TripMX Great Music Expedition - PHASE 24 START NOTICE: MAP SCANNER FULLY CHARGED! ITEM SHOP NOTICE: ^: A special item is in the ITEM SHOP! Please check it out! This week's PHASE SONG is called Speed Grinch. Date Created: 12/11/2011 Artist Comments: This is my remix of Albert Hague's 1966 Christmas classic "You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch" song from the Christmas classic "How The Grinch Stole Christmas". As a kid, I used to watch this TV program every single year with my family. This track was my very first song collaboration; my good friend Somke and I collaborated on this one; his deep dark vocal performance truly brought out the "grinchiness" that I was hoping to achieve with this song! It wouldn't have been half as good without him! This PHASE week ends on 12/25/2016. Campaign Page HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition ALTERNATIVE LINK HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition Good luck Explorers!!
TripMX Great Music Expedition - PHASE 24 REQUEST WEEK START ***TripMX Great Music Expedition*** >>>24th PHASE REQUEST WEEK<<< Hello Explorers! Today marks the beginning of the 24th PHASE REQUEST WEEK! ***Christmas Gift contents REVEALED*** ^: Explorers, please go to the ITEM SHOP and check it out!! NOTE: The Explorers Board has been updated and Discovery Code rewards have been given! -->Check out to see what's changed in the Explorers Board on the campaign page! WARNING: All 24th PHASE Discovery Code entries are now locked. -->Explorers that did not post a Discovery Code will have to wait until the next PHASE. ^: This is the Mysterious Treasure Map + Map Key for this PHASE! -->Explorers, with your current items, you may now make your requests and post them here. NOTICE: The treasure map scanner recharges during REQUEST WEEK. 24th PHASE REQUEST WEEK ends on 01/01/2017. Campaign Page HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition ALTERNATIVE LINK HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition Explorers, Happy Requesting!
TripMX Great Music Expedition - PHASE 25 START ~HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017 EVERYONE~ ^_^ NOTICE: MAP SCANNER FULLY CHARGED! ***NEW Featured Custom Design [Tiara] added! This week's PHASE SONG is called Love Compressed. Date Created: 03/23/2012 Artist Comments: This is a song that was an expression of exactly how I felt some years ago. You could think of it as a composition based on emotion. This PHASE week ends on 01/08/2017. Campaign Page HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition ALTERNATIVE LINK HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition Good luck Explorers!!
TripMX Great Music Expedition - PHASE 25 REQUEST WEEK START ***TripMX Great Music Expedition*** >>>25th PHASE REQUEST WEEK<<< Hello Explorers! Today marks the beginning of the 25th PHASE REQUEST WEEK! NOTE: The Explorers Board has been updated and Discovery Code rewards have been given! -->Check out to see what's changed in the Explorers Board on the campaign page! WARNING: All 25th PHASE Discovery Code entries are now locked. -->Explorers that did not post a Discovery Code will have to wait until the next PHASE. ^: This is the Mysterious Treasure Map + Map Key for this PHASE! -->Explorers, with your current items, you may now make your requests and post them here. NOTICE: The treasure map scanner recharges during REQUEST WEEK. 25th PHASE REQUEST WEEK ends on 01/15/2017. Campaign Page HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition ALTERNATIVE LINK HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition Explorers, Happy Requesting!
TripMX Great Music Expedition - PHASE 26 START WARNING: ^: Chance to get a VIP Pass or PHASE SONG has INCREASED! This week's PHASE SONG is called Maternal Gangsta (2nd MiX). Date Created: 05/02/2015 Artist Comments: This song is the second installment of my "Maternal Gangsta" series! I started this series in the year 2014 as a Mother's Day joke, but some people unexpectedly took liking to the original song, and thus I continued the tradition to create a new installment each year thereafter. It's always fun to make these, and I even laugh at my own work, hahaha! This PHASE week ends on 01/22/2017. Campaign Page HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition ALTERNATIVE LINK HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition Good luck Explorers!!
