Game Impressions My app store review: If your looking for the best multiplayer shooter look no further, Trigger Fist arrives with the bang for your buck. One of the hardest things for developers on this platform is designing a control scheme that works for mobile devices. Trigger Fist has revolutionized ios shooter game controls as this beautiful game runs smooth as butter. This is a very polished app from the top down. With the deep unlock system, excellent ai that you will swear is human, smooth gun game, awesome maps and great game modes, I feel the asking price of $5 is to low. You really get what you pay for here and I have no doubt this will become one of the greatest shooters that you can play on the app store. I'm looking forward to future updates as I am completely addicted to this game. Now I'm back to playing Sacred Goat!
I just played with both you guys! We had a good team Bazooka but I always have the most fun playing against you noobs.
Wow, the screenshots look awesome, and from what I understand, you can play as a goat. It looks like hecticly (is that a word?) awesome multiplayer fun.'s a question for you: Why don't I have the option to play Multiplayer? >_> It's just Bluetooth and Singleplayer in the drop-down menu. >_>
This looks about as good as the first modern combat. The best selling point for this game is that its easy? And that is just because of the always centered crosshair with a lot of auto aim. A game of who can press the fire button quickest. If gameloft made this game it would get very low reviews. Only 4 players can play at the same time with bots? How about the 16 we get in mc3... The graphics aren't anything to brag about either. This should be free. I will not follow the hype with this one.
Should be: Matchmaking play with friends Bluetooth Single Player Not sure why you would be missing the first two options unless your connection was out?
Wifi's fine, 3G is fine, tried restarting, everything. I don't get the first 2 options. This is ****ing bizarre.
Some of this was covered. Gameloft has their own servers, GameCenter only allow four players. As for the "this should be free" comment, that is beyond crazy and a huge part of what is wrong with the App Store.
Wow, that is weird. So when you click on the single player button in the top right, only the last two options are available? Did the game start off having you go through the tutorial?
Guess I have no choice but to reinstall the app. If it makes any difference I downloaded it from the phone itself. When Im home I'll transfer the app to my laptop and try resycing. If THAT doesn't work, I'll try a fresh download. Anyone else experiencing this?
I dont care about the graphics, its all about the gameplay (like most games). This should be free ? As the other person said this is whats wrong with iOS gaming. People expecting everything for free (or 99c), the game will hardly bankrupt you will it ? Ridiculous
The quality of this game matches the quality of many games that are free or $1. Auto aiming? How about auto firing as well. It would also be easier with auto walking...
It's not auto-aiming, it's auto-zooming. It zooms when you spot an enemy. It's very intuitive and works incredibly well. As for anyone demanding the world for $.99 or a free app, it's their loss. This game is amazing and they'll miss out.
Great more ridiculous comments ! At the end of the day if you dont like the game dont post in it. Theres many games i dont like so i dont bother posting in those threads. You think its free or $1, fair enough, others dont. You were moaning at people saying Nova 3 was priced high at $7. But move on
Yep just had my first go at multiplayer and it was great, a lot of fun, and the game variations (eg king of the hill) was great, i dont think i'll be the best as there seems to be some great players out there but a lot of fun. Well worth the money
Fantastic game. Team Fortress and Counter Strike... But, made especially for ops. I'm having a blast! Great job.
Just bought it but game center refuses to start up with the game so i can't play online/can't see GC achievements! This is the first game where GC refuses to start up... I'm on a ipad3 64GB wifi only Anybody have a fix for this??