Link: Trials of Mana SQUARE ENIX “Trials of Mana,” the hit console game with over 1 million copies and downloads sold coming to a smartpho… TouchArcade Rating: $19.99 Buy Now Watch Media Details“Trials of Mana,” the hit console game with over 1 million copies and downloads sold coming to a smartphone near you! Fun for longtime fans of the Mana Series and new players alike! ◆Story When the world was shrouded in darkness, the Goddess of Mana drew forth the Sword of Mana to smite the eight Benevodons, monsters of destruction. She sealed the horrors inside the eight Mana Stones, bringing the realm back from the brink. Weak from rebuilding the world, the Goddess changed into a tree and fell fast asleep for years. However, the forces of evil sought to free the Benevodons to gain control of the world. They started a terrible war to further their plot and destabilize the kingdoms. Peace was at an end. Mana itself began to disappear from the world and the Mana Tree to wither... ◆Playable Characters Players start their adventure by selecting three of the six main characters. The overlapping story of interwoven destinies changes depending on who you choose as your main character and companions! ◆Graphics See the spectacular world of Mana in full 3D render! Scenes and characters from the original game now in beautifully detailed graphics. ◆Battle System Use the dynamic fighting system to evade enemies and fight back with aerial and combo attacks. Utilize the signature ring menus of the Mana Series and new shortcut commands. ◆Powering Up Characters Switch to light or dark classes to strengthen your characters and change their look. In this remake, there’s also a newly added Class 4. With over 300 different kinds of abilities available, there are many different ways to train and power up your characters. ◆Difficulty You have the option of four difficulty settings: Beginner, Easy, Normal, and Hard. The Beginner setting allows players to resume in the same spot no matter how many times they get a game over. If you find action games hard or want to focus on the story, select this difficulty. ◆Soundtrack The 60-song soundtrack features arrangements overseen by the original composer, Hiroki Kikuta. Players can switch the BGM to the new version or the SNES version. ◆Voiceover Full voiceover in English and Japanese! The characters in your party determine which extra conversations happen during your journey. ◆New Game Plus After you beat the game once, you will unlock new storylines for your party members. You can unlock harder difficulties like Expert and the No Future after playing through the new storylines. ◆New Features Included in the game is the option to play through flashbacks for each character in your party. You’ll also see a familiar Mana Series face when searching for Li’l Cactus during your adventures. Plus, there are additions like a new type of item seed and the autosave feature. ◆Smartphone-Specific ・Menus are touch-operated. Control characters with the directional pad overlay display. ・Newly added features like auto-target, auto-camera, and auto-battle. ・Graphic quality options available. ・Cloud save compatible. ・Can obtain the starting gear “Rabite Adornment,“ which increases the EXP gained in battle up to level 17 and “Silktail Adornment,” which increases the amount of lucre gained in battle up to level 17. 【App Download】 ・This application is approximately 6.7GB in total. Please ensure you have the necessary storage space available on your device before purchasing. ・After starting the game, a large portion of data must be downloaded after defeating the first boss. You can also select “Download” on the title screen to download the entire app at once. ・A Wi-Fi connection is highly recommended when downloading the app. 【Players】 1 【Recommended Devices】 iPhone 7 and above Information Seller:SQUARE ENIX Genre:Action, Role Playing Release:Jul 15, 2021 Updated:Oct 12, 2021 Version:1.0.3 Size:3.2 GB TouchArcade Rating: User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Moshfosh Well-Known Member Jun 1, 2013 97 21 8 #2 Moshfosh, Jul 15, 2021 Does it offer controller support? That’s a big factor in me taking the plunge on a $24 game no matter how fantastic it looks Taeles and sharfaust like this. sharfaust Well-Known Member Jul 1, 2013 339 75 28 #3 sharfaust, Jul 15, 2021 I hate to be “that guy,” but does anyone know if this is controller compatible? Thank you in advance! Taeles likes this. L.Lawliet Well-Known Member Jun 28, 2011 6,405 420 83 #4 L.Lawliet, Jul 15, 2021 Oh damn this is nice. I'm so tempted (but so poor). I've actually never played one of these Trials of Mana games before - being on mobile would help a lot. I'll be that guy and ask how are the TOUCH controls? I don't use controllers at all but touch controls / UI have to be good. And I'm curious to know if this makes my phone into a hot mess or is it pretty standard? 