TripMX Great Music Expedition Mini-RPG UPDATE!! [+++TripMX Great Music Expedition Mini-RPG Update LIVE+++] Hello Explorers, After a long week of hard work creating, analyzing, designing, implementing, and testing, I've finally finished the new update for this campaign!! This project alone took me over 50 hours! I came up with the idea in November 2016 (last year), and in December I began writing down the plans: ^: These are only a few pages of algorithms and such that I wrote during the planning/analysis phase. This month (Jan. 2017), after finishing final exams, I was finally able to get started on the actual coding and implementation. [--------------PERSONAL SECTION ABOUT MY ORDEALS WITH THIS PROJECT--------------] I had to first write the code and create a simulation of the game locally to make sure that it functioned properly. As you'd probably guess, the battle system was the most complex part to complete. After having completed the full simulation, I tested the code for cross-browser compatibility....ran into a few problems because I had originally coded it in Chrome, and ran into problems when I tried IE, EDGE, FireFox, etc., so I reassessed and fixed the problems; I now know how "morally loose" Chrome is, hahaha!! XD Anyway, after successfully fixing all known errors/bugs at that time, the next step was to begin the system code online integration process. I had to integrate 60KB of RPG code into an existing 40KB AE-System code that I had coded previously, all of which is written purely in Notepad. Needless to say, it was a bit challenging, but I've succeeded. I spent another whole day QA testing the game, and discovered another handful of bugs; I squashed those too. Nearing completion of the project, I took 2 hours to create a song for the Mini-RPG so that you all could have a more "game-like" experience while playing, hehe. Afterwards, more QA testing, found more bugs; squashed them. I also performed mobile (iOS and Android) QA tests; all passed. After additional mandatory preparation procedures, I finally finished the project. Lastly, I updated the TripMX Great Music Expedition campaign page, and prepared release material for today! [--------------END PERSONAL SECTION ABOUT MY ORDEALS WITH THIS PROJECT--------------] Now without further ado, let me show you WHAT'S NEW! [---UPDATE DETAILS BELOW---] ITEM SHOP UPDATED ^: The 5000JPY iTunes card has been replaced with a 500JPY iTunes card for a reduced cost. ^: The Avatar Extraction Zone is now an integrated system with the new Mini-RPG! Explorers Board Stats UPDATED ^: RPG Stats have been added to the Explorers Board! Medal Bonuses UPDATED ^: Influence Ranking table on the Campaign page has been updated! Access the new AE-RPG System ^: OPEN the ITEM SHOP, and then under the AE-RPG System section, click the INFORMATION link to gain access to the AE-RPG System. Once you've opened the GATE, you will be taken to the login page. ^: Enter your Explorer ACCESS KEY. ^: If you want to login to the Avatar Extraction Zone, click the "AE-Login" button. ^: If you want to login to play the Mini-RPG, click the "RPG-Login" button. Mini-RPG [LOADING GAME] ^: First, you must click the 'LOAD GAME' button, then click on a Sector. NOTE: Sector 1 is currently the only available unlocked Sector that you can choose. Mini-RPG [BATTLE WINDOW + INVENTORY] ^: The battle window displays various information and options during battle. ^: Your Explorer RPG stats are also shown as well as your Inventory. ^: Click on Inventory items to Equip/Use them. ^: Your STATS BONUS is a bonus that affects all of your stats in battle. *This bonus is directly influenced by your Music Synergy and Medal Bonuses earned on the campaign side. Mini-RPG [STATISTICS + CURRENCY] ^: You are allowed up to a maximum of 50 battles per week. After that limit has been reached, you must wait until the next week for the limit to be reset. ^: Your earned Campaign currency is displayed for your reference. ^: Your earned Reserved currency (from the Mini-RPG) is displayed as well, and you have the ability to perform GOLD -> DIAMOND conversions as well as the ability to send a request to transfer currency from your RPG Account -> Campaign Account. This in-game transfer request may be done anytime. NOTICE: During REQUEST WEEK, you may also request a Campaign Account -> RPG Account currency transfer directly. This is the only way that you can transfer from your Campaign Account -> RPG Account! Mini-RPG [RPG SHOP + SAVING] ^: In the RPG SHOP, you can use your Diamonds to purchase items. Click/Touch the "[+]" sign to expand a shop category, and press the "[-]" sign to collapse a shop category. ^: Click/Touch shop items to learn more about them; click/touch the "[BUY]" link to purchase. ^: After you've already loaded and finished playing, DON'T FORGET to