Universal Trials Frontier - (by RedLynx)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. jenkki

    jenkki Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
    Helsinki, Finland
    Hi, Oomonkey is correct, the game will connect with Trials Fusion when both are available some time next year.
  2. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    Can you say if the tracks are going to get harder more like hard or extreme tracks from trials Evo and HD later on? As so far they are all really easy and it's boring, as a long time fan of the series I don't want to quit but if they are all this easy then I don't see much point in me carrying on.
    I can see it's probably aiming more at the casual market being on mobile which I can understand, but that's just not for me I need hard/challenging tracks.
    I'm still playing but it's a pain having to wait 80mins to then get 2mins playtime.
  3. jenkki

    jenkki Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
    Helsinki, Finland
    Hi Monkey, I don't know how far you are into the game but the tracks do get harder and what is in the game right now will be added to with updates, both before launch and after launch.
  4. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    Hi I'm this far in if you can tell from the map screen :confused:

    Attached Files:

  5. Qwertz555

    Qwertz555 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2010
    OMG...if it stays like this when worldwide is available, well...downloading, rating, deleting, take a shower !
  6. kaibosh

    kaibosh Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    I was perhaps a little harsh when judging this game, at least for the gameplay. The graphics are truly astonishing, it feels like they are kinda heading in the right direction and the game could end up being worthy of the Trials name. I guess there is ZERO chance of this being released as a Premium title... What a shame, these timer based Freemium titles sure drop the ball as far as I am concerned. Surely there is a growing number of people that will never reward this economic gouging, right? Or am I completely out to lunch, and Clash of Clans has singlehandedly destroyed video games...

    At the very least I wish these companies would test the waters and see if people would be happier shelling out $5.99 for a title like this, on top of friendly IAP done right. Timer based games are the end of all things, another Canadian soft launch most of you can't play yet is Boom Beach and they are putting the screws to us from every direction. I can actually feel the psychologists tinkering with my brain playing that game, their attempts to frustrate me working quite nicely while I clench my jaw and refuse to open my wallet.
  7. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    I'm a really puzzled as to who came up with and who agreed that the
    Is game and it's features were a good idea :confused:
    Let's just point this out, my mission collect candy for a little girl, which can only be own from the wheel of fortune style thing after each race (so it's random what you'll get)
    I wait 80mins to get my 8 fuel try the track that's listed having candy as one of the rewards, win the track and spin the wheel no candy, repeat 8 times and still no candy, oh well come back in another couple of hours if you want to try again??
    Also the IAP/payment model, now I can under stand and I'd be happy with paying for extra tracks, rider customisation, new bike skins etc. but the only IAP at the minute is for gems to spend on gas refills,
    It's like they actively don't want my money, because I refuse to spend money on consumable IAP.
    Really hope so guys at red lynx have a serious think about this before launching it worldwide as I know it's got a pretty huge following and this is not doing the series and kind of justice at all, it's now just your standard 2d free to play bike game on the App Store. :mad:
  8. NOEN

    NOEN Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    Well said again.
    I have this love/hate relationship with this game. I love the gameplay, story, graphics, art, but I find myself more frustrated, than actually having fun. Especially when your trying to gain parts or candy from the wheel. There are so many timer based games out there and this one seems to be the worst as far as wait time. I'm guessing the timers aren't going anywhere, so it would be nice if they were shortened or if you could buy extra bikes and the timers were based on the bikes like in RR3. Again, I know this is in Soft Launch and nothing is permanent, I'm just giving my feedback. This is my favorite iOS game when I'm actually playing it and the worst iOS game when I'm waiting to play it. Lol, we need to meet somewhere in the middle.
  9. MJK

    MJK New Member

    Sep 6, 2013
    I was going to post suggestions on how to improve the game, but now I have a more critical situation to post about. The game won't load any longer on my iPhone 4S. I have done an awful lot of missions and now all of a sudden the game just won't load any longer and I don't really know how to give RedLynx any useful feedback on the situation. In other words, I don't know how to post the crash report on it.

    I made a backup of the game on to my computer. Just re-downloading the game started the game from the very start (so the game worked again, but all my progress was gone); restoring the older game saves on top of the newly downloaded installation of the game lead to the game not loading at all (the same problem that lead me to uninstall and re-install the game in the first place).

    Considering how the game is paced, I was VERY far into the game when this happened. I don't want to criticise the gameplay in general in this post, but even without the implemented timers determining how much you can play the game in a row, I got too far into the game to really want to do it all over again. With the timers that are in place, it would take a week (which is how long it took me to reach this point since release while playing the game. Playing a lot and often), just to reach the point I was at before.

    I really would like to keep playing this, but unless my saves somehow magically start working again, I don't see myself reaching the point I was at.
  10. kaibosh

    kaibosh Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    What is really terrifying is that this obscenely grotesque timer based IAP molestation *works*. They do it because they know it will rake in the dollars. Clash of Clans and Candy Crush Saga have destroyed portable gaming as we know it. Other devs simply don't have the choice anymore, not if they want to eat.

