Now now we had this discussion already day or 2 ago which became a flame war. Yeah it sux. I bought also but idc. Reason being cause i didnt want to wait for a "sale". U love this game... You know it lol
I just played and switch between scout and gunner and didnt notice a speed dif just in the reload. Then again maybe im just slow Anyways what i meant in speed i guess would be a loadout. If you have allot you are slower. But not in this game. I want this in the 2nd game that id gladly pay for just for it to be free later lol
The only game I'd feel miffed on right now if the price went "free" in days is The World Ends With You, lol, that might suck a little.
Game Center is garbage, it's just that simple. If this ever goes to private servers with 12 man live players it would be solid.
Yeah, I also think game center is what is limiting the game. It only allows 4 real players and matchmaking is a real hit and miss with it. The AI is very good and the game is a lot of fun anyway. It would be real nice if Apple upped the real player limit and took some steps to make the matchmaking more seamless or simply work better. iOS 6 and new iPhone launch hopefully has something game center related up its sleeve.
Way to rip off all us paying customers by giving away this a month after it came out. If your gonna give away the game then give us all our money back. The fact that there was nothing wrong with this game and it has only been a month since it came out really makes me angry!! Where my money? What do I get for buying the game. Beside's a thorn in my back. Way to spit in our faces!
Bit harsh really. From reading the article on the TA front page about it going on sale, it looks like an effort to boost online numbers. Which it appears to have done. Maybe the "report problem" thing in iTunes would give you your money back anyway depending on the reason you use, as I'm sure the developer can't give it back directly to you. "report problem" might be the way to go.
I think this post qualifies for a "Bitchy Brad voice" on the next podcast, lol. No offense, but that last episode had me rollin' at work! Go listen to hear what I'm talking about.
You think that's bad? I bought it, and two days later it became free. Whatever, I won't begrudge the devs money that they deserve.
Yeah that shit is hirlarious. I'm just sayin if your gonna give it away. I could care less about the online numbers I havn't had a problem with that. As I stated there is nothing wrong with the game at all it's great!! But, if your gonna give it away for a bullshit reason! Expect some B-rad bitching!! I meant to say it more as a question since your giving it away how bout giving my money back?? "knowing full well I will not receive my money" Also the developers do deserve the money. Gamers deserve better too!!!!!
I get it now. Bit slow today. Excuse my "report" button thing then. That podcast was one of the funniest so far.
One thing also want to get fixed is when you get invited to a game. Im playing amd my screen gets all laggy because some ine invites me. And if i dont drop everything then i miss it. Er annoying. I want to play but want ti finish current game
I prefer the P90 over the UMP.. but UMP probably is the best. (best SMG, that is.. All I use) I just like the p90 itself.... in every game.. ever.
Indeed. would you rather it go on sale for .99? Would it make you feel that much better that everyone else had to pay some money too? Go cry about it. Or you could just get the fuk over it. It went on sale. For just a few damn days. For a good reason, too. If you don't like it, take it up with life. :>
I get many kills on KoH with the M-16 or M-4. I camp near the hill, find an enemy, then 3 round burst shuts them right up. Went 25-3 last time.