press the "SAVE and EXIT" button to save your progress, otherwise, all data acquired during the session would be lost. ^: YOU CAN ALSO LISTEN TO MUSIC WHILE PLAYING!! ***Each Sector will have a unique song available for you to listen to while playing. I created these songs specifically for use with the TripMX GME Mini-RPG, so please enjoy if you want! Just press the PLAY button to start it! Mini-RPG [PROMOTIONAL GIFT] ^: All Explorers that watched the Mini-RPG announcement video that I posted last year and opted-in early will receive the following gifts: Mini-RPG Promotional Gift: 1. Silver Sword 2. An additional 5 Reserved Diamonds ALL Explorers will start with the following RPG currency: 1. Reserved Gold: 100 2. Reserved Diamonds: 5 Mini-RPG [TUTORIAL VIDEO] IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you forgot your Explorer ACCESS KEY, please send me a message or post that you want it, and I'll send it to you again. To conclude this update release announcement, I would like to personally thank everyone for your participation and support for everything I do! I truly appreciate you all! Now please enjoy the new update!! ^_^ Campaign Logs (continued) Log #99 [01/03/2017] - New Featured Custom Design [Tiara] added Log #100 [01/09/2017] - PHASE 25 REQUEST WEEK START Log #101 [01/16/2017] - PHASE 26 START Log #102 [01/16/2017] - Map Scanner OVERCHARGED Log #103 [01/20/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG [AE-RPG System] Integration UPDATE LIVE Log #104 [01/20/2017] - AE-System in ITEM SHOP is now "AE-RPG System" Log #105 [01/20/2017] - 5000JPY iTunes card now replaced by 500JPY iTunes card for reduced cost Log #106 [01/20/2017] - Explorers Board now updated with RPG stats and content Log #107 [01/20/2017] - Influence Ranking table on campaign page has been updated Log #108 [01/20/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG Tutorial video available on YouTube
TripMX Great Music Expedition - PHASE 26 REQUEST WEEK START ***TripMX Great Music Expedition*** >>>26th PHASE REQUEST WEEK<<< Hello Explorers! Today marks the beginning of the 26th PHASE REQUEST WEEK! ***CAMPAIGN UPDATE*** ^: NEW Mini-RPG Tutorial added on main campaign page! NOTE: The Explorers Board has been updated and Discovery Code rewards have been given! -->Check out to see what's changed in the Explorers Board on the campaign page! WARNING: All 26th PHASE Discovery Code entries are now locked. -->Explorers that did not post a Discovery Code will have to wait until the next PHASE. ^: This is the Mysterious Treasure Map + Map Key for this PHASE! -->Explorers, with your current items, you may now make your requests and post them here. NOTICE: The treasure map scanner recharges during REQUEST WEEK. 26th PHASE REQUEST WEEK ends on 01/29/2017. Campaign Page HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition ALTERNATIVE LINK HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition Explorers, Happy Requesting! Campaign Logs (continued) Log #99 [01/03/2017] - New Featured Custom Design [Tiara] added Log #100 [01/09/2017] - PHASE 25 REQUEST WEEK START Log #101 [01/16/2017] - PHASE 26 START Log #102 [01/16/2017] - Map Scanner OVERCHARGED Log #103 [01/20/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG [AE-RPG System] Integration UPDATE LIVE Log #104 [01/20/2017] - AE-System in ITEM SHOP is now "AE-RPG System" Log #105 [01/20/2017] - 5000JPY iTunes card now replaced by 500JPY iTunes card for reduced cost Log #106 [01/20/2017] - Explorers Board now updated with RPG stats and content Log #107 [01/20/2017] - Influence Ranking table on campaign page has been updated Log #108 [01/20/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG Tutorial video available on YouTube Log #109 [01/24/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG Tutorial added to SPECIAL INFORMATION section Log #110 [01/24/2017] - PHASE 26 REQUEST WEEK START
The information you have provided is very helpful at all thank you very much for sharing useful information with us. Custom Dissertation Writing Services UK
TripMX Great Music Expedition - PHASE 27 START Hello my dear, spambot. Stop acting like you read all of this "useful information". You have no idea what my campaign is about, so I suggest you take your spambot-ass elsewhere!, you know it's bad when you find yourself talking to a spambot. XDDDD Anyways~ NOTE: MAP SCANNER FULLY CHARGED! ***NEW Featured Custom Design [Optics] added! This week's PHASE SONG is called Valiant Red. Date Created: 01/25/2016 Artist Comments: Last January, a good friend of mines' dog passed away, and it hit him pretty hard since he meant so much to him. His dog's name was "Red", and you can see his picture in the PHASE SONG banner art. I first met Red some years ago; he was a feisty dog, but he was very obedient and protective of his's