TraptionBakery Jonathan Prestidge Genres: Games Simulation Puzzle $3.99 USD Supported Devices: iPad2Wifi iPad23G iPhone4S iPadThirdGen iPadThirdGen4G iPhone5 iPodTouchFifthGen iPadFourthGen iPadFourthGen4G iPadMini iPadMini4G iPhone5c iPhone5s iPhone6 iPhone6Plus iPodTouchSixthGen Minimum iOS Version: iOS 9.2 Download Size: 37.2MB TraptionBakery Jonathan Prestidge An Upcyclepunk Postimperial Curio. A curio for some or a right old puzzle for others, make no mistake. Some say: some f… Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsAn Upcyclepunk Postimperial Curio. A curio for some or a right old puzzle for others, make no mistake. Some say: some folk actually managed to bake a loaf of bread using this confounded contraption... but that is rumoured to be just a rumour. There's no pressure... relax, ponder, prod, clank, crank, pull, push, watch... ponder more....sleep on it maybe... come back to it...ponder. Along with the intriguing artwork there is the challenging puzzle with the ultimate objective of baking a loaf, but you can enjoy solving easier mile stones along the way like: ordering some grain, starting the mill, then milling yourself some flour, with this huge fully functional contraption. Look for clues written on the equipment, listen to the sound scape, and fathom the interconnections. Once you have solved the puzzle of how to bake a loaf then the simulator aspect of the game becomes apparent: you have to get the ingredients, mixing, proving and baking just right if you want to aspire to bake the perfect loaf. Your baking efforts are judged right at the end of the process... whether they be good, or bad. Extras: for a Hints and Tips page (including "How-to" videos) or a super detailed TraptionBakery poster click on the "Jonathan Prestidge Web Site" link below. "Is it steampunk?", some would ask. Well there is no steam and it is a contemporary contraption, but it is bigger scale than your modern new-fangled machines so you can see what does what with your very own eyes like in the good old days... and it's tech that repurposes, reuses, and recycles, welcome to: "Upcyclepunk". (Warning: some drawings are slightly macabre/morbid) Information Seller:Jonathan Prestidge Genre:Puzzle, Simulation Release:Jan 01, 2016 Updated:Jan 01, 2016 Version:1.0 Size:44.5 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating: (3) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Gamer1st Well-Known Member Mar 19, 2013 774 0 0 None. But I dream about being able to work again. USA #2 Gamer1st, Jan 7, 2016 Easily the most interesting game this week. Yet there's no video or imps of any kind. metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #3 metalcasket, Jan 7, 2016 Not surprising with the vague app description, title that looks LikeThis and 2 App Store screenshots. Dahaka Member Nov 3, 2011 23 4 3 #4 Dahaka, Jan 7, 2016 It desperately needs a video of some sorts. This is just too weird to just jump in for 3,99. But I am intrigued, it looks kind of cool. skoptic Well-Known Member Apr 3, 2015 634 82 28 #5 skoptic, Jan 7, 2016 Yes, definitely. If Dev is out there, looks intriguing, but with nothing but the screenshots to go from, it's going to be a tough sell. A bit of insight will probably get a good return. mzinn Well-Known Member Jan 5, 2014 770 0 16 #6 mzinn, Jan 7, 2016 Agree with everyone above. You've got my attention but can't jump on it with only the screenshots. A vid would help tremendously. badmanj Well-Known Member Mar 16, 2009 1,886 24 38 Software developer Reading, England #7 badmanj, Jan 7, 2016 I'd buy this if I could be sure we're able to interact with these sketches and make things happen, to work out what the machine does or to make it do something... However I have a horrible feeling it's just a collection of drawings you can browse and view. Wizard_Mike Well-Known Member Mar 17, 2011 1,294 0 36 Texas #8 Wizard_Mike, Jan 7, 2016 This cold be one of the best games out this week, or a piece of crap. I'm tempted to toftt, but won't have any iFunds until next week. JP Falcon Active Member Sep 27, 2013 42 1 8 #9 JP Falcon, Jan 7, 2016 Last edited: Jan 7, 2016 Ok, since there was nothing else this week that interested me, I did not buy my Dunkin Donuts coffee this morning and bought this it starts off by showing you a framed picture of the game board with no prompts or menus to access...pinch and zoom the picture brings you into the game....think of a Rube Goldberg contraption that you need to get you swipe around board, you will find a small ruleset at the upper left corner, which you need to zoom in even more to read, which in the end is not much help....there are many levers and buttons around which are not need to zoom in at the correct level to see some of these triggers turn blue which then can be activated. Activate a switch and see what happens...sometimes the board turns purple which I presume means I did something correctly...there are some temperature and time dials which, again, you need to zoom in on to read the settings...tweaking these may result in some animation but did I do it right? I have no flipping clue.....confused by my prose? Well that is because I am confused......I will tinker with this from time to time but it is not maintaing my interest for long play sessions...worth $3.99? At first blush, no, but perhaps someone with more wits than I will find this puzzle more entertaining.... ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Mar 20, 2010 4,234 131 63 Male Sojourner Washington D.C. #10 ColeDaddy, Jan 7, 2016 Thanks for TOFTT JP. Looking forward more impressions from you and, possibly others. Gamer1st Well-Known Member Mar 19, 2013 774 0 0 None. But I dream about being able to work again. USA #11 Gamer1st, Jan 8, 2016 Been working with this one as well. The object is to bake bread using this very Rube G. like contraption. As a matter of fact this is more like the kind of play I expected from the Rube Works game that came out last year. You're making moves with a very complicated and convoluted set of parts to try to make bread. You start out looking at a framed picture of the machine and zoom your way in till levers and knobs turn blue which allows you to manipulate them. The closer you zoom in the more info you see. There are bells to ring, levers to pull to release water, order grain and God knows what all else. If you're looking for something to blow through in an hour or so this is probably not it. This is a giant puzzle that you have to first understand what the small things do, then be able to put it all together big picture style and make all the small things happen on time and in order. Personally I like it. There seems to be just the one puzzle but it's a big one and pretty interesting. The game has elements of Rube Works, Where's Waldo, and a very large puzzle all rolled into one. D1vi8 Well-Known Member May 22, 2014 234 5 18 Belgium #12 D1vi8, Jan 9, 2016 It is indeed a very complex and mysterious puzzle game. For the moment I only figured out how to reset everything I have done. Been trying some things, pulled levers, ringing bells but for the moment I can't see where this leads to. But I know it must be leading somewhere and I know I will find it. I am intruiged by this game but probably this game is not for everyone. The game is slow, it requires a lot of patience and thinking. Trying things out over and over again trying to understand what they mean. Been playing for a few hours now, I understand a few things now but honestly, I have not really accomplished anything. Do I like this game? Yes, a lot. Never played anything like it. Valentia Well-Known Member Patreon Gold Jan 20, 2009 618 1 18 Female Retired! California #13 Valentia, Jan 9, 2016 I am liking it a lot. I like nothing better than a game you can fiddle with and ponder upon endlessly, and this is such a game. I enjoy trying, retrying, trying something new, trying a different order, on and on. This is not for twitch fans, but it is definitely for me. I find the art really appealing, too. One time, something happened. I'm not sure what I did, but I definitely did not bake bread. I think I blew the whole bakery up? I will try to duplicate that. I'm into this. To those who were concerned that it is not interactive, it definitely is. D1vi8 Well-Known Member May 22, 2014 234 5 18 Belgium #14 D1vi8, Jan 10, 2016 You reset the game. Valentia Well-Known Member Patreon Gold Jan 20, 2009 618 1 18 Female Retired! California #15 Valentia, Jan 10, 2016 Thank you! D1vi8 Well-Known Member May 22, 2014 234 5 18 Belgium #16 D1vi8, Jan 10, 2016 Last edited: Jan 10, 2016 Well, I got a first little part of the machine finally working and the way you can make that part work is brilliant! You have to read carefully and then think logical. I am no longer hesitating now, 5 stars. I wasn't aware of it when I started this game, but sounds are probably very important. Well at least it was to solve my first little thing. And my god, it is rewarding. If you look at the screenshots, the game may seem static. But is is a drawing that becomes alive when you manipulate it. And it is very well done, the art is fantastic. James Cameron Well-Known Member Feb 15, 2013 58 0 0 #17 James Cameron, Jan 11, 2016 Never played anything like this and I love every bit of it Habakuk Well-Known Member Dec 11, 2008 4,779 9 38 Vienna, Austria #18 Habakuk, Aug 27, 2016 Now free for the very first (and a limited, obviously) time. Thanks to devs! Very recommended! Gwarner New Member Oct 22, 2016 1 0 0 #19 Gwarner, Oct 22, 2016 I think I have solved just about everything but I cannot seem to get the right music to move the bread across the piano. Any help? (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
Not surprising with the vague app description, title that looks LikeThis and 2 App Store screenshots.
