Townscaper Raw Fury Build quaint island towns with curvy streets. Build small hamlets, soaring cathedrals, canal networks, or sky cities on … TouchArcade Rating: $4.99 Buy Now Watch Media DetailsBuild quaint island towns with curvy streets. Build small hamlets, soaring cathedrals, canal networks, or sky cities on stilts. Block by block. No goal. No real gameplay. Just plenty of building and plenty of beauty. That's it. Townscaper is an experimental passion project. More of a toy than a game. Pick colors from the palette, plop down colored blocks of house on the irregular grid, and watch Townscaper's underlying algorithm automatically turn those blocks into cute little houses, arches, stairways, bridges and lush backyards, depending on their configuration. Information Seller:Raw Fury Genre:Arcade, Simulation Release:Oct 20, 2021 Updated:Jun 11, 2023 Version:1.04 Size:75.4 MB TouchArcade Rating: User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal MetaGonzo Well-Known Member May 7, 2009 1,459 271 83 #2 MetaGonzo, Oct 20, 2021 As expected it’s a total joy. Not sure if it’s really got staying power but right now, I love it. Ijipop, PraetorianX, slewis7 and 1 other person like this. metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #3 metalcasket, Oct 20, 2021 Oh, 10,000%. If anyone's expecting a game out of this, they'll be sorely disappointed, but right now, this is my happy place. I know I can jump in for a few minutes/hours a day and just PLOP PLOP PLOP PLOP PLOP until my mind is clear. PraetorianX, MetaGonzo and slewis7 like this. slewis7 Well-Known Member Apr 6, 2011 3,768 41 48 Male Retired! Houston, TX #4 slewis7, Oct 20, 2021 This is special experience and the results are beautiful. Just don’t expect a game. MetaGonzo likes this. Asp Well-Known Member Aug 3, 2017 769 196 43 #5 Asp, Oct 20, 2021 Well this is incredible. I might never play games again. Infinite auto-Lego! I urge everyone to stop plopping things down and watch Hana Zupanc’s tutorials on how to use the app, and there are others too. These are for PC but from my experiments so far this version seems to have the same functionality. It’s about placing buildings in certain formations to generate fields, paths, hedges and so on. With a few hours to spare it looks possible to create ancient castles, modern cities, skyscrapers, ornamental gardens, floating islands and all sorts. Much going on here that does not meet the eye initially. Mind boggling possibilities MetaGonzo likes this. psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,972 722 113 England #6 psj3809, Oct 20, 2021 Fingers hovering over the buy button. So do you have a series of blocks and you drag them onto the main panel ? MetaGonzo Well-Known Member May 7, 2009 1,459 271 83 #7 MetaGonzo, Oct 20, 2021 You have a grid; you tap on an empty plot on the grid and with each tap you raise the level of that plot and levels can be lowered by holding. What represents that plot depends on the height (empty sea, base, house of increasing height) and what is adjacent to the plot. psj3809 likes this. Mercurial Well-Known Member Apr 17, 2020 52 19 8 Male #8 Mercurial, Oct 20, 2021 Are there weather effects? MetaGonzo Well-Known Member May 7, 2009 1,459 271 83 #9 MetaGonzo, Oct 20, 2021 You can choose the time of day and angle of the sun and you can turn off the sun so it’s simply lit. I initially thought there was a snow mode until I put my glasses on and realised it’s not a snowflake icon and it just seems to turn off the textures! Not quite sure of the purpose but the option is there. Actual weather? Sadly not. Mercurial Well-Known Member Apr 17, 2020 52 19 8 Male #10 Mercurial, Oct 20, 2021 Thanks! Maybe that will come not too far in future updates. MetaGonzo likes this. MetaGonzo Well-Known Member May 7, 2009 1,459 271 83 #11 MetaGonzo, Oct 20, 2021 I’m pretty sure it just figured out I wanted a lighthouse. Attached Files: A5E67346-AAC6-48FA-BCDB-3D3934B7C91A.jpeg File size: 312.3 KB Views: 17 Asp likes this. orangecan Well-Known Member Aug 9, 2011 2,000 150 63 #12 orangecan, Oct 20, 2021 So Is there any progression here or is it just a matter of fiddling about with it, building your own city and then starting again? MetaGonzo Well-Known Member May 7, 2009 1,459 271 83 #13 MetaGonzo, Oct 20, 2021 It’s exactly that. As already stated, be aware that this isn’t a game. What I would love is a PvP Bad North with this building engine facilitating base creation between rounds. Which would be a game…. But anyway; it is very absorbing but I certainly can’t promise that it’s got legs. As it stands it’s just a nice thing. Asp Well-Known Member Aug 3, 2017 769 196 43 #14 Asp, Oct 20, 2021 A genius part of this is the design of the base grid and the way that structures follow its contours. I didn’t realise at first but the grid can be scrolled around before construction starts to find an interesting ground plan. High castle walls with subtle curves can look cool. As for “legs”, I think it depends whether ‘contruction sets’ fire your imagination or not. It’s worth spending time learning how the AI works to predict what will happen. Various details like doorway designs, tables and chairs, and flags between towers are appearing by trial and error. So the architecture is gradually becoming less random and more planned. MetaGonzo likes this. MetaGonzo Well-Known Member May 7, 2009 1,459 271 83 #15 MetaGonzo, Oct 