best friend indeed. So, last year when I heard of his death, I felt compelled to create a song in memory of him. My friend humbly accepted the song. This PHASE week ends on 02/05/2017. Campaign Page HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition ALTERNATIVE LINK HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition Good luck Explorers!! Campaign Logs (continued) Log #99 [01/03/2017] - New Featured Custom Design [Tiara] added Log #100 [01/09/2017] - PHASE 25 REQUEST WEEK START Log #101 [01/16/2017] - PHASE 26 START Log #102 [01/16/2017] - Map Scanner OVERCHARGED Log #103 [01/20/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG [AE-RPG System] Integration UPDATE LIVE Log #104 [01/20/2017] - AE-System in ITEM SHOP is now "AE-RPG System" Log #105 [01/20/2017] - 5000JPY iTunes card now replaced by 500JPY iTunes card for reduced cost Log #106 [01/20/2017] - Explorers Board now updated with RPG stats and content Log #107 [01/20/2017] - Influence Ranking table on campaign page has been updated Log #108 [01/20/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG Tutorial video available on YouTube Log #109 [01/24/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG Tutorial added to SPECIAL INFORMATION section Log #110 [01/24/2017] - PHASE 26 REQUEST WEEK START Log #111 [01/30/2017] - PHASE 27 START Log #112 [01/30/2017] - New Featured Custom Design [Optics] added
TripMX Great Music Expedition 1st Year Anniversary!!!! Hello Explorers, I'm proud to announce that today marks the 1st Year Anniversary of the TripMX Great Music Expedition campaign!!! We've had a great year together, and I would like to thank each and every one of you for all of your support and for your participation in this special campaign thus far!! I now present to you all: 1st Year ANNIVERSARY UPDATE ^: ACTIVE MUSIC LIST has been added to the main campaign page! ***There, you can view the FREE DOWNLOADS and CAMPAIGN EXCLUSIVES music list! 1st Year ANNIVERSARY GIFTS Explorers with Influence ranging from 2.00~50.99 -You will receive a +20 Diamond Gift Explorers with Influence ranging from 51.00~99.99 -You will receive a +40 Diamond Gift Explorers with Influence that is 100.00 or higher -You will receive a +60 Diamond Gift REWARD NOTICE: The Diamond Gifts will be halved and sent to both your Campaign and RPG accounts. Well, that concludes this announcement! Thank you all very much, and I hope that you all can continue to enjoy what this campaign has to offer! ^_^ Sincerely, -TripMX Campaign Logs (continued) Log #99 [01/03/2017] - New Featured Custom Design [Tiara] added Log #100 [01/09/2017] - PHASE 25 REQUEST WEEK START Log #101 [01/16/2017] - PHASE 26 START Log #102 [01/16/2017] - Map Scanner OVERCHARGED Log #103 [01/20/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG [AE-RPG System] Integration UPDATE LIVE Log #104 [01/20/2017] - AE-System in ITEM SHOP is now "AE-RPG System" Log #105 [01/20/2017] - 5000JPY iTunes card now replaced by 500JPY iTunes card for reduced cost Log #106 [01/20/2017] - Explorers Board now updated with RPG stats and content Log #107 [01/20/2017] - Influence Ranking table on campaign page has been updated Log #108 [01/20/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG Tutorial video available on YouTube Log #109 [01/24/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG Tutorial added to SPECIAL INFORMATION section Log #110 [01/24/2017] - PHASE 26 REQUEST WEEK START Log #111 [01/30/2017] - PHASE 27 START Log #112 [01/30/2017] - New Featured Custom Design [Optics] added Log #113 [02/01/2017] - TripMX Great Music Expedition 1st Year Anniversary Log #114 [02/01/2017] - ACTIVE MUSIC LIST page link added to main campaign page Log #115 [02/01/2017] - TripMX Great Music Expedition 1st Year Anniversary gifts issued
TripMX Great Music Expedition - PHASE 27 REQUEST WEEK START ***TripMX Great Music Expedition*** >>>27th PHASE REQUEST WEEK<<< Hello Explorers! Today marks the beginning of the 27th PHASE REQUEST WEEK! ***IMPORTANT UPDATES*** 1. Fixed a critical bug that prevented some Explorers from being able to log into the Mini-RPG. *As compensation for the inconvenience, an extra 10 Diamonds has been added to all Explorers' RPG accounts. 2. Song "Walking on Fire" has been added as a FREE DOWNLOAD! 