There are a couple of big bugs in the update. 1) deck image customisation causes some pretty wacky effects. Grip customisation alone is ok though. 2) We or should I say I completely forgot that we needed to specifically enable our new connectivity features for the distribution build, so, leaderboards with replays and challenges are missing.
I've been playing with the new update a little bit and it's very smooth, the slight slow down I had been experiencing before seems to be gone. Thanks for the huge update, I bought the new park and looking forward to the others!
I bought the new school skate park. improved graphics and performance too? Looks and plays beautifully on my ipad air.
New parks good and all, but i swear i saw a preview that had tranny in it? None that i can find as far as i can see.
We have 3 more new parks coming, they will all have transitions in them, but this one only has one little tinny hidden transitions. You probably saw some images of parks we have in the pipeline.
Yes, oh and we have already submitted a fix for the disco ball deck. It only happens if you have a custom deck image set.
Bought the new park. It's very different than the others. There isn't as much flow, so it's more about lining up individual tricks. Good lines are tougher. I am not a fan of the new camera when skating up a ramp. Makes it harder to do a trick. It looks cooler though. I will continue to support as it's nice to have a game I regularly play with out it having to have goals and points and objective. I play it because it is genuinely fun and well made.
After having time to play both this and touch grind 2 for plenty of time now, I've come to the conclusion that I much prefer this game. It's just more fun for setting up tricks in the same way it's fun in skate by EA, TG2 plays to fast and feels more like a game where as this feels much better. Enjoying the new level too.
I agree, while the other game is far more user friendly and properly fleshed out, with this game the feel of setting up at a spot with a trick in mind and trying over and over to get it until finally getting every aspect to come together so you land it clean is much more heightened in True Skate. Its funny, when I first got touch grind 2 i thought it was impossible to control but now i can do whatever i want first time pretty much, theres no challenge left. The looseness of True Skate actually instead of frustrating me, motivates me to keep trying to perfect the same trick over and over while still having fun.
I've been following this thread for a while now and nobody seems to be looking for gaps in the various stages. I really like True Skate and I'm mostly playing for completing both the challenges and the gap list. Concerning gaps, is there any improvment schedule? I've read the first list of gaps and for me only five of them are missing. I feel like it's impossible to fulfill the list as some gaps ridiculously hard to do ("Vert to Bowl" for instance in the original stage). Can we expect a feature to detect a gap or get full lists to know how far are we in the progression? It's very frustating sometimes, especially when you get a gap on a line you have rode 100 times before.
Lol I've played true skate for absolutely ages and never tried to do any of the gaps or missions I just use it as purely free skate setting up lines, grinds and tricks. Same way I play EA's skate.
Don't get me wrong, i love the game and how tricks work. The sensations are great. But in every single freestyle game I've played or done before, the research of gaps has always been one of my favorite activity. Even when I was riding my BMX, pulling tricks was awesome but nothing was better than riding a good line with clearing a nice gap. That's maybe why I mostly play today True Skate with this goal of fulfilling the gap list.
We've been thinking about a few different possibilities for those gap lists, some of which might make them a lot easier to find. Maybe we need to at least make sure there are some secret gaps. Don't watch this vid if you don't want to see some gaps. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
Love the game and the new level; however I do have a few pieces of constructive criticism. -most linked rail are far too kinked. Meaning you cannot stay on them no matter how slow you are moving. -the is little variety in terms of rail height. Kind of just small and medium. Nothing is really so tall that it's challenging. -reset points often make no sense. I wish these would set you up perfectly for ledges or rails so you can rinse and repeat a spot. Yes, I know I can set 1 custom reset point, but it'd still be nice. -currently there's a bug, allowing you huge height when really quickly and aggressively trying to 3 flip or laser flip. -new park is fun, but it has very little flow. Often rails end in grass, walls or dead ends. Try to make them put you out somewhere useful. The longest rail is downhill on a walkway from the top area. It ends realllllly poorly. -nollie tricks are very challenging, much more so than real life. More specifically it's getting your board to rotate off a nollie pop. Nollie flip, super easy. Nollie varial flip? Really really difficult. Thanks for the game, I love it and will buy every park. Just a few minor things that could improve it!