OK, a few questions: - Has this crashing only started since the update? - What device and OS version are you playing on? - Does fully rebooting your device help, or do the crashes persist? - If you start up a fresh scenario does it run smoothly, or does it also crash? Don't delete or overwrite the crashing save game for now - if the problem seems to be with that specific save we might want to take a look at it.
Yeah, that's a weird glitch on some iPad Retina devices, it's pulling the wrong icon for some reason. Thankfully it's only cosmetic, and we'll get it sorted out for the next update
Another minor patch today, fixing a bug with airport placement that was introduced in the last update. Enjoy!
Has this crashing only started since the update? It has got worse since the update, but had around once a week before. - What device and OS version are you playing on? iPad 4 8.1 - Does fully rebooting your device help, or do the crashes persist? Crashes persist. Touch the map, one second, poof, gone. - If you start up a fresh scenario does it run smoothly, or does it also crash? Been playing my nemesis Aerophobia for a few days and that has not crashed, though been a bit laggy. thanks very much
I hadn't played the game much for a couple of months but started again after the last update. Have to say still one of the best games ever!!!!! Thanks for still supporting this game.
Thanks for the info! This could be a situation unique to your Vapid Volcano save, so it'd be handy if you could email it to [email protected] so we can take a look. You can extract your save files with with the PC/Mac application iExplorer: http://www.macroplant.com/iexplorer/ (just get the free trial, that'll work fine). It's fairly self explanatory; install it on your PC/Mac, run the program in demo mode, then connect your iDevice. Your saves will be in Apps > Transport Tycoon > Documents, named XX.sav. 00.sav is the first slot, 01.sav the second, down to the autosave at 49.sav.
/!\ If any of you entered the 20th Anniversary Competition, please check the mail at your registered email address /!\ While all the top prize winners are accounted for, we're still waiting for a response from a few of the runners-up. You could have a custom Transport Tycoon backpack waiting for you (and they're surprisingly solid for custom printed jobbies, I'm really impressed with mine )
An update for the iOS release of Transport Tycoon is out now! Changes: - The 20th Anniversary level is now unlocked for all players. Can you get 100% Performance Index in just 20 years like some of our winners? - Fixed touch interface problems on the iPhone 6S - Fixed French/Italian/German/Spanish language detection on iOS 9 - Underdog scenarios: Starting company assets will no longer mysteriously disappear. - Fixed one of the Vehicle Info tabs disappearing in "No Trains, No Planes..." Let us know if you run into any issues, and enjoy!
Hooray! Desktop premium gaming goodness right here on my phone and iPad. Truly a unicorn on today's App Store...