Hello everyone!! I'm TripMX, an aspiring artist in the music community! I'm starting my newest biggest music campaign ever! This campaign is called "TripMX Great Music Expedition". ***CAMPAIGN LAUNCHED*** [-->>ENTER<<--] [-->>ENTER (ALTERNATIVE LINK)<<--] What is TripMX Great Music Expedition? TripMX Great Music Expedition is my newest campaign celebrating all the music I've created over the years. It's my way of creatively giving back to the wonderful community that supported me throughout my endeavors. Become an Explorer! As an Explorer, you will have a chance to get your hands on some musical treasure! Simply post that you want to be an Explorer, and I will add you as an Explorer. WARNING: If you want to join and become an Explorer, here are the requirements: 1. Patience and Perseverance 2. At least 1 minute of your time per week. NOTE: This campaign is FREE to join as an Explorer, and no registration is required on the campaign page; the campaign will run right here on TouchArcade within this topic. SPECIAL REWARDS OFFERED: 1. 5000JPY Japanese iTunes Cards ($50 USD value) 2. 1000JPY Japanese iTunes Cards ($10 USD value) 3. 500JPY Japanese iTunes Cards ($5 USD value) 4. Special Limited-Time Songs 5. Etc. (I also plan on adding $5 USD and $10 USD Amazon Gift Cards soon) ^: These rewards can be earned by simply participating in and keeping up with the campaign. ***CAMPAIGN DETAILS [SIMPLIFIED]*** 1. Every month has 4 weeks, so here's what will happen each month: -Week 1 - PHASE week -Week 2 - REQUEST WEEK -Week 3 - PHASE week -Week 4 - REQUEST WEEK 2. PHASE week -A new PHASE song will be introduced with a preview. -During PHASE week, Explorers can use the "Mysterious Treasure Map Scanner". -The scanner will yield a Discovery Code. -Explorers can post ONE Discovery Code in this topic per PHASE week. 3. Discovery Codes Discovery Codes will contain one of the following rewards: -Gold -Diamonds -PHASE SONG (current) -VIP Pass 4. REQUEST WEEK -Discovery Code results are revealed during this week. -The Explorers Board is also updated during this week. -During REQUEST WEEK, Explorers may exchange items and use their Request Rights. -Explorers can post what they want to exchange directly in this topic during REQUEST WEEK. -Gold (100) can be exchanged for Diamonds (10). -Diamonds (10) can be exchanged for the current PHASE SONG and/or Custom Designs. -If you obtain a PHASE SONG, you will also be given the Request Rights to that song. -A VIP Pass can be exchanged for the current PHASE SONG or saved for a future PHASE SONG. **Request Rights are the official rights to request a full PHASE song for download during REQUEST WEEK. 5. Explorers Board -Explorers will have a place in the "Explorers Board" on the page. -You may check these boards to see your stats as well as other Explorers' stats.[/list] NOTE: All new Explorers start with 50 Gold and 1 VIP Pass. CAUTION: Please use the [FORUM USERS CLICK HERE] link on the campaign page. ***CAMPAIGN DETAILS [FULL]*** The full campaign details are on the TripMX Great Music Expedition page. I highly recommend that all Explorers take the time to review them. I will update this thread as the campaign progresses. Thank you all very much, and I hope that you can become an Explorer! ^_^ Campaign Logs Log #1 [02/01/2016] - Campaign Launch Log #2 [02/01/2016] - PHASE 1 START