20, 2021 As you say, it’s absolutely worth turning grid on and scrolling around before you start building. It dictates the layout and offers a great variety of foundations. The diversity of interactions between “blocks” is absolutely fantastic. orangecan Well-Known Member Aug 9, 2011 2,000 150 63 #16 orangecan, Oct 20, 2021 Well I bought it preordered thinking that it was level/progression based. I’d read the reviews on other platforms and somehow completely missed the fact that it wasn’t! However I’m thinking it is an absolutely wonderful thing which I’m enjoying massively - it’s very addictive, I just keep going back for 5 more minutes. At the moment I’m organically building things and not correcting mistakes on purpose and seeing how it goes. Does anyone know if there’s an option to name cities? Is it just a save to clipboard and look around thing? Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #17 Anotherkellydown, Oct 21, 2021 ’Townscaper’ iOS Review - Relaxing Brilliance by Mikhail Madnani MetaGonzo Well-Known Member May 7, 2009 1,459 271 83 #18 MetaGonzo, Oct 21, 2021 Last edited: Oct 21, 2021 This Reddit post showed me the value of having a good old scroll around with the grid on when it comes to choosing your pitch. Also, someone filled in a grid, scroll down to the RAW: Asp likes this. Asp Well-Known Member Aug 3, 2017 769 196 43 #19 Asp, Oct 21, 2021 Thanks. Those regular circles will be useful on my next build! MetaGonzo likes this. MetaGonzo Well-Known Member May 7, 2009 1,459 271 83 #20 MetaGonzo, Oct 21, 2021 Whaaaat? The fans are animated. Attached Files: 68028519-BC95-49DA-9B85-FEF543CD1FE3.jpeg File size: 2.6 MB Views: 14 Asp likes this. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) 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Oh, 10,000%. If anyone's expecting a game out of this, they'll be sorely disappointed, but right now, this is my happy place. I know I can jump in for a few minutes/hours a day and just PLOP PLOP PLOP PLOP PLOP until my mind is clear.
Well this is incredible. I might never play games again. Infinite auto-Lego! I urge everyone to stop plopping things down and watch Hana Zupanc’s tutorials on how to use the app, and there are others too. These are for PC but from my experiments so far this version seems to have the same functionality. It’s about placing buildings in certain formations to generate fields, paths, hedges and so on. With a few hours to spare it looks possible to create ancient castles, modern cities, skyscrapers, ornamental gardens, floating islands and all sorts. Much going on here that does not meet the eye initially. Mind boggling possibilities
Fingers hovering over the buy button. So do you have a series of blocks and you drag them onto the main panel ?
You have a grid; you tap on an empty plot on the grid and with each tap you raise the level of that plot and levels can be lowered by holding. What represents that plot depends on the height (empty sea, base, house of increasing height) and what is adjacent to the plot.
You can choose the time of day and angle of the sun and you can turn off the sun so it’s simply lit. I initially thought there was a snow mode until I put my glasses on and realised it’s not a snowflake icon and it just seems to turn off the textures! Not quite sure of the purpose but the option is there. Actual weather? Sadly not.
So Is there any progression here or is it just a matter of fiddling about with it, building your own city and then starting again?
It’s exactly that. As already stated, be aware that this isn’t a game. What I would love is a PvP Bad North with this building engine facilitating base creation between rounds. Which would be a game…. But anyway; it is very absorbing but I certainly can’t promise that it’s got legs. As it stands it’s just a nice thing.
A genius part of this is the design of the base grid and the way that structures follow its contours. I didn’t realise at first but the grid can be scrolled around before construction starts to find an interesting ground plan. High castle walls with subtle curves can look cool. As for “legs”, I think it depends whether ‘contruction sets’ fire your imagination or not. It’s worth spending time learning how the AI works to predict what will happen. Various details like doorway designs, tables and chairs, and flags between towers are appearing by trial and error. So the architecture is gradually becoming less random and more planned.
As you say, it’s absolutely worth turning grid on and scrolling around before you start building. It dictates the layout and offers a great variety of foundations. The diversity of interactions between “blocks” is absolutely fantastic.
Well I bought it preordered thinking that it was level/progression based. I’d read the reviews on other platforms and somehow completely missed the fact that it wasn’t! However I’m thinking it is an absolutely wonderful thing which I’m enjoying massively - it’s very addictive, I just keep going back for 5 more minutes. At the moment I’m organically building things and not correcting mistakes on purpose and seeing how it goes. Does anyone know if there’s an option to name cities? Is it just a save to clipboard and look around thing?
This Reddit post showed me the value of having a good old scroll around with the grid on when it comes to choosing your pitch. Also, someone filled in a grid, scroll down to the RAW: