Universal Transport Tycoon - (by 31x Limited)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. Repair Drone

    Repair Drone Well-Known Member

    First up, get http://www.macroplant.com/iexplorer/ (insert standard disclaimer that we make no guarantees about third party software and you use it at your own risk). The free trial will work fine. It's fairly self explanatory, and your saves will be in Apps > Transport Tycoon > Documents, named XX.sav. Your autosave is 49.sav, so delete that file. Let me know if it doesn't work.
  2. Repair Drone

    Repair Drone Well-Known Member

    If you could throw up a screenshot of the affected track, that'd be a help. We're prepping to submit the next update at the moment, which contains more routing fixes, so this might have already been addressed. If not we'll take a look at the problem.
  3. mrobbo

    mrobbo New Member

    Jun 29, 2012
    I fondly remember playing TTD all the time on my old PC. This is a great ios port. Am I missing something but you used to have to build train/bus depots for repair etc.. Are those no longer needed?
  4. Maniacfive

    Maniacfive Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2009
    Phone Sales
    Kent, UK
    I am familiar with iExplorer I shall investigate next time I am near the mac :) in the meanwhile I don't know if this will help but I experienced a crash that no amounts of reboots would fix, so deleted the app and reinstalled. I had enabled iCloud saves. I have no autosave file appearing now at all! :)

    On an aside, could someone remind me. Is there a way to remove crashed trains or do I have to wait it out?
  5. CoreyB

    CoreyB Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2011
    Aircraft Mechanic
    Chicago, IL

    I'm doing the 2nd scenario after the tutorials, your on a small island. I'm trying to transfer coal and iron to the other plant. I set up the routes the way it shows in the tutorial but the trucks just keep pulling into the first stop drive out to where I placed them then turn around and drive back. I've tried telling them to wait until a full load but they keep doing the same. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
  6. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    I would expect the thing you are doing wrong is using trucks rather than trains.

    In all seriousness I found the trucks a little screwy, driving on the wrong side of the road and such. Trains work better, and are more efficient to boot.
  7. ApollyonQ

    ApollyonQ Member

    Jun 24, 2012
    I found tapping the train and removing it from the track did the trick.... I'm thinking of crashing two trains after the update, just to see what they changed :)
  8. Maniacfive

    Maniacfive Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2009
    Phone Sales
    Kent, UK
    One thing I love/hated about TTDX and I'm pleased/dismayed it's still present. Is the stupid competitors making a mess compared to my beautifully crafted although perhaps more expensive rail/roadways. :D I used to take great pleasure eventually buying them out and re-doing the roads properly. Is it possible to buy out competitors in this version?

    Tap and remove from track! Thank you. Of course. I was trying all the old TTD stuff I could think. I wasn't think touchscreen-dimensionally.
  9. Repair Drone

    Repair Drone Well-Known Member

    Can you double-check you're using the right type of truck for the cargo? If you are, we've just submitted an update that improves various routefinding issues, so that might get them to behave.

    Not possible I'm afraid, though we can throw it in the feature request list to be discussed.
  10. Mene

    Mene <b>ACCOUNT CLOSED</b>: <em>Officially</em> Quit iO

    Mar 18, 2012
    PLEASE please add this.

    This was the main reason I played the original (same for the original Railroad Tycoon) taking over the other business's was the most fun thing to do. I was gutted when I realised you can't do it.

    Heck, even if you released it as an optional extra with iap price I'd buy it!! and I hate iap!!
  11. mebored81

    mebored81 New Member

    Apr 16, 2011

    So excited to have this game on my iPhone. Having played it everyday since I got it there's one thing I think needs some more work. Passenger routing. Having spent many many hours playing simutrans I think that the current implementation needs some work. For instance when I link one town with another by train and then develop a bus network at each town the passengers don't seem to make a route to the station in order to get to the next town. It seems to me that passengers simply aim to get to the next available stop whether it's a bus stop or train station.
  12. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    I can understand how it seems unintuative. I mean, a passenger or mail must want to go somewhere specific, right? I can only assume this simplified passenger system cuts down on system over heads, rather than trying to simultaneously simulate thousands of individual passengers with individual destinations.

    While it might seem strange, you can use this to your advantage. As a town will only produce a finite number of passengers at a time, you can maximise your profit by making routes that go as far as they can and as fast as possible. If you want to sabotage an opponents railway then you can steal his passengers by making a cheap bus route in the town he operates in.
  13. Maniacfive

    Maniacfive Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2009
    Phone Sales
    Kent, UK
    Please please please please :D

    While we're on the subject, my wish list would be.

    Custom Scenario generator. Obviously. Even it were able to just tweak the scenarios once the challenge was beaten? Setting maximum competitors or starting money. Some of the hard and expert maps are cool, but damn it would be nice to play them and chill without the competitors making a mess.

    Custom scenario challenges for friends. For the custom maps I create.

    Subsidies. Another element I miss more than I thought.

    Ability to rename stations. Unless it's in there and I missed it.

    Are monorails and maglevs in this version? If not, they should be. Shoooooooooom.

