Universal Trials Frontier - (by RedLynx)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. scrotally

    scrotally Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2013
    I fully support this idea being that they ruined this game with their bull+^+= timers. I wonder if they can tell if someone uses this method and ban them. Why can't they just have a full unlock price for what could be a great game. Oh yeah, because enough morons buy into the f2p model and keep it thriving.
  2. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    Anyone know if the game data syncs up to your Uplay account? I really don't feel lime starting all over
  3. sweetdiss

    sweetdiss Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2009
    Sure does.
  4. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    Thanks :)
  5. EightRooks

    EightRooks Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2012
    Aaand I'm out. Sorry, Ubisoft, I tried, but this is just too much. Trying over and over and over and over and over again against AI ghosts who are faster than me, pull off every jump, dive and twirl perfectly every. Single. Time and where I know the only way I can ever beat them is to grind for days for upgrades that barely do anything is just... too much. Other than the graphics engine Bike Baron did everything here (that actually matters) better three bloody years ago. Controls, physics, handling, difficulty curve, course design, sense of achievement, everything. Anyone who prefers this is nuts, basically.

    And it's not just the F2P/IAP/timer nonsense - I was more or less fed up of the Trials franchise after Evo Gold Edition and I think this is my cue to just abandon it for good. Hell, Badland is a much better Trials game than any Trials has ever been - I'm damn sure the only people sticking with Trials at this point are incurable masochists. God. So, so, so mad, bro. You're damn lucky you've got Assassin's Creed, Ubisoft. And Rayman. And possibly Driver. And... okay, you're still one of my favourite mega-corporations, seriously, but no more bloody motorbikes. Seriously. Or anything with Red Lynx's name on it. Ever again. I'm out.
  6. scrotally

    scrotally Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2013
    That's like your opinion man. I completely disagree with your opinion on Trials games. The physics and controls are impeccable. Even on ios. The f2p element and timers are a disgrace and I am so angry at them for ruining what could have been a great game. The learning curve is high to master trials but once you do nothing compares. Bike Baron was good but it made me desire Trials. Too bad they went the greedy route.
  7. Ins0mniac

    Ins0mniac Member

    May 8, 2012
    Game Impressions

    Couldn't agree more. I've been playing Trials games for years on Xbox and PC and the transition of Trials to iOS brought with it just as amazing physics and controls (although I am baffled why there is no controller support!). I've also been playing pretty much every sideways-scrolling, trials-like game that has hit iOS over the last few years, including Bike Baron. While that was fun it's not even in the same league with its physics, handling, controls and graphics (although in fairness its quite old now).

    Obviously the fact that Trials is an poorly-balanced Freemium game with timers and too much reliance on IAPs hurts the game severely, but there is still much fun to be had without handing over a cent if you are patient.

    I'm holding out faint hope for a patch to make the game fairer and add controller support, as it's an awesome game sitting underneath an awful freemium model.
  8. bilboa

    bilboa Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2013
    Boston, MA, USA
    #208 bilboa, May 2, 2014
    Last edited: May 2, 2014
    I think the RedLynx console Trials games are excellent, though they have occasionally frustrated me enough that I could imagine writing a rant like EightRooks's in a fit of pique. After a little break I end up going back and enjoying them some more. I can't say the same of Trials Frontier though. I agree that the riding itself is great, but the whole Freemium implementation basically ruined it for me. I played it a bit for a few days, but decided all the aggravation of working around the silly features that exist only to support the Freemium model outweighed the fun.

    There are plenty of great iOS platformers that I can play instead, and get my trials riding fix from Bike Baron or Trials Evo on my xbox. My current favorite iOS platformers are Wind Up Knight 2 and Leo's Fortune.
  9. scrotally

    scrotally Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2013
    You mean EightRooks rant.
  10. bilboa

    bilboa Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2013
    Boston, MA, USA
    Yes I did, sorry.
  11. xzamplezz

    xzamplezz Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2012
    #211 xzamplezz, May 3, 2014
    Last edited: May 3, 2014
    I strongly disagree with Eightrooks.

    While I truly enjoy Bike Baron, and the fact that it's developers have the integrity to make it a premium game; it falls short to Frontier in controls, physics, and track design. Bike Baron does have the track editor though.

    Bike Baron has arcade-like physics, while Frontier has more realistic physics. I, personally, find Frontier's core game to be better than Fusion (the console version).