3D games can sometimes be well optimized or just a disaster on your battery. I'm guessing at this price point, not many people will have taken the plunge yet. Also, it's 7 gb so you need a ton of space for this one. I'd have to clean out my phone if I did buy it. Taeles Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Aug 5, 2011 1,253 37 48 #5 Taeles, Jul 15, 2021 Pfft, im in same boat. For 25 dollars i very much want to know if this game has controller support or not. sharfaust likes this. Brightsiderus Well-Known Member Feb 1, 2017 2,236 540 113 #6 Brightsiderus, Jul 15, 2021 I always wonder why people want to bound themselves to a controller in a mobile game? kline6666, Ijipop, L.Lawliet and 1 other person like this. Taeles Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Aug 5, 2011 1,253 37 48 #7 Taeles, Jul 15, 2021 Because we have a controller that works dandy and some of us prefer not to have our fingers all over the screen blocking the very pretty graphics. Also, i took the plunge. Zero controller support in this game. Wierd too because you can turn off the on screen buttons. bx59 likes this. Shebby289 Well-Known Member Apr 21, 2010 155 0 16 #8 Shebby289, Jul 15, 2021 How’s the frame rate for this? 60 or 30 as with switch version? sharfaust Well-Known Member Jul 1, 2013 339 75 28 #9 sharfaust, Jul 15, 2021 Thanks for taking one for the “Controller Support” Team! Oh well! Since I prefer playing on my iPad, looks like I will be saving $24! Taeles likes this. bx59 Well-Known Member Dec 2, 2016 238 116 43 #10 bx59, Jul 15, 2021 I’m also curious about this. Lack of controller support is already unpleasant… Hambo12 Well-Known Member Jul 23, 2012 1,943 28 48 on the internet #11 Hambo12, Jul 15, 2021 wow had no idea this was coming to mobile. played over 100 hours on my nintendo switch definitely recommend this game! it’s an awesome action rpg! L.Lawliet likes this. Brightsiderus Well-Known Member Feb 1, 2017 2,236 540 113 #12 Brightsiderus, Jul 15, 2021 But mobile games in my opinion should be mobile, and if you play it on a table with a controller it’s seems weird to me. If I want to play on a small screen using buttons- I play my Switch Lite. The point is that some people don’t want to play games only because they need to tap, no matter how good they are(in controls too) anthony78 and L.Lawliet like this. pero New Member Dec 28, 2013 1 2 3 #13 pero, Jul 15, 2021 I understand what you're saying, but today there are controllers like Razer Kishi which basically turn your mobile device into Switch, so there is no need to play it on a table with the controller. Draven2222 and Taeles like this. tekchic Well-Known Member Jun 5, 2009 452 29 28 Female Software Developer Phoenix, AZ #14 tekchic, Jul 15, 2021 Last edited: Jul 15, 2021 I preordered it since it was one I hadn't played and I'd been looking forward to. I have the disc version for PS4, but will probably eBay it, I'd rather play on the go. Disappointing on the controller support, but not surprised. Squeenix has a meh rep with mobile ports. My challenge will be to finish the game before it doesn't have support in iOS 15 or some other dumb thing. I really wish Square Enix did a better job at the ports and supported them for longer. Anyone know if it has cloud support yet? I downloaded the initial game to iPad/iPhone, but haven't had time for a gaming session yet. EDIT: I see a "sync" button so it looks like we have cloud support. That's a step up at least. Taeles, downgrad3r and L.Lawliet like this. squarezero Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Dec 10, 2008 13,716 1,240 113 Male Chief Strategy Officer Salem, Massachusetts, USA #15 squarezero, Jul 15, 2021 Or my boy the Backbone One . Draven2222, downgrad3r and Taeles like this. Jackaluk Well-Known Member Jul 3, 2015 401 94 28 #16 Jackaluk, Jul 16, 2021 Mobile games with a controller are absolutely still mobile, that’s a no sense response! Look at the controller options and clips available now!! It’s the game that often determines the best type of control!! Some games play brilliantly on an iPad without a controller, civilisation iv for instance ! But other games regardless of if you’re playing them on a PS5 or iPad/iPhone are just better with a controller!! Why would you artificially restrict yourself to only using touchscreen? Draven2222, Charles Elwood Gay III, Gambler and 2 others like this. sharfaust Well-Known Member Jul 1, 2013 339 75 28 #17 sharfaust, Jul 16, 2021 Well said! Taeles likes this. gaberaph Well-Known Member Feb 20, 2015 70 14 8 #18 gaberaph, Jul 16, 2021 I kinda see both sides of this but I’m just gonna say that it makes no sense from Square’s side to add controller support since, I’m guessing, they’re hoping people who want to play with a controller will buy one of the console versions ♂️ downgrad3r Well-Known Member Jul 1, 2016 64 51 18 #19 downgrad3r, Jul 16, 2021 Didn't know about the BO before! Hat tip! Taeles likes this. tekchic Well-Known Member Jun 5, 2009 452 29 28 Female Software Developer Phoenix, AZ #20 tekchic, Jul 16, 2021 I have to say, I'm at least impressed with the game so far -- played for 35 minutes and it only used 2% of my battery on my 2018 11" iPad Pro on high graphics! Downside, I'd much prefer using my PS4 controller -- the movement feels a little much to get used to. I set it to floating d-pad because the static one is WAY high up on an iPad screen and feels awkward to use. But with a floating d-pad, I now have to have my left finger down so I can "look"/pan with my right. It feels cumbersome. Fingers crossed that they add some kind of rudimentary support. I'm normally happy to play with touch controls, but this game's gonna take some getting used to. Other thing I'm not sure about is saving. You're supposed to save at statues, and occasionally I see an "Auto save" pop up but I only saw one statue in the first 35 minutes of gameplay... and a couple of auto saves, so we'll see what I'm walking into later today when I pick it back up to play again and if I lost progress in that first "outside the town" area. Solarclipse and Taeles like this. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
Does it offer controller support? That’s a big factor in me taking the plunge on a $24 game no matter how fantastic it looks
I hate to be “that guy,” but does anyone know if this is controller compatible? Thank you in advance!
