Universal Transport Tycoon - (by 31x Limited)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. denisvjcr

    denisvjcr Active Member

    Oct 2, 2012
    Deleted , this is not TTD.
  2. Th3R3n3gad3

    Th3R3n3gad3 Well-Known Member

    Nov 4, 2012
  3. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    Please tell me how :) I'm a gamer from the old school, so I'm not averse to clicking buttons to see what they do. I guess I missed one, and I will look again now. I always found the full load button to be key to my strategy
  4. Kaimu

    Kaimu Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    #104 Kaimu, Oct 4, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2013
    Well, from my screenshot, when you set the route, after clicking the red box, just click the blue box. It will do the full load then.

    Hope that'll help...

    Attached Files:

  5. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    Thanks for that mate! That looks like it will do the trick. I had made the erroneous assumption that those buttons defined if my train should take or leave the cargo at all.
  6. Nikeyg

    Nikeyg New Member

    Mar 28, 2011
    I really wanted to buy this. I really did. I'm short on cash, so it would have had to wait until payday.
    Thing is, all I really want is a good iPad sim game with a sandbox mode. They all seem to be challenge based, which I have no interest in what-so-ever.

    As much as I want to provide support to this game I cannot drop my pennies on it until it gets a sandbox mode.

    I has a sad.
  7. Repair Drone

    Repair Drone Well-Known Member

    Couple of things you'll need to check:

    - Tap the Steel Mill to see if it has produced any steel in the last month (if you haven't recently delivered enough raw materials it may not have)

    - Tap the station by the Steel Mill to check its Cargo Rating. If your rating for Steel is down in the red, the mill won't bother sending any steel to the station. Fix this by setting up a train to wait for a full load of steel there, as described by the other posters. When the mill sees a train waiting for steel your Cargo Rating will start rising and a bigger proportion of the mill's output will be sent to the station.
  8. Repair Drone

    Repair Drone Well-Known Member

    A few general things in response to discussion:

    Sandbox mode is still under consideration. In the mean time, remember you can totally ignore scenario goals - whether you meet them or not you'll be able to continue playing the map afterwards. This might not be enough for some of you, but don't feel too railroaded (*rimshot*) by the presence of a goal.

    There's an update in submission that will fix some common issues being encountered. Here's a brief list:

    - Auto save improvements (if you're seeing constant autosaves, this should fix it)
    - Stability improvements
    - Rare save game corruption fix
    - Tweaks to auto extension of roads
    - Vehicle route, track choice and selection improvements
    - And, most importantly, train crashes improved with explosions and debris

    Let me know if I've missed anything.
  9. flatsinki

    flatsinki Member

    Dec 23, 2009
    Newfoundland, Canada
    I'm also hoping a sandbox mode comes at some point in an update as it seems an obvious thing to add.

    I'd also point out that while I know its not a true sandbox mode, you can continue to play a scenario once its complete. I've not fully tested it out but I have run through a full year or two after I completed the scenario objective and was able to save and load my game at that point.
  10. ApollyonQ

    ApollyonQ Member

    Jun 24, 2012
    I haven't played enough locomotion to actually say wether or not it's locomotion or TT. Also, you could compare this to OpenTTD or TTDPatch, but please remember those two games have had years of development, something this game has yet to have (it will have more development, I guess).

    A deleted post suggested another iOS game. It only has two positive points over the current version of TT:
    1. easier track laying,
    2. actually ride along with your train/bus

    TT has many more positive points over that other game:
    1. It's the actual TT!
    2. It's one price without in-app purchases
    3. there's a good development team still working on updates
    4. This development team is on this forum checking what the general thoughts of this game are...

    Hint to the DEVs: Also check out TTDPatch and OpenTTD if you haven't done so already. Some features are improved towards the original TTD
  11. the fish

    the fish Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2012
    If I want to split a train track so that one train goes left and another one just follows straight ahead, how can I do that? I tried to do that and all the trains went left even though their destination wasn't there. I even tried it with waypoints, did not work. All of them took the first way out...don't know what to do here :(
  12. soundshaper

    soundshaper Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2013
    transport tycoon companion is no where to be found on the AppStore ? Did I miss something here ?
  13. Repair Drone

    Repair Drone Well-Known Member

    This could be one of the pathfinding problems that'll be fixed in the next update. If you throw up a screenshot we can take a look - sometimes track junctions seem to be connected at first glance, but closer inspection shows the rails don't quite align.
  14. Baracus

    Baracus Well-Known Member

    I may have found something. If in road building mode (with a tile ready to add) and you are zoomed out, if you double tap to zoom in (maybe pinch too) it crashes. Doing it when not in creation/edit mode is fine. iPad mini ios6.
  15. RellekWVU

    RellekWVU Member

    Nov 29, 2012
    Cancer Research Consultant
    Hagerstown, MD
    Build a station or something to transport the Steel and it will begin production. Not sure if it's a bug or not but I had this problem until I set up a Steel train and walla, Steel began producing. Hope that made sense.

    Also to the person who said there was no way to do a "Wait for full load" there actually is, it's the button with a green + sign on the giving orders menu.

    Damn this game is awesome, and will continue to get better. Obviously OpenTTD will always reign supreme, but to have this on my iPhone is still a dream come true.
  16. RellekWVU

    RellekWVU Member

    Nov 29, 2012
    Cancer Research Consultant
    Hagerstown, MD
    All that stuff is there... Signals, two way tracks, etc... Search the build menus, trust me it's all there!!!
  17. Baracus

    Baracus Well-Known Member

    Quoting myself for an update. Actually I'm now getting constant crashing on my mini and ipad 4. Cannot even place 1 road tile on the weather world map. Zoomed in or out, as soon as I tap anywhere with the road tool selected it's an instacrash.

    I deleted 20 odd apps to make 7gb free space on a 64 ipad. Rebooted and still just bombs. Cannot play at all now but it was ok yesterday. Gutted right now was looking forward to the weekend to play but I guess it's back to work for me! :(

    Any ideas?
  18. Mene

    Mene <b>ACCOUNT CLOSED</b>: <em>Officially</em> Quit iO

    Mar 18, 2012
    Then I also missed it all. Apologies to the devs.
  19. the fish

    the fish Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2012
    Here are the screenshots. On the first is how I "solved" the problem. I run all the trains through the lower station. What remains: trains that pick up oil at this one, still go to the upper station to turn around.
    The second screenshot shows what happens it I tried to put the tracks like I want to. The first train is selected there and should clearly go to the station left. He did it before I put the new tracks there going somewhere else.

    Attached Files:

  20. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    How do u remove a station? I just couldn't figure out

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