will be able to do them forever some how. Maybe if we just make sure you can't keep your speed up it could be ok, still, I don't want to see every trick on the leaderboard have to be a string of manuals, I want to encourage variety for the leaderboarsd. We are disusing changing the scoring system again to make long grinds not be quite so necessary for the best line, and to instead encourage more combos, but will will give the current system a chance for a little while. I hope this started working for you after a while. I am hoping we have fixed this, but It just seemed to mostly stop while I was fixing some other problems which makes me worry it is still there, but just rarer. Ofcourse, caspers where possible before, just harder. Manuals will be a bit smoother to start when you are rolling in the next update. They have been a bit glitchy for a while, but I think they feel good now. That is already available on Android. I thought game center was still there. Maybe we just stopped the pop ups? I can't remember. The leaderboards are somewhat messed up though, because Android users offline scores from before the update have been making there way onto the leaderboards, and it is impossible to get high scores the same way now. We need to make an update with a fresh set of leaderboards. The school yard is ok though because the level wasn't out for the older scoring system or exploits.
Game centre seems broken since the update as my GC says I last played in January when I've been playing each day??
I think the idea of the manuals slowing down over time is a good solution. It's near impossible to maintain speed and manual with the other foot in real life..
The ledge bug is still there: 1- go to schoolyard 2- do a boardslide or lipslide on the long flat ledge on the left side of the map (the top score ledge) 3- land with one finger on the board 4- put a second finger on the board Seems to make it freak out and shoot my board about half of the time. Game Center: it's been really nice not having it connect lately. Before I had to wait until it connect before switching camera angles because it covers up those buttons. So it just added another layer of wait/load time.
You can actually just swipe the banner back up after it pops down, instead of waiting for it to go away on its own. I use that trick all the time when I get a notification during a game, since it almost always causes a game to lag until the banner goes away.