    Old TTD jungle zone. With associated jungle sound effects.
  14. Foghorn Irrascible

    Foghorn Irrascible Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2013
    In a effort to decide if I'd bother playing this if I bought it, I installed OTTD but I just can't get into it. It's the planning of railways - that seems to be all this game is about and I just cannot understand how the signals work. It's basically 'Signalling Simulator' hehe ;)

    Anyway, does this app use the old complicated signals, or the much less complicated path signals? I can't even understand path signals so I hold out little hope, butt despite having quit OTTD in frustration ten times now, I still go back to it, I really WANT to like it and this.
  15. RickyBrooke

    RickyBrooke Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2012
    Same here, I am getting really frustrated because the game is so hard!

    I love the whole free build scenario system and jump straight in but I seem to always lose money and quit before I crash and burn.

    Here is my strategy can any of the Pro players tell me what I am doing wrong please?

    Firstly I try to set up small and / or large bus route systems dotted around larger towns on the map to grind me some cash. Small bus routes can have 2 vehicles and larger routes up to 5.

    Then I look for industries near to each other that require each other's goods and build rail lines to connect them with cargo areas next to the stations. I may need to bump up my cash loan to buy some train items here. Purchase a train to shuttle between the stations and get the correct trailers to hold the goods and set it off running.

    So far so good and cash will come in but then all of a sudden my cash will plummet and running costs will soar and I will very quickly get to a financial state where I have to declare bankruptcy and close the game!

    I can't understand where I am going wrong? Am I jumping into train building too quickly? Do I need to link the industries with roads and trucks first to build up some cash? What industries need trains to carry their goods then?

    I am a RCT ninja and love that game so thought I would ace this but it's whooping my a$$ every scenario I open ( only completed the beginner tutorials except for the final Sandox Settler one that I cannot crack ) so I'm starting to realise my strategy is all wrong.

    The companion app doesn't seem to be online in the App Store and the in game tutorial and help guide is very basic so I am struggling to get on to the Easy scenarios!!!

    Anyone got any Tips, Guides or links to help out a newbie please???
  16. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    I'm onto the hard scenarios here (with the exception of a few performance index scenarios on medium) and I'm a transport tycoon deluxe player from way back when I was still in school. I hope that I've got a few strategys up my sleeve, although I'm not a part of the open TTD community so I'm still rusty.

    My current build order is to find industries that are fairly close together, but more important than that is that they have fairly flat terrain between them. Terraforming costs a fortune! So I build a train track from my coal mine, or my oil rig, to wherever it needs to go. I put a high horsepower train with 8-10 normal sized wagons on it and let it go, making sure it only ever travels with a full load, from the waypoints menu. If my mine has a high output I can build parallel tracks and run 2/3/4 trains depending on the distance and output.

    So that's my base income sorted. I may have enough money in loans to build my second line, or I may have to wait for chunks of cash to come in from my mainline. Because I'm running so few vehicles my upkeep is fairly low and I can build another, similar line. Once I have a few lines up and running I can move onto building the towns with lots of small railways, so they can grow to receive goods and food.

    It's not foolproof, and every scenario requires a tweak in my tactics.
  17. RickyBrooke

    RickyBrooke Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2012
    So you jump straight in with railway lines?

    Okay I'll try that first... I guess bus routes aren't profitable enough then?

    I thought that the scenario would have an overall ' satisfaction ' rating that catering to many different types of transport demands would satisfy...?
  18. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    If you click on the satisfaction at the top then it shows it's a breakdown of profit over time + cargo delivered over distance. I dont know how best to make that work for me in practice though.

    I like delivering passengers later in the game as I can afford to build fast, efficient transport. Passengers give the most money per unit but the price decays so fast if they take a long time getting to the destination. The prices graph is the bottom button in the top left menu.

    I prefer to deliver to industries early on as a can make sure every train is carrying a full load, and I can balance the number of trains on the line so they are constantly working at near capacity. That gives me money to play with doing things like building airports, tram lines in big cities, or tunnels through mountains.
  19. RickyBrooke

    RickyBrooke Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2012
    That sounds very sensible and I will try that strategy - just concentrate on the industries first...

    Is there any window that shows where passengers are MOST wanting to go to?

    In Rollercoaster Tycoon you can view the top thoughts and filter them so to identify which attractions the peeps want and so target what you need to build that will be most popular and get you loads of cash & happy punters. I am struggling to identify WHAT I need to be aiming to build in these scenarios...

    Thanks for your tips they're really good!
  20. Maniacfive

    Maniacfive Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2009
    Phone Sales
    Kent, UK
    I'm not sure I'm a strategy genius at this, but here's my tips, they've remained the same since TTDX and OpenTTD to be honest.

    I'm having good results using trams rather than buses. In fact, I don't really use buses except in the late game when a city has expanded to a degree I can't get a train service in.

    Look for profitable and easy industry at the start. Something fairly close together without any extravagant terrain to build around or through. You may have better results with two shorter trains rather than one long one. The trains will weigh less so will be faster to their destination and you'll lose less cargo while the station is empty.

    That will require signals of course. There's definitely some pathing issues at the moment, but the signalling is straightforward once you get the hang of it.

    My tip, start a scenario with tons of cash. And easy one, and just build a couple of stations in the middle of nowhere and muck about with the signals till you understand the difference between the one way and multiple signals.

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