Log #3 [02/08/2016] - PHASE 1 REQUEST WEEK START Log #4 [02/15/2016] - PHASE 2 START Log #5 [02/22/2016] - PHASE 2 REQUEST WEEK START Log #6 [02/29/2016] - PHASE 3 START Log #7 [02/29/2016] - New Custom Design [Flare] added Log #8 [03/07/2016] - PHASE 3 REQUEST WEEK START Log #9 [03/14/2016] - ITEM SHOP added Log #10 [03/14/2016] - Japanese iTunes Card (5000 JPY) and new Custom Design added to item shop. Log #11 [03/14/2016] - PHASE 4 START Log #12 [03/21/2016] - Explorers Board hierarchy is now sorted by Influence and Music Synergy. Log #13 [03/21/2016] - PHASE 4 REQUEST WEEK START Log #14 [03/28/2016] - Changed "THIS Month's Custom Design" to "Featured Custom Design". Log #15 [03/28/2016] - New Featured Custom Design [Reach] added Log #16 [03/28/2016] - PHASE 5 START Log #17 [04/04/2016] - Synergy Selection #1 event announced Log #18 [04/04/2016] - PHASE 5 REQUEST WEEK START Log #19 [04/11/2016] - Synergy Selection #1 event ended Log #20 [04/11/2016] - PHASE 6 START Log #21 [04/18/2016] - PHASE 6 REQUEST WEEK START Log #22 [04/22/2016] - Added "When Doves Cry (High Speed Trip MiX)" to ITEM SHOP (Limited-Time) Log #23 [04/25/2016] - New Featured Custom Design [Enigma] added Log #24 [04/25/2016] - PHASE 7 START Log #25 [05/02/2016] - PHASE 7 REQUEST WEEK START Log #26 [05/09/2016] - PHASE 7 REQUEST WEEK EXTENSION (+1 day) Log #27 [05/10/2016] - PHASE 8 WEEK START Log #28 [05/10/2016] - Map Scanner OVERCHARGE announcement Log #29 [05/16/2016] - PHASE 8 REQUEST WEEK START Log #30 [05/23/2016] - New Featured Custom Design [Infinity Bands] added Log #31 [05/23/2016] - PHASE 9 START Log #32 [05/30/2016] - PHASE 9 REQUEST WEEK START Log #33 [06/06/2016] - PHASE 10 START Log #34 [06/06/2016] - Added new Campaign Logo Log #35 [06/14/2016] - PHASE 10 REQUEST WEEK START Log #36 [06/14/2016] - Synergy Selection #2 event announced Log #37 [06/20/2016] - Synergy Selection #2 event concluded Log #38 [06/20/2016] - Added "Mystery Item" to ITEM SHOP Log #39 [06/20/2016] - PHASE 11 WEEK START Log #40 [06/20/2016] - New Featured Custom Design [V-Spectrum] added Log #41 [06/27/2016] - PHASE 11 REQUEST WEEK START Log #42 [06/27/2016] - Minor changes made to Featured Custom Design "V-Spectrum" for mobile devices Log #43 [06/27/2016] - "Mystery Item" REVEALED -> New Limited-Time song "Love Triangle (English ver.)" Log #44 [07/04/2016] - "Love Triangle (English ver.)" removed from ITEM SHOP Log #45 [07/04/2016] - PHASE 12 START Log #46 [07/11/2016] - PHASE 12 REQUEST WEEK START Log #47 [07/18/2016] - PHASE 13 START Log #48 [07/18/2016] - New Featured Custom Design [La Rouge] added Log #49 [07/25/2016] - PHASE 13 REQUEST WEEK START Log #50 [08/01/2016] - PHASE 14 START Log #51 [08/01/2016] - Map Scanner OVERCHARGED Log #52 [08/08/2016] - PHASE 14 REQUEST WEEK START Log #53 [08/15/2016] - PHASE 15 START Log #54 [08/15/2016] - New Featured Custom Design [Paintbow] added Log #55 [08/20/2016] - Removed Custom Design [Sparkwave] from the ITEM SHOP Log #56 [08/20/2016] - Added previous Featured Custom Design [Flare] to the ITEM SHOP Log #57 [08/20/2016] - Added a dynamic and semi-dynamic SPECIAL INFORMATION section Log #58 [08/20/2016] - Changed obtained Custom Designs from plain text to visual graphics Log #59 [08/20/2016] - Implemented the new Avatar Extraction System (AE-System) Log #60 [08/22/2016] - PHASE 15 REQUEST WEEK START Log #61 [08/29/2016] - PHASE 16 START Log #62 [08/29/2016] - Introducing CAMPAIGN EXCLUSIVE DEBUT SONGS Log #63 [09/05/2016] - PHASE 16 REQUEST WEEK START Log #64 [09/12/2016] - PHASE 17 START Log #65 [09/12/2016] - New Featured Custom Design [Galaxis] added Log #66 [09/19/2016] - PHASE 17 REQUEST WEEK START Log #67 [09/26/2016] - PHASE 18 START Log #68 [10/04/2016] - PHASE 18 REQUEST WEEK START Log #69 [10/10/2016] - PHASE 19 START Log #70 [10/10/2016] - New Featured Custom Design [Pinque] added Log #71 [10/10/2016] - Added "Mystery Item" to ITEM SHOP Log #72 [10/17/2016] - PHASE 19 REQUEST WEEK START Log #73 [10/17/2016] - AE-System UPDATED with enhancements + 10 NEW avatars Log #74 [10/17/2016] - "Mystery Item" REVEALED -> FRINGE Theme Song (Paranoid MX edit) Log #75 [10/24/2016] - PHASE 20 START Log #76 [10/24/2016] - FRINGE Theme Song (Paranoid MX edit) removed from ITEM SHOP Log #77 [10/24/2016] - Previous Featured Custom Design [Reach] added to ITEM SHOP permanently Log #78 [10/24/2016] - Small modifications to ITEM SHOP Log #79 [10/24/2016] - New campaign PHASE logo added Log #80 [10/31/2016] - PHASE 20 REQUEST WEEK START Log #81 [10/31/2016] - Synergy Selection #3 event announced Log #82 [11/07/2016] - Synergy Selection #3 event concluded Log #83 [11/07/2016] - PHASE 21 START Log #84 [11/07/2016] - New Featured Custom Design [Leylines] added Log #85 [11/07/2016] - Map Scanner OVERCHARGED! Log #86 [11/15/2016] - PHASE 21 REQUEST WEEK START Log #87 [11/22/2016] - PHASE 22 START Log #88 [11/29/2016] - PHASE 22 REQUEST WEEK START Log #89 [12/05/2016] - PHASE 23 START Log #90 [12/05/2016] - New Featured Custom Design [Solar Burst] added Log #91 [12/13/2016] - PHASE 23 REQUEST WEEK START Log #92 [12/16/2016] - Mini RPG Project Announcement Log #93 [12/20/2016] - PHASE 24 START Log #94 [12/20/2016] - Unknown Christmas Gift added to ITEM SHOP Log #95 [12/27/2016] - Christmas Gift REVEALED -> Beat of the Rising Sun (Trip MiX) [Limited-Time] Log #96 [12/27/2016] - PHASE 24 REQUEST WEEK START Log #97 [01/03/2017] - Beat of the Rising Sun (Trip MiX) removed from ITEM SHOP Log #98 [01/03/2017] - PHASE 25 START -senkoujin aka TripMX
TripMX Great Music Expedition Hello senkoujin, I want to be an explorer. I really loved your creativity of combining all the music compositions. I hope it will be a great treat for the fans. Looking forward to experience it once again. Thanks again for offering this opportunity.
Just chiming in to say that senkoujin absolutely did get approval to post this his here, so if any other mod is reading this, please don't delete this thread as spam.
TripMX Great Music Expedition - 1st PHASE START NOTICE: The campaign has launched. All early Explorers have received the following special rewards: (1) +5 Additional Diamonds (2) +1 Additional VIP Pass This week's PHASE SONG is called Primitive Association. Date Created: 10/18/2011 Artist Comments: I made this song when I first started to become more serious about making music. While making this one, I envisioned cavemen and stones (laugh if you will, lol); I wanted to do something tribal, but with a modern twist. Welcome aboard as an Explorer, JesseHotham!! Glad to have you! Much appreciated, metalcasket!! Maybe someday if you decide, you can also become an Explorer, hehe! This PHASE week ends on 02/07/2016. Good luck Explorers!!
