There is the " - " in the lower right corner of the screen. I think if you delete the station, the name disappears after time.
This might sound like a stupid question but should I get this? The reason is I've never played any tycoon-like title before so I don't know what to expect and from the looks of this it looks pretty intence. Should I start with a stepping stone title before delving into this?
Is it easy to tap accurately? I had difficulty with Simcity on my iDevice due to its isometric perspective.
For those who are not sure, I'd recommend you to get openttd for your PC or Mac and try it. It's free so you can just check it out. If you like it and want that kind of game on the go, get this. It's really good and I believe they will fix minor issues least I hope do
Are there any goals within the game like a story or plot? Are you given projects for instance to build a railway for the slums etc? That would interest me. And how do you 'win'? What feat represents victory? The graphics are not my concern they are acceptable. Thanks for replying.
There are 40++ scenarios to play! personally I find it far far better to set my own goals and aims and ignore the set ones.
The game is played by selecting a 'scenario' which gives you a map to play on and an objective to meet. Objectives might be to deliver 500 passengers in a year, or to achieve a rating of 80%. If you meet the objective in the time frame, you win! Scenarios are ranked based on their difficulty, and there are interactive tutorials. There is no separate sandbox mode, but you can just pick any map and ignore the objectives - you will not be penalised and can carry on after the objective time limit runs out.
Does anyone feel its hard to find resources on the world map? I hope the dev can make sort of like connectivity lines on the map when we click on the labels.. Or better still when click on a resource show us invisible lines on where to transport this resource to.. It doesn't make the game easier or anything but definitely less frustrating searching for the connecting resources.. Many a times I see factories produce goods but I don't know where to bring it to., or an oil refinery needs oil but where the heck is the oil field.. Well if the Devs are listening...
Downloading... Download size: 136MB Installed size: 203MB Seems more intuitive than Transport General HD's interface so far...
Played through 5 scenarios so far and I'm enjoying this immensely! At last a proper in depth strategic sim tycoon for iOS! After using the touch controls with this I feel that Rollercoaster Tycoon would be just as successful and fantastic a game if it was given the same treatment and released on iOS. I can easily see myself buying RCT and TT expansion packs in the future so please keep on giving us more content guys... Love this game!!!
Obviously this isn't workung, or am I going about it in the wrong way? I envisioned the second train taking the second platform...
Second train would take the second platform if there was no space at the first platform. But there's space there for the 2nd train as the 1st train is on the way out.
Sp technically speaking u only need one? Interested to know what if there's only a station and there's a train stopping there.. What wi happen to incomings