3. VERY IMPORTANT: Due to the domain expiring, the ALTERNATIVE campaign site has been rendered inaccessible, so please use the original campaign site if your ISP permits until I am able to resolve the issue with the hosting company. I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused. NOTE: The Explorers Board has been updated and Discovery Code rewards have been given! -->Check out to see what's changed in the Explorers Board on the campaign page! WARNING: All 27th PHASE Discovery Code entries are now locked. -->Explorers that did not post a Discovery Code will have to wait until the next PHASE. ^: This is the Mysterious Treasure Map + Map Key for this PHASE! -->Explorers, with your current items, you may now make your requests and post them here. NOTICE: The treasure map scanner recharges during REQUEST WEEK. 27th PHASE REQUEST WEEK ends on 02/12/2017. Campaign Page HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition Explorers, Happy Requesting! Campaign Logs (continued) Log #99 [01/03/2017] - New Featured Custom Design [Tiara] added Log #100 [01/09/2017] - PHASE 25 REQUEST WEEK START Log #101 [01/16/2017] - PHASE 26 START Log #102 [01/16/2017] - Map Scanner OVERCHARGED Log #103 [01/20/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG [AE-RPG System] Integration UPDATE LIVE Log #104 [01/20/2017] - AE-System in ITEM SHOP is now "AE-RPG System" Log #105 [01/20/2017] - 5000JPY iTunes card now replaced by 500JPY iTunes card for reduced cost Log #106 [01/20/2017] - Explorers Board now updated with RPG stats and content Log #107 [01/20/2017] - Influence Ranking table on campaign page has been updated Log #108 [01/20/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG Tutorial video available on YouTube Log #109 [01/24/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG Tutorial added to SPECIAL INFORMATION section Log #110 [01/24/2017] - PHASE 26 REQUEST WEEK START Log #111 [01/30/2017] - PHASE 27 START Log #112 [01/30/2017] - New Featured Custom Design [Optics] added Log #113 [02/01/2017] - TripMX Great Music Expedition 1st Year Anniversary Log #114 [02/01/2017] - ACTIVE MUSIC LIST page link added to main campaign page Log #115 [02/01/2017] - TripMX Great Music Expedition 1st Year Anniversary gifts issued Log #116 [02/07/2017] - "Walking on Fire" added as a FREE DOWNLOAD Log #117 [02/07/2017] - Fixed a critical bug in the TripMX GME Mini-RPG Log #118 [02/07/2017] - ALTERNATIVE campaign site OFFLINE due to domain expiration (!) Log #119 [02/07/2017] - PHASE 27 REQUEST WEEK START
TripMX Great Music Expedition - PHASE 28 START NOTE: MAP SCANNER FULLY CHARGED! This week's PHASE SONG is called Valentine Belated. Date Created: 02/13/2012 Artist Comments: Around 5 years ago on the eve of Valentine's Day, I decided to make a satirical song just for the occasion which even me laugh, haha! A story is told in this song. This PHASE week ends on 02/19/2017. Campaign Page HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition Good luck Explorers!! Campaign Logs (continued) Log #99 [01/03/2017] - New Featured Custom Design [Tiara] added Log #100 [01/09/2017] - PHASE 25 REQUEST WEEK START Log #101 [01/16/2017] - PHASE 26 START Log #102 [01/16/2017] - Map Scanner OVERCHARGED Log #103 [01/20/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG [AE-RPG System] Integration UPDATE LIVE Log #104 [01/20/2017] - AE-System in ITEM SHOP is now "AE-RPG System" Log #105 [01/20/2017] - 5000JPY iTunes card now replaced by 500JPY iTunes card for reduced cost Log #106 [01/20/2017] - Explorers Board now updated with RPG stats and content Log #107 [01/20/2017] - Influence Ranking table on campaign page has been updated Log #108 [01/20/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG Tutorial video available on YouTube Log #109 [01/24/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG Tutorial added to SPECIAL INFORMATION section Log #110 [01/24/2017] - PHASE 26 REQUEST WEEK START Log #111 [01/30/2017] - PHASE 27 START Log #112 [01/30/2017] - New Featured Custom Design [Optics] added Log #113 [02/01/2017] - TripMX Great Music Expedition 1st Year Anniversary Log #114 [02/01/2017] - ACTIVE MUSIC LIST page link added to main campaign page Log #115 [02/01/2017] - TripMX Great Music Expedition 1st Year Anniversary gifts issued Log #116 [02/07/2017] - "Walking on Fire" added as a FREE DOWNLOAD Log #117 [02/07/2017] - Fixed a critical bug in the TripMX GME Mini-RPG Log #118 [02/07/2017] - ALTERNATIVE campaign site OFFLINE due to domain expiration (!) Log #119 [02/07/2017] - PHASE 27 REQUEST WEEK START Log #120 [02/13/2017] - PHASE 28 START
TripMX Great Music Expedition - PHASE 28 REQUEST WEEK START ***TripMX Great Music Expedition*** >>>28th PHASE REQUEST WEEK<<< Hello Explorers! Today marks the beginning of the 28th PHASE REQUEST WEEK! ***NEW UPDATES*** Introducing a new event! ^: Once per month during any given REQUEST WEEK, this PHASE REVIVAL event will be live. With this new event, Explorers will have another opportunity to obtain previous PHASE SONGS that they may have missed or passed on in the past. ^: On the main campaign page under the PHASE SONG, during any given REQUEST WEEK, you may see the circled link; CLICK/TOUCH the link to access the PHASE REVIVAL event page. All necessary details for obtaining those songs are shown on the event page. NOTICE: These events