TripMX Great Music Expedition - 1st PHASE REQUEST WEEK ***TripMX Great Music Expedition*** >>>1st PHASE REQUEST WEEK<<< Hello Explorers!! Today marks the beginning of the 1st PHASE REQUEST WEEK! NOTE: The Explorers Board has been updated and Discovery Code rewards have been given! -->Check out to see what's changed in the Explorers Board on the campaign page! WARNING: All 1st PHASE Discovery Code entries are now locked. -->Explorers that did not post a Discovery Code will have to wait until the next PHASE. ^: This is the Mysterious Treasure Map + Map Key for this PHASE! -->Explorers, with your current items, you may now make your requests and post them here. NOTICE: The treasure map scanner recharges during REQUEST WEEK. 1st PHASE REQUEST WEEK ends on 02/14/2016. Explorers, Happy Requesting!
TripMX Great Music Expedition - 2nd PHASE START NOTICE: MAP SCANNER FULLY CHARGED! This week's PHASE SONG is called Highs x Lows. Date Created: 10/27/2011 Artist Comments: When I made this song, I had a more 'whimsical' idea in mind, but in the end, it became darker, for my true colors came out, haha! This PHASE week ends on 02/21/2016. Good luck Explorers!! Campaign page HERE: http://www.tripmx.netii.net/gme/campaign.html
TripMX Great Music Expedition - PHASE 2 REQUEST WEEK ***TripMX Great Music Expedition*** >>>2nd PHASE REQUEST WEEK<<< Hello Explorers!! Today marks the beginning of the 2nd PHASE REQUEST WEEK! NOTE: The Explorers Board has been updated and Discovery Code rewards have been given! -->Check out to see what's changed in the Explorers Board on the campaign page! WARNING: All 2nd PHASE Discovery Code entries are now locked. -->Explorers that did not post a Discovery Code will have to wait until the next PHASE. ^: This is the Mysterious Treasure Map + Map Key for this PHASE! -->Explorers, with your current items, you may now make your requests and post them here. NOTICE: The treasure map scanner recharges during REQUEST WEEK. Finton46 - Hehehe, thank you very much for your comments! 2nd PHASE REQUEST WEEK ends on 02/28/2016. Explorers, Happy Requesting!
TripMX Great Music Expedition - 3rd PHASE START NOTICE: MAP SCANNER FULLY CHARGED! ***New Custom Design added! This week's PHASE SONG is called LEVEL 1. Date Created: 02/05/2012 Artist Comments: I had originally made this song for a friend of mines so that he could practice rapping, but he never really got around to it, so that is how this song came to be. This PHASE week ends on 03/07/2016. Good luck Explorers!! Campaign page HERE: http://www.tripmx.netii.net/gme/campaign.html
TripMX Great Music Expedition - 3rd PHASE REQUEST WEEK ***TripMX Great Music Expedition*** >>>3rd PHASE REQUEST WEEK<<< Hello Explorers!! Today marks the beginning of the 3rd PHASE REQUEST WEEK! NOTE: The Explorers Board has been updated and Discovery Code rewards have been given! -->Check out to see what's changed in the Explorers Board on the campaign page! WARNING: All 3rd PHASE Discovery Code entries are now locked. -->Explorers that did not post a Discovery Code will have to wait until the next PHASE. ^: This is the Mysterious Treasure Map + Map Key for this PHASE! -->Explorers, with your current items, you may now make your requests and post them here. NOTICE: The treasure map scanner recharges during REQUEST WEEK. 3rd PHASE REQUEST WEEK ends on 03/13/2016. Explorers, Happy Requesting!
TripMX Great Music Expedition - PHASE 4 START NOTICE: MAP SCANNER FULLY CHARGED! CAMPAIGN UPDATE! ***ITEM SHOP added! ^: You can now use Diamonds and Gold to exchange for items in the new item shop!! ADDITIONAL NOTES: ^: You may have noticed that some Explorers have acquired PHASE SONG Request Rights. This week's PHASE SONG is called Ze Baron Bleu (Long version). Date Created: 09/30/2011 Artist Comments: Before making the original "Ze Baron Bleu", I had decided that I wanted to experiment by making a song using the accordion instrument. While making this song, I used said instrument and tried some random experimentation with other instruments to create something unique from my previously created songs of that time. This is the long version of the original song. This PHASE week ends on 03/20/2016. Good luck Explorers!!
TripMX Great Music Expedition - 4th PHASE REQUEST WEEK ***TripMX Great Music Expedition*** >>>4th PHASE REQUEST WEEK<<< Hello Explorers!! Today marks the beginning of the 4th PHASE REQUEST WEEK! Campaign Update: The Explorers Board hierarchy is now sorted by Influence and Music Synergy. NOTE: The Explorers Board has been updated and Discovery Code rewards have been given! -->Check out to see what's changed in the Explorers Board on the campaign page! WARNING: All 4th PHASE Discovery Code entries are now locked. -->Explorers that did not post a Discovery Code will have to wait until the next PHASE. ^: This is the Mysterious Treasure Map + Map Key for this PHASE! -->Explorers, with your current items, you may now make your requests and post them here. NOTICE: The treasure map scanner recharges during REQUEST WEEK. SECRET HINT: "The next PHASE will bring good fortune to those with good synergy." 4th PHASE REQUEST WEEK ends on 03/27/2016. Explorers, Happy Requesting!
TripMX Great Music Expedition - PHASE 5 START NOTICE: MAP SCANNER FULLY CHARGED! ***New Featured Custom Design added! This week's PHASE SONG is called Hello Eileen. Date Created: 02/01/2013 Artist Comments: I made this song for a good friend of mines, a beautiful girl with a personality of both light and darkness emanating from within. This PHASE week ends on 04/03/2016. Good luck Explorers!! Campaign page HERE: http://www.tripmx.netii.net/gme/campaign.html
TripMX Great Music Expedition - PHASE 5 REQUEST WEEK START ***TripMX Great Music Expedition*** >>>5th PHASE REQUEST WEEK<<< Hello Explorers!! Today marks the beginning of the 5th PHASE REQUEST WEEK! ^: Remember this? Well... Campaign UPDATE: ***Introducing Synergy Selection*** ^: Synergy Selection will offer rewards to Explorers based on their Music Synergy! ^: To obtain the reward, Explorers must first have fulfilled the requirements; if the requirements are fulfilled, then they may request the Synergy Selection reward during the current REQUEST WEEK. ^: Synergy Selection is only active in the ITEM SHOP for a limited time during any given REQUEST WEEK. ^: Click on the INFORMATION and CHECK links for more details. NOTE: Each Synergy Selection event will be announced, and reward requirements will vary each time. Once the event deadline has been reached, the Synergy Selection will deactivate, and the item will disappear from the ITEM SHOP until the next Synergy Selection. So, this is one big "Hello" to the Synergy Selection update! -->UPDATE END NOTE: The Explorers Board has been updated and Discovery Code rewards have been given! -->Check out to see what's changed in the Explorers Board on the campaign page! WARNING: All 5th PHASE Discovery Code entries are now locked. -->Explorers that did not post a Discovery Code will have to wait until the next PHASE. ^: This is the Mysterious Treasure Map + Map Key for this PHASE! -->Explorers, with your current items, you may now make your requests and post them here. NOTICE: The treasure map scanner recharges during REQUEST WEEK. 5th PHASE REQUEST WEEK ends on 04/10/2016. Explorers, Happy Requesting!
