Meant to respond to this a bit ago... First, provided LE doesn't change anything, they have created my new favorite IAP set-up, which is not easy to do, because I'm not a knee-jerk supporter of IAP or developers. AMAZING job LE. Second, while I wholeheartedly feel for early adopters, this was probably the best timing I've seen for a sale, with the most profoundly beneficial results. I don't know if anyone has been checking, but the player base jumped from around 20,000 to over 1,000,000, which is exactly what people (including myself) wanted. So again, good job LE. Based on my friends' levels, it looks like people who got in for free are using the (completely optional) IAP exactly the way it was intended, to gain ground quickly. Again going back to the brilliance of the class/weapon/leveling/IAP scheme that LE used, the funny thing is that it doesn't really matter how fast you level up, but more on that in a minute... Third, yeah, when I broke the top 10 in another MP iOS game, my GC invites jumped dramatically. I currently get 10-20 a day. Fourth, boosters. Gotta love 'em. That one guy has the high score on almost every game I regularly play, although, having finally gotten good enough at this game that it was worth checking the boards, I couldn't help noticing he is getting better at choosing scores that are not outright impossible for the most part... Finally, picking a class/longevity of the game. Going back to my IAP comment, one of the places that LE really, really nailed this title, is the playability/leveling/challenge aspect of it. It's going to take me quite some time to level everything, but in the meantime, my K/D is quickly approaching 2.0 D), and the weapons I've already unlocked (at least 3 tiers from top) are bringing me 20-35/2-5 matches on a regular basis. I really have to take the time to formalize my thoughts on this game into an impressions post, but to summarize... Lake Effect? You guys F'ing hit it out of the park with this title, from the build, gameplay, IAP utilization, the controls/customization, AI, UI... seriously guys. Good work! DBC
Not to bring up an old point again, but isn't using the same weapons over 100+ matches a little repetitive? I found myself continuously playing on the fountain map with the M16 or the MP5 in order to level up quickly, as I averaged around 40-50 kills on that map. Idk I feel like there should be a better way to increase longevity of the game rather than making weapons walled off behind a huge pay wall(not impossible to pass, but extremely high). And after getting the UMP, and finally reaching 20,000 after 20+ hours, there's no motivation to work towards 100,000, which is 5 times that amount(at least for me). I just feel like they couldve implemented the IAP better and made it more balanced. And of course, after updating, the stats I've accumulated got erased, so w/e. And I agree with all your other points. Though many enjoy MC and Nova, this is the first shooter that I actually was good at and liked
While I know this might shock, amaze, and even frighten some, I concede that you have a point, and bring up a valid flaw in my opinion. The longevity for me comes from the spot-on controls, the ridiculously well-coded AI, playing with live people (I know, I know), the achievements, and now that I don't suck as much, the leaderboards. My opinion is that the weapon upgrade scaling works because I simply don't care when I get the next weapon considering the one I have is awesome, which I find brilliant, but I can definitely see those who want to keep getting different weapons finding the upgrade system, let's just say a little steep ()... It will be too late for me, but if LE were to make one meaningful change, somehow linking Global XP with Class XP couldn't hurt... DBC
Quote: Originally Posted by Jchan This just happened to me as well while playing "Save the Goat." The AI did all movements except for shooting the gun. I racked up more kills than I ever have (17 or so). i call troll on this one _________________________________________________ That's fine. It's about the level of discourse that I should expect from a video game forum. What I thought I'd hear back was: "this happened to me" from others whohave had this happen, as a glitch like this is probably not so rare. It still required skill by the way, since I had enemies in the line of fire before I was able shoot them. A better player could easily have racked up many more. (In the meantime, yes I can get those numbers without the glitch It would take a bit of time to retrieve a password for a TA account that I never use--and that I only set up to complain once about Madfinger losing all of my IAPs--so that I could invent a fairly unremarkable but interesting glitch. To sit around attributing that kind of behavior to others must be fairly time and energy consuming.Enough for me.
Kicked ASS against some humans today with my MG36. No offense to them, but the AI was more of a challenge.
I will have to agree with everyone. If you want kills aboves deaths... KotH is the way to go. I mostly play goat gane but i did the king and if u dont care about winning u can rack up many kills.
I use KotH to make up for the deaths caused by going for pistol kills, melee kills, goat carries, etc., so I can maintain my K/D. You can actually even win KotH pretty regularly while still posting serious scores, provided you don't go nuts. If I secure 1-2 hills my team often pulls off the win, all with me posting pretty highly skewed scores... DBC
I meant by letting the match go on for awhile while you rack up kills. I let the ai keep the hill and peg them from distance Still like play the goat more lol
I'll tell you guys the secret to getting tons of decimators. I have over 300 but I can't keep up on the leaderboards. Use the m16 and enable the scope. Then play get the goat on the subway level. Instead of going after the goat, only hang out on the very ends of the level and just go back and forth between the two lanes, scoping out all the baddies. I've found that using double tap is easier. Once you've done it awhile you should get 2-4 decimators per round. Good luck!
Alright, I'm getting frustrated... Is there a way to get 4-kills? Aside from dumb luck? I've come close about 100 times (thanks a lot, AI teammates), mostly with the Rifleman, but I'm beginning to think I should just start lobbing grenades, RPGs, etc. into defended KotH hills... Anyone got a better plan? DBC
Game Impressions What's wrong with this picture? (Goat went missing after the first 45 seconds). Given that I was called a troll when I posted about the AI glitch, I thought I'd post some visual evidence of this one. I have pics of the scores gradually increasing...eventually got bored and quit, however.I do like that the glitches seem to work in the players favor (that's a lot of kills
I don't think he literally meant that you are a troll. I took it that he meant it as a joke and not an insult to you. Nobody doubts, at least I don't, what you said. Time to leave the troll misunderstanding behind. That is some real high single match scores. The highest I've gotten is 80 odd from a single match. And that was a lot of goat carriers getting slaughtered.