Uuuhhhmmm, guys? I just had the weirdest gaming experience ever. I just "played" a matchmaking KOTH match, only, I didn't do anything. Like, throughout the whole match. Someone or something was controlling my character, and they were, embarrassingly, better than me. I was also using a weapon I'm pretty sure I don't own, with an attached grenade launcher. I could reload and fire, but I could not move, and my character shot without my input as well. I ended up on the winning team, with 17 kills and 14 deaths. Oh, and it gets even weirder. All of my totals moved, Scout, Gunner, etc., and in different amounts. Has anyone else experienced this? DBC
Been checking out the forums for a couple of months now without a single post. As you can see, this game changed that. I mean, it's a mobile-friendly version of Counter Strike, what's not to like? Gotta say, I'm really loving the game. Still, I wished I encountered more human players online. What are your GC accounts everybody? GC Account: DaftDiego Feel free to add me
I wish I remembered. I tend to rotate through all of them trying to level them up. I'm pretty sure it was either the Gunner or the Rifleman. I gotta tell ya, it's the single weirdest thing I've ever seen. I got to the point where I was like, "What are you doing? Don't go over there! Aw man, you got us killed!" Weird. Edit: Wait! I just remembered something that might be helpful. I was in the stage where the game is syncing, and I took a phone call. When I went back to the game, like 10 minutes later, it started the round... DBC
Go with WTF. It would match what I was saying throughout the whole experience... Edit: Just for the record, my life is a little too busy at the moment to make something this ridiculous up, so yeah, not trolling, just asking for feedback from other players. DBC
I've got Single Player and Bluetooth up there. I came here to ask about online myself as I cant find it either.
Wow, and no secret achievement for that? lol I'm sure it was a bot, but it's strange. There were 8 players, right?
lol there's a small chance that this actually happened you turned into a bot for reasons I can't exactly explain haha
Yeah. I made sure before posting by closing everything in the multitasking tray at the bottom again and letting GC kick in upon launch. Still only got Singleplayer and Bluetooth there. Perhaps that's the reason still for the lack of players online? I want to get online and can't. How many don't even know?
I am really glad you're here! I was dreading the thought of trying to prove I'm not a troll. Honest to God, it was the weirdest thing! I must say, the bot explanation makes the most sense. I wonder if taking the phone call took me out of the rotation, and when I got put back in, viola? BTW, your bots are really good! Anyhoo, back to it! DBC
None. It's not the problem, it's your problem. Sounded wrong, but seriously, make sure it shows the "welcome back, what's-your-face" notification it should show matchmaking option
Log out of gamecenter on your device. Create a new game center account. Log in with new account and then play the game briefly. Then in gamecenter app, log out of new account and log back in with new account. Again play the game. In the bottom right, where your rank is, use profile selection to select your original gamecenter account. All the options should then be there in game mode. This has worked for another guy who had the same problem. It's a glitch in gamecenter communications. It seems rare enough. It's not a major contributor to other people saying not getting real players. Gamecenter is just inefficient.