It desperately needs a video of some sorts. This is just too weird to just jump in for 3,99. But I am intrigued, it looks kind of cool.
Yes, definitely. If Dev is out there, looks intriguing, but with nothing but the screenshots to go from, it's going to be a tough sell. A bit of insight will probably get a good return.
Agree with everyone above. You've got my attention but can't jump on it with only the screenshots. A vid would help tremendously.
I'd buy this if I could be sure we're able to interact with these sketches and make things happen, to work out what the machine does or to make it do something... However I have a horrible feeling it's just a collection of drawings you can browse and view.
This cold be one of the best games out this week, or a piece of crap. I'm tempted to toftt, but won't have any iFunds until next week.
Ok, since there was nothing else this week that interested me, I did not buy my Dunkin Donuts coffee this morning and bought this it starts off by showing you a framed picture of the game board with no prompts or menus to access...pinch and zoom the picture brings you into the game....think of a Rube Goldberg contraption that you need to get you swipe around board, you will find a small ruleset at the upper left corner, which you need to zoom in even more to read, which in the end is not much help....there are many levers and buttons around which are not need to zoom in at the correct level to see some of these triggers turn blue which then can be activated. Activate a switch and see what happens...sometimes the board turns purple which I presume means I did something correctly...there are some temperature and time dials which, again, you need to zoom in on to read the settings...tweaking these may result in some animation but did I do it right? I have no flipping clue.....confused by my prose? Well that is because I am confused......I will tinker with this from time to time but it is not maintaing my interest for long play sessions...worth $3.99? At first blush, no, but perhaps someone with more wits than I will find this puzzle more entertaining....
Been working with this one as well. The object is to bake bread using this very Rube G. like contraption. As a matter of fact this is more like the kind of play I expected from the Rube Works game that came out last year. You're making moves with a very complicated and convoluted set of parts to try to make bread. You start out looking at a framed picture of the machine and zoom your way in till levers and knobs turn blue which allows you to manipulate them. The closer you zoom in the more info you see. There are bells to ring, levers to pull to release water, order grain and God knows what all else. If you're looking for something to blow through in an hour or so this is probably not it. This is a giant puzzle that you have to first understand what the small things do, then be able to put it all together big picture style and make all the small things happen on time and in order. Personally I like it. There seems to be just the one puzzle but it's a big one and pretty interesting. The game has elements of Rube Works, Where's Waldo, and a very large puzzle all rolled into one.
It is indeed a very complex and mysterious puzzle game. For the moment I only figured out how to reset everything I have done. Been trying some things, pulled levers, ringing bells but for the moment I can't see where this leads to. But I know it must be leading somewhere and I know I will find it. I am intruiged by this game but probably this game is not for everyone. The game is slow, it requires a lot of patience and thinking. Trying things out over and over again trying to understand what they mean. Been playing for a few hours now, I understand a few things now but honestly, I have not really accomplished anything. Do I like this game? Yes, a lot. Never played anything like it.
I am liking it a lot. I like nothing better than a game you can fiddle with and ponder upon endlessly, and this is such a game. I enjoy trying, retrying, trying something new, trying a different order, on and on. This is not for twitch fans, but it is definitely for me. I find the art really appealing, too. One time, something happened. I'm not sure what I did, but I definitely did not bake bread. I think I blew the whole bakery up? I will try to duplicate that. I'm into this. To those who were concerned that it is not interactive, it definitely is.
Well, I got a first little part of the machine finally working and the way you can make that part work is brilliant! You have to read carefully and then think logical. I am no longer hesitating now, 5 stars. I wasn't aware of it when I started this game, but sounds are probably very important. Well at least it was to solve my first little thing. And my god, it is rewarding. If you look at the screenshots, the game may seem static. But is is a drawing that becomes alive when you manipulate it. And it is very well done, the art is fantastic.
I think I have solved just about everything but I cannot seem to get the right music to move the bread across the piano. Any help?