are limited-time events, so be sure to read all details on the PHASE REVIVAL event page! As of now, the 1st WAVE of PHASE SONG REVIVALS have been released and are available! Please check it out! NOTE: The Explorers Board has been updated and Discovery Code rewards have been given! -->Check out to see what's changed in the Explorers Board on the campaign page! WARNING: All 28th PHASE Discovery Code entries are now locked. -->Explorers that did not post a Discovery Code will have to wait until the next PHASE. ^: This is the Mysterious Treasure Map + Map Key for this PHASE! -->Explorers, with your current items, you may now make your requests and post them here. NOTICE: The treasure map scanner recharges during REQUEST WEEK. 28th PHASE REQUEST WEEK ends on 02/26/2017. Campaign Page HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition Explorers, Happy Requesting! Campaign Logs (continued) Log #99 [01/03/2017] - New Featured Custom Design [Tiara] added Log #100 [01/09/2017] - PHASE 25 REQUEST WEEK START Log #101 [01/16/2017] - PHASE 26 START Log #102 [01/16/2017] - Map Scanner OVERCHARGED Log #103 [01/20/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG [AE-RPG System] Integration UPDATE LIVE Log #104 [01/20/2017] - AE-System in ITEM SHOP is now "AE-RPG System" Log #105 [01/20/2017] - 5000JPY iTunes card now replaced by 500JPY iTunes card for reduced cost Log #106 [01/20/2017] - Explorers Board now updated with RPG stats and content Log #107 [01/20/2017] - Influence Ranking table on campaign page has been updated Log #108 [01/20/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG Tutorial video available on YouTube Log #109 [01/24/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG Tutorial added to SPECIAL INFORMATION section Log #110 [01/24/2017] - PHASE 26 REQUEST WEEK START Log #111 [01/30/2017] - PHASE 27 START Log #112 [01/30/2017] - New Featured Custom Design [Optics] added Log #113 [02/01/2017] - TripMX Great Music Expedition 1st Year Anniversary Log #114 [02/01/2017] - ACTIVE MUSIC LIST page link added to main campaign page Log #115 [02/01/2017] - TripMX Great Music Expedition 1st Year Anniversary gifts issued Log #116 [02/07/2017] - "Walking on Fire" added as a FREE DOWNLOAD Log #117 [02/07/2017] - Fixed a critical bug in the TripMX GME Mini-RPG Log #118 [02/07/2017] - ALTERNATIVE campaign site OFFLINE due to domain expiration (!) Log #119 [02/07/2017] - PHASE 27 REQUEST WEEK START Log #120 [02/13/2017] - PHASE 28 START Log #121 [02/21/2017] - PHASE 28 REQUEST WEEK START Log #122 [02/21/2017] - Introducing the new PHASE REVIVAL event Log #123 [02/21/2017] - PHASE REVIVAL 1st WAVE released Log #124 [02/21/2017] - Replaced song previews for Primitive Association, High x Lows, and LEVEL 1
TripMX Great Music Expedition - PHASE 29 START NOTE: MAP SCANNER FULLY CHARGED! ***NEW Featured Custom Design [G-Spectrum] added! ADDITIONAL UPDATES -ACTIVE MUSIC LIST page has been updated -AE-RPG System has been placed outside of the ITEM SHOP for easier access -Request Rights LICENSING revisions made. There are now two types of LICENSES: 1. S-LICENSE (Single PHASE SONG request) 2. M-LICENSE (Multiple PHASE SONG request) ^: Depending on your request, you will receive the appropriate LICENSE. ^: With this new revised format, your collected licenses and songs could be maintained in a more organized fashion. **All old licenses have been reformatted to the new standard, and I will send you all the revised version of those licenses. Revision effective immediately. This week's PHASE SONG is called Astarte (Trip MiX). Date Created: 12/03/2012 Artist Comments: This is a remix of a track from the game "Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland" (PlayStation® 3). The track plays when you fight a very powerful boss enemy known as the "Twilight Maiden"; I thought the original track was cool, so I decided to re-create it from scratch and remix it, which proved to be an extremely challenging endeavor...somehow, after over 8.5 hours, I managed to complete my remix and ultimately used it for one of my mainstream music videos. This PHASE week ends on 03/05/2017. Campaign Page HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition Good luck Explorers!! Campaign Logs (continued) Log #99 [01/03/2017] - New Featured Custom Design [Tiara] added Log #100 [01/09/2017] - PHASE 25 REQUEST WEEK START Log #101 [01/16/2017] - PHASE 26 START Log #102 [01/16/2017] - Map Scanner OVERCHARGED Log #103 [01/20/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG [AE-RPG System] Integration UPDATE LIVE Log #104 [01/20/2017] - AE-System in ITEM SHOP is now "AE-RPG System" Log #105 [01/20/2017] - 5000JPY iTunes card now replaced by 500JPY iTunes card for reduced cost Log #106 [01/20/2017] - Explorers Board now updated with RPG stats and content Log #107 [01/20/2017] - Influence Ranking table on campaign page has been updated Log #108 [01/20/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG Tutorial video available on YouTube Log #109 [01/24/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG Tutorial added to SPECIAL INFORMATION section Log #110 [01/24/2017] - PHASE 26 REQUEST WEEK START Log #111 [01/30/2017] - PHASE 27 START Log #112 [01/30/2017] - New Featured Custom Design [Optics] added Log #113 [02/01/2017] - TripMX Great Music Expedition 1st Year Anniversary Log #114 [02/01/2017] - ACTIVE MUSIC LIST page link added to main campaign page Log #115 [02/01/2017] - TripMX Great Music Expedition 1st Year Anniversary gifts issued Log #116 [02/07/2017] - "Walking on Fire" added as a FREE DOWNLOAD Log #117 [02/07/2017] - Fixed a critical bug in the TripMX GME Mini-RPG Log #118 [02/07/2017] - ALTERNATIVE campaign site OFFLINE due to domain expiration (!) Log #119 [02/07/2017] - PHASE 27 REQUEST WEEK START Log #120 [02/13/2017] - PHASE 28 START Log #121 [02/21/2017] - PHASE 28 REQUEST WEEK START Log #122 [02/21/2017] - Introducing the new PHASE REVIVAL event Log #123 [02/21/2017] - PHASE REVIVAL 1st WAVE released Log #124 [02/21/2017] - Replaced song previews for Primitive Association, High x Lows, and LEVEL 1 Log #125 [02/27/2017] - PHASE 29 START Log #126 [02/27/2017] - ACTIVE MUSIC LIST Updated (and will be updated each PHASE) Log #127 [02/27/2017] - AE-RPG System has been placed outside of ITEM SHOP for easier access Log #128 [02/27/2017] - Request Rights LICENSE revisions made
TripMX Great Music Expedition Mini-RPG UPDATE!! TripMX Great Music Expedition Mini-RPG v1.1 UPDATE Hello Explorers, today marks the release of the next update to the Mini-RPG---v1.1!! Here are the details: New magic spell [Frost] added New accessory [ATK Amulet] added Fire Brand BURN efficacy increased (1% -> 1.5%) Triggster's chance to fire incendiary rounds reduced Weekly battle limit increased (50 -> 100) Various bug fixes and improvements In addition to this update, there is also a new EVENT! ^: From now until 03/31, you will have the chance to participate in this challenge event! The Explorer that hits Spring Rustler the hardest (highest damage in a single hit) by the end of the event, will receive a $10 USD Amazon Gift Card code! ALSO, specifically during this event, there will be some special boosts: -Gold drop amount TRIPLED -Diamond drop rate TRIPLED -Weekly Battle Limit DOUBLED (up to 200 battles) Explorers, you can now take advantage of this great opportunity! Thanks and have fun!
TripMX Great Music Expedition - PHASE 29 REQUEST WEEK START ***TripMX Great Music Expedition*** >>>29th PHASE REQUEST WEEK<<< Hello Explorers! Today marks the beginning of the 29th PHASE REQUEST WEEK! NOTE: The Explorers Board has been updated and Discovery Code rewards have been given! -->Check out to see what's changed in the Explorers Board on the campaign page! WARNING: All 29th PHASE Discovery Code entries are now locked. -->Explorers that did not post a Discovery Code will have to wait until the next PHASE. ^: This is the Mysterious Treasure Map + Map Key for this PHASE! -->Explorers, with your current items, you may now make your requests and post them here. NOTICE: The treasure map scanner recharges during REQUEST WEEK. 29th PHASE REQUEST WEEK ends on 03/12/2017. Campaign Page HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition Explorers, Happy Requesting! Campaign Logs (continued) Log #99 [01/03/2017] - New Featured Custom Design [Tiara] added Log #100 [01/09/2017] - PHASE 25 REQUEST WEEK START Log #101 [01/16/2017] - PHASE 26 START Log #102 [01/16/2017] - Map Scanner OVERCHARGED Log #103 [01/20/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG [AE-RPG System] Integration UPDATE LIVE Log #104 [01/20/2017] - AE-System in ITEM SHOP is now "AE-RPG System" Log #105 [01/20/2017] - 5000JPY iTunes card now replaced by 500JPY iTunes card for reduced cost Log #106 [01/20/2017] - Explorers Board now updated with RPG stats and content Log #107 [01/20/2017] - Influence Ranking table on campaign page has been updated Log #108 [01/20/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG Tutorial video available on YouTube Log #109 [01/24/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG Tutorial added to SPECIAL INFORMATION section Log #110 [01/24/2017] - PHASE 26 REQUEST WEEK START Log #111 [01/30/2017] - PHASE 27 START Log #112 [01/30/2017] - New Featured Custom Design [Optics] added Log #113 [02/01/2017] - TripMX Great Music Expedition 1st Year Anniversary Log #114 [02/01/2017] - ACTIVE MUSIC LIST page link added to main campaign page Log #115 [02/01/2017] - TripMX Great Music Expedition 1st Year Anniversary gifts issued Log #116 [02/07/2017] - "Walking on Fire" added as a FREE DOWNLOAD Log #117 [02/07/2017] - Fixed a critical bug in the TripMX GME Mini-RPG Log #118 [02/07/2017] - ALTERNATIVE campaign site OFFLINE due to domain expiration (!) Log #119 [02/07/2017] - PHASE 27 REQUEST WEEK START Log #120 [02/13/2017] - PHASE 28 START Log #121 [02/21/2017] - PHASE 28 REQUEST WEEK START Log #122 [02/21/2017] - Introducing the new PHASE REVIVAL event Log #123 [02/21/2017] - PHASE REVIVAL 1st WAVE released Log #124 [02/21/2017] - Replaced song previews for Primitive Association, High x Lows, and LEVEL 1 Log #125 [02/27/2017] - PHASE 29 START Log #126 [02/27/2017] - ACTIVE MUSIC LIST Updated (and will be updated each PHASE) Log #127 [02/27/2017] - AE-RPG System has been placed outside of ITEM SHOP for easier access Log #128 [02/27/2017] - Request Rights LICENSE revisions made Log #129 [03/01/2017] - TripMX GME Mini-RPG v1.1 UPDATE release Log #130 [03/01/2017] - Spring Rustler Challenge Event START Log #131 [03/07/2017] - PHASE 29 REQUEST WEEK START
TripMX Great Music Expedition [ENDING SOON] 1/2 VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Dear everyone, after some recent decisions regarding the continued support of the campaign here, I've decided to conclude this campaign here at the end of the 30th PHASE; this stage will be known as the 1st CONCLUSION. The campaign will continue its course from the next PHASE onwards on FaceBook; the majority of Explorers have been participating via FaceBook, so if you're still interested in participating, please find me on FaceBook. Thank you all very much for your time! My FaceBook: CLICK HERE NOTE: MAP SCANNER FULLY CHARGED! This week's PHASE SONG is called Love Memoir. Date Created: 11/03/2013 Artist Comments: Love Memoir is the 3rd installment of my "Love" song series! This song came about in a very interesting way. A good friend of mines from Hong Kong, who happens to be an aspiring filmmaker, asked me to make a song for one of his videos. The video was about love and betrayal, and had a "fake" sex scene. With that it mind, he had asked for something "romantic/sexy", but what I delivered was not to his satisfaction for the scene---that was the BETA version of Love Memoir. After that, I decided to finish the song and make the COMPLETE version, which is this "Love Memoir" that was publicly released. This PHASE week ends on 03/19/2017. Campaign Page HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition Campaign Page (ALTERNATIVE LINK) HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition (ALTERNATIVE LINK) Good luck Explorers!!
TripMX Great Music Expedition [ENDING SOON] 2/2 ***TripMX Great Music Expedition*** >>>30th PHASE REQUEST WEEK<<< Hello Explorers! Today marks the beginning of the 30th PHASE REQUEST WEEK! Final Updates -PHASE REVIVAL is back with the 2nd WAVE! -The PHASE can now be seen on Mysterious Treasure Map -"Do You Want To Build A Snowman? (Bad ReMiX)" is now a FREE DOWNLOAD! ^: You can find it on the ACTIVE MUSIC LIST on the campaign page. NOTE: The Explorers Board has been updated and Discovery Code rewards have been given! -->Check out to see what's changed in the Explorers Board on the campaign page! WARNING: All 30th PHASE Discovery Code entries are now locked. -->Explorers that did not post a Discovery Code will have to wait until the next PHASE. ^: This is the Mysterious Treasure Map + Map Key for this PHASE! -->Explorers, with your current items, you may now make your requests and post them here. NOTICE: The treasure map scanner recharges during REQUEST WEEK. 30th PHASE REQUEST WEEK ends on 03/26/2017. Campaign Page HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition Campaign Page (ALTERNATIVE LINK) HERE: TripMX Great Music Expedition Explorers, Happy Requesting! Logs (continued) Log #132 [03/14/2017] - PHASE 30 START Log #133 [03/14/2017] - CAMPAIGN 1st CONCLUSION Announcement Log #134 [03/21/2017] - PHASE 30 REQUEST WEEK START Log #135 [03/21/2017] - PHASE REVIVAL 2nd WAVE released Log #136 [03/21/2017] - The PHASE can now be seen on the Mysterious Treasure Map Log #137 [03/21/2017] - "Do You Want To Build A Snowman? (Bad ReMiX)" is now a FREE DOWNLOAD
TripMX Great Music Expedition [1st CONCLUSION] TripMX Great Music Expedition -1st CONCLUSION- Hello everyone, TripMX here! As mentioned in recent posts, today, the conclusion of the campaign on this site has finally come to pass. I would personally like to thank each and everyone who participated, and I would also like to thank those who took the time to check out this big campaign! The amount of work and effort put into this campaign was great, and I hope that it encourages others to strive for success in something they love. In closing, I would like to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! ^_^ FINAL LOG Log #138 [03/28/2017] - TripMX Great Music Expedition 1st CONCLUSION Sincerely, -TripMX