TripMX Great Music Expedition - PHASE 6 START NOTICE: MAP SCANNER FULLY CHARGED! This week's PHASE SONG is called Lithium Crisp. Date Created: 11/01/2011 Artist Comments: I wanted to make a song that had more of a retro 80s feel to it, and I was actually able to make it sound pretty close to what I was going for. This PHASE week ends on 04/17/2016. Campaign Page HERE: http://www.tripmx.netii.net/gme/campaign.html Good luck Explorers!!
TripMX Great Music Expedition - PHASE 6 REQUEST WEEK START ***TripMX Great Music Expedition*** >>>6th PHASE REQUEST WEEK<<< Hello Explorers!! Today marks the beginning of the 6th PHASE REQUEST WEEK! NOTE: The Explorers Board has been updated and Discovery Code rewards have been given! -->Check out to see what's changed in the Explorers Board on the campaign page! WARNING: All 6th PHASE Discovery Code entries are now locked. -->Explorers that did not post a Discovery Code will have to wait until the next PHASE. ^: This is the Mysterious Treasure Map + Map Key for this PHASE! -->Explorers, with your current items, you may now make your requests and post them here. NOTICE: The treasure map scanner recharges during REQUEST WEEK. 6th PHASE REQUEST WEEK ends on 04/24/2016. Explorers, Happy Requesting!
TripMX Great Music Expedition - ANNOUNCEMENT ***TripMX Great Music Expedition*** >>>ANNOUNCEMENT<<< In commemoration of the recent death of the legendary artist PRINCE, I have decided to release my remix of one of my favorite songs---When Doves Cry (1984). Song: When Doves Cry (High Speed Trip MiX) Date Created: 01/28/2012 Artist Comments: Re-created and remixed from the ground up on iOS (iPad/iPhone), I've accomplished what I've always wanted to do, and that was to make a remix of Prince's "When Doves Cry". This song took me 10.5 hours to complete, and I used it in my very 1st Music Video. This offer is currently FREE for Explorers for a limited time. At a later date in the future, I will eventually release this as a public free download among my other free songs. Campaign Page HERE: http://www.tripmx.netii.net/gme/campaign.html
TripMX Great Music Expedition - PHASE 7 START NOTICE: MAP SCANNER FULLY CHARGED! ***New Featured Custom Design added! This week's PHASE SONG is called Love Source. Date Created: 10/19/2012 Artist Comments: When I made this song, I wanted to make something more melancholic and sad. I've partially achieved this goal, but I went on a tangent halfway through the song; overall, the final results were to my liking. This is the second song of my "Love" series. This PHASE week ends on 05/01/2016. Campaign Page HERE: http://www.tripmx.netii.net/gme/campaign.html Good luck Explorers!!
TripMX Great Music Expedition - PHASE 7 REQUEST WEEK ***TripMX Great Music Expedition*** >>>7th PHASE REQUEST WEEK<<< Hello Explorers!! Today marks the beginning of the 7th PHASE REQUEST WEEK! NOTE: The Explorers Board has been updated and Discovery Code rewards have been given! -->Check out to see what's changed in the Explorers Board on the campaign page! WARNING: All 7th PHASE Discovery Code entries are now locked. -->Explorers that did not post a Discovery Code will have to wait until the next PHASE. ^: This is the Mysterious Treasure Map + Map Key for this PHASE! -->Explorers, with your current items, you may now make your requests and post them here. NOTICE: The treasure map scanner recharges during REQUEST WEEK. ?????: Hmm, the scanner seems to be charging faster than usual this time... 7th PHASE REQUEST WEEK ends on 05/08/2016. Explorers, Happy Requesting!
Phase extension notice PHASE EXTENSION NOTICE ATTENTION Explorers! Due to the release of my newest song Maternal Gangsta (3rd MiX), I have extended the current PHASE (PHASE 7) by one day, therefore TODAY is the last day you can make requests for this PHASE. PHASE 8 begins tomorrow. Thank you!