    Obviously a 'soft launch' will by design swing from one end of the spectrum to the other, and then get fine tuned to the last minute. If the accountants at Ubisoft are paying attention, we as gamers are really getting sick of this crap. The time is going to come when people will refuse en masse to reward this sickening gouging, I promise you. Make your game good enough and it will sell for real money $5.99 is a good price point for a Trials worthy title.

    I will never spend a penny on this game as is.
  11. ShiftySamurai

    ShiftySamurai Member

    Feb 13, 2012
    Redlynx Community Manager
    Hello MJK,

    Do you have other apps running in the background? If so, can you try closing them and running Frontier again?

    If that doesn't work can you use the in-game report function? You can access the support function by touching the gear from the Village screen, and then "Support" from the right hand side of the screen. It will send some fairly important device info to Customer Support. That, along with as much detailed information that you can include, will be key in our efforts to figure out why the game is crashing on your device.
  12. MJK

    MJK New Member

    Sep 6, 2013
    No other apps running in the background and I also tried restarting my iPhone a few times.

    I started the game over from the beginning, but I do still have my old saves backed up in case this bug gets squashed.
  13. TicTac

    TicTac Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2011
    I've more or less given up on this game. Putting timers in a trials game is just wrong.
  14. kaibosh

    kaibosh Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    I can't blame them for doing so, but isn't it cute that the devs completely ignore all discussion concerning the timer based IAP? Playing for a *few* minutes and having to wait hours... Such a stunning engine, if it absolutely has to be F2P why can't it at least be a dual currency design where the push for cash comes from repetitive grinding? Timers in a pure action physioplatrunner is so ghastly wrong that I weep for baby Jesus.
  15. sicksilvo

    sicksilvo Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2012
    The good, the bad & the ugly

    Trials have been one of my favorite game series for a long time now, and I think that devs did a great job creating nice little casual game.
    It's good looking & it's fun to play. It's all about precision and timing as it should be, story is not engaging and it's really cheesy also it's irrelevant in this type of game.

    Mechanics implemented in it however are a different story..

    "Engineers like to solve problems. If there are no problems handily available, they will create their own problems."
    Scott Adams

    Generally speaking, timers in a game & always online requirement for singleplayer portion of the same are two most moronic things that ever hit gaming world.
    How money hungry and greedy can people be?

    "Oh, but it's free and no one is forcing you to play it" when ever I see this invalid argument I think to myself: Well, this must be how 22 Kilotons of pure, unrefined, raw B S sounds and looks like

    Rant over, goodbye
  16. Andrey1610

    Andrey1610 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2010
    Anyone completed mission "Final showdown -beat Butch in Tree Houses"?
  17. MJK

    MJK New Member

    Sep 6, 2013
    Some quest balancing would be appreciated.

    For example, so many quests have you collecting just nuts and bolts that it becomes a grind. The problem being mostly that once you've completed a quest that has you collecting bolts for example, very soon you get another one to gather the very same items all the while you have a stockpile of nearly all the other ones.

    The same goes for the quests to get candy for the girl. The grind in this case comes from the randomness of the prize wheel at the end of the maps. Especially annoying in maps that cost 2 fuel to play.

    But right now I've been stuck on the mission "Candy Pusher". Well, while I say stuck, I mean more just waiting to grind it out. The mission has you simply upgrade your Jackal bike several times. This is fine and all, but since it costs 3000 or more coins to upgrade once even when you have the required parts (which I do have), it takes a long time to gather said coins.

    To clarify the problem with the "Candy Pusher" quest, the issue is that I can't get any other quests other than that one and so I'm stuck gathering around 200 coins per map. Playing a map that gives that many coins costs 2 fuel to play once. I have a max of 9 fuel. For the past couple of days, I've needed about 13,000 coins to do the last 3 upgrades that the quest wants me to do.

    As I posted earlier, my game stopped loading a while ago and had to restart from the very beginning and on my last time playing through this, I didn't actually get stuck here. In other words I had other quests to do (they give a nice amount of coins as rewards). Not really sure how that's possible as I've actually spent less coins this time around on upgrades that weren't tied to quests than I did last time.
  18. Andrey1610

    Andrey1610 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2010
    Special message to developer who created mission "Race against ghost (The Trebuchet)" - I wish you endless nightmares with green cockroaches! :D

    Please, make this track easier, I spent many days and hours in order to beat this race. This was insanely hard.

    Attached Files:

  19. hiptanaka

    hiptanaka Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2009
    #79 hiptanaka, Dec 26, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
    Game is polished and shows a lot of potential, but IAP needs some tweaking.
  20. Andrey1610

    Andrey1610 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2010
    I played without internet many times. Game doesn't required connection. Check your device settings.

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