    I have always avoided recommending freemium games, and Frontier is no different. While it's core game is great; the IAPs are exploitative. So, if you feel like the developers deserve your support: buy something. But please don't let them pressure you into giving them money by forcing you to wait for something. Not only are the IAPs not worth the money in the long run, but you also don't want to give money to a developer that's taking advantage of you.
  12. scrotally

    scrotally Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2013
    Between timers and ridiculously worthless and overpriced iap's there are a lot of things to complain about. Part collecting in this game is officially my least favorite part of this travesty of a game that I can't stop playing because I love trials(starting to hate though). At least with the timers you can play for awhile set the game down when you run out of gas and pick it up later. Part collecting on the other hand..............ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Once you get further into the game all you end up doing is racing the same track over and over to try to get the stupid parts you need. The fact that it's a game of chance is infuriating. I want to meet the jerk that came up with that damn price is right wheel. I have the feel for it a bit but it is so hard to be consistent with your spins. Also, it seems to conveniently lag quite often when you try to spin it. Anyway just wanna thank who ever is responsible for this huge FU to fans of Trials.
  13. xander134

    xander134 Member

    Jul 14, 2013
    New York
    #213 xander134, May 6, 2014
    Last edited: May 6, 2014
    Great fun, but can get a bit grindy/repetitive.

    I'm a big fan of physics-based racers on iOS like Bike Baron and Joe Danger, and this was compelled to play this game. since it's free to play, it was an easy choice.

    The game is extremely well polished, not to mention fun and challenging. I particularly enjoyed the variety of game modes from the different game characters. The levels are challenging, but the missions make them even more so; especially the player-ghost missions.

    The upgrade system was totally reasonable for the first 5 hours if gameplay, but it has started to make the game grindy, and driving me towards IAPs for addition currency. The rewards system does NOT keep pace with the increasing demands and necessity for upgrades. Also timers, which can be circumvented with premium currency, become extremely long (24 hours for upgrades to level 2 bikes).

    I think the game is great because it's fun and polished. While playing the first five hours is nearly free of any need for IAPs, the developers are clearly waiting for players to get deeper into the game (more committed) before reaching into your pocket.

    So, download this game and play it until you hit this threshold. After that, just decide if it's worth your money. It might actually be if you're VERY into physics-based stunt racers.
  14. bilboa

    bilboa Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2013
    Boston, MA, USA
    This sounds reasonable if you don't look at the actual numbers, except the amount you'd have to spend to keep the game fun once you reach this threshold is actually a lot, in fact more expensive than playing the console versions of the game. I have no problem paying for games, but a problem I have with a lot of freemium games, this one included, is that they are actually ridiculously expensive if you want to play them as if they were premium, i.e bypass all the timers and other freemium features. Initially spending a couple of bucks on currency is enough to keep you playing, but as you noted the cost of upgrades and skipping timers grow non-linearly as you progress, but rewards do not. Eventually you'd have to start spending tens of dollars regularly on currency if you wanted to play a lot without waiting for timers.

    I spent $10 for Trials HD and $15 for Trials Evolution on XBLA, and now I own them and can play them as much as I want without timers or fiddling with upgrades or any of that nonsense. With Trials Frontier if I spent $15 on diamonds it would just let me bypass timers for a few hours of playing, and then I'd be back to waiting for timers again. After playing around with Trials Frontier for a few days, I went back and played Trials Evolution for a couple of hours, and it was so refreshing to just be able to practice riding without all the silly character interaction, spinning roulette wheels, parts upgrading and timer waiting, that I abandoned any thoughts I had of spending money on Trials Frontier.

    I do agree with you that for the first few hours Trials Frontier is fun, and that the levels and riding physics are very well done. This just makes me more disappointed that this couldn't have been a premium game. I don't really blame the devs though, since in the iOS market it seems it's much more common for people to be willing to spend $10 or $15 on IAPs than to spend the same on buying a game outright, so this was probably the right decision from a business perspective.
  15. scrotally

    scrotally Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2013
    Yep. Iap's in this game are a disgusting ripoff.
  16. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    o_O Hasn't this been available worldwide for a month or so now?
  17. Echoseven

    Echoseven Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2011
    The red Skittle
    I never knew. Tags were still here a minute ago. :p
  18. readysetboom

    readysetboom Member

    Aug 29, 2012
    Did the recent update break anyone else's game? Now the game crashes immediately.
  19. bilboa

    bilboa Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2013
    Boston, MA, USA
    I just tried the update on my iPad 4 and it works fine for me.
  20. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    I think they changed some of the times needed to get a gold. I'm pretty sure I didn't have a gold on these because my bike wasn't upgraded enough...

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