Oh damn this is nice. I'm so tempted (but so poor). I've actually never played one of these Trials of Mana games before - being on mobile would help a lot. I'll be that guy and ask how are the TOUCH controls? I don't use controllers at all but touch controls / UI have to be good. And I'm curious to know if this makes my phone into a hot mess or is it pretty standard? 3D games can sometimes be well optimized or just a disaster on your battery. I'm guessing at this price point, not many people will have taken the plunge yet. Also, it's 7 gb so you need a ton of space for this one. I'd have to clean out my phone if I did buy it.
Pfft, im in same boat. For 25 dollars i very much want to know if this game has controller support or not.
Because we have a controller that works dandy and some of us prefer not to have our fingers all over the screen blocking the very pretty graphics. Also, i took the plunge. Zero controller support in this game. Wierd too because you can turn off the on screen buttons.
Thanks for taking one for the “Controller Support” Team! Oh well! Since I prefer playing on my iPad, looks like I will be saving $24!
wow had no idea this was coming to mobile. played over 100 hours on my nintendo switch definitely recommend this game! it’s an awesome action rpg!
But mobile games in my opinion should be mobile, and if you play it on a table with a controller it’s seems weird to me. If I want to play on a small screen using buttons- I play my Switch Lite. The point is that some people don’t want to play games only because they need to tap, no matter how good they are(in controls too)
I understand what you're saying, but today there are controllers like Razer Kishi which basically turn your mobile device into Switch, so there is no need to play it on a table with the controller.
I preordered it since it was one I hadn't played and I'd been looking forward to. I have the disc version for PS4, but will probably eBay it, I'd rather play on the go. Disappointing on the controller support, but not surprised. Squeenix has a meh rep with mobile ports. My challenge will be to finish the game before it doesn't have support in iOS 15 or some other dumb thing. I really wish Square Enix did a better job at the ports and supported them for longer. Anyone know if it has cloud support yet? I downloaded the initial game to iPad/iPhone, but haven't had time for a gaming session yet. EDIT: I see a "sync" button so it looks like we have cloud support. That's a step up at least.
Mobile games with a controller are absolutely still mobile, that’s a no sense response! Look at the controller options and clips available now!! It’s the game that often determines the best type of control!! Some games play brilliantly on an iPad without a controller, civilisation iv for instance ! But other games regardless of if you’re playing them on a PS5 or iPad/iPhone are just better with a controller!! Why would you artificially restrict yourself to only using touchscreen?
I kinda see both sides of this but I’m just gonna say that it makes no sense from Square’s side to add controller support since, I’m guessing, they’re hoping people who want to play with a controller will buy one of the console versions ♂️
I have to say, I'm at least impressed with the game so far -- played for 35 minutes and it only used 2% of my battery on my 2018 11" iPad Pro on high graphics! Downside, I'd much prefer using my PS4 controller -- the movement feels a little much to get used to. I set it to floating d-pad because the static one is WAY high up on an iPad screen and feels awkward to use. But with a floating d-pad, I now have to have my left finger down so I can "look"/pan with my right. It feels cumbersome. Fingers crossed that they add some kind of rudimentary support. I'm normally happy to play with touch controls, but this game's gonna take some getting used to. Other thing I'm not sure about is saving. You're supposed to save at statues, and occasionally I see an "Auto save" pop up but I only saw one statue in the first 35 minutes of gameplay... and a couple of auto saves, so we'll see what I'm walking into later today when I pick it back up to play again and if I lost progress in that first "outside the town" area.