It descends upon the ground. A world in serenity unknown. Nothing with more beauty. Than the light rain today. Next person liked poetry.
Nah, not really. The "caek" thing is a little annoying though. Next person thinks Kenny's coming back.
Half half. I mean we can't focus on the past. We have to move on and so, and be optimistic for the future here at these wonderous forums. He made quite a bit of lounge games though :L Next person has not been in time-out. Oh and if any mod sees this, how did you guys come to a consensus when deciding whether or not to ban Kenny? Can you guys reverse? Or when you perma ban someone, they stay perma ban forever and not even you guys could repair it? Or something like that? Just curious is all.
Hmmm....that's a toughie. I'd say no, just because I love TA too much to do something stupid enough to get permabanned. So I'd never have to make that decision in the first place. Yeah, cop out I know Next person has been permabanned before and is on their second or third account.