iPad Tower of Fortune - (by Game Stew)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. Samurai

    Samurai Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2011
    Oh, so they actually steal your gold? Never realized that. Thanks for clearing that up!
  2. banpeikun

    banpeikun Member

    May 8, 2012
    Picked up Tower of Fortune after reading the favorable review. I should note that I do enjoy the game and probably played for 2-3 hours straight after getting it. A few thoughts:

    1. I play on an iPad, and apps not being universal is somewhat of a pet peeve, but the 2x mode looks just fine on this game because of the 8bit style.
    2. The game is fun in a mindless sort of way. It's too bad there's no thinking or strategy. Some armor that affects the slot outcomes or distributions or something would be nice.
    3. Likewise the quests and xp rewards aren't always appropriate. Like you're usually not going to "survive" 5 rounds against the 5hp enemy, and I really don't deserve 1000 xp for killing that same 5hp enemy in one round.
    4. It seems like you have to grind a ton to get money to unlock the last one or two areas. And the cost to enter an area each time means it's not worth grinding the later levels. The costs should maybe be rebalanced so that fighting first level monsters isn't the optimal strategy to advance to the end of the game.

    Some notes that might be helpful to other players
    1. My favorite equipment are the double-striking sword and the compass. If I'm grinding for money, and it looks like that's all I'll be doing until the end of the game, then I like the +20g and +1-10g hit and get hit accessories.
    2. Based on rough observation, the EV for the treasure chest is greater than 100g, so I think you should always "bet" it to double your winnings.
    3. It appears some of the level up rewards are useless outside of that particular battle. Things like 100 damage or total HP heal are obvious, but there are a number of other rewards that seem to not carry into future battles like 20 turn fury, double/triple match bonuses (+str/+xp), etc. It's probably worth it to reroll a couple times to try to get a good +stat bonus.
  3. Ickon

    Ickon Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
    But then, what is the point of fighting in the higher tiers?
  4. wildcardd

    wildcardd Member

    Apr 16, 2009
    I am loving the game so far, have a couple of questions though.
    Do you ever clear a tier with a level boss or something? I expected it to stop letting me access it after a while.
    Does the camping page actually do anything other than give me character and developer information?
    Why does my character get naked after winning a fight against one of the Scum family?
  5. banpeikun

    banpeikun Member

    May 8, 2012
    You can keep playing the tier as long as you want, but the randomly appearing boss will get more powerful each time you defeat him, so eventually you'll need to run away whenever you see him appear.

    I'm not sure why he gets naked. All I've figured out is that the Scum family steals your stuff (you can see your sword sticking out of the bag) not unlike the thieves in Golden Axe, so the player is pictured wearing a basic tunic. But when you win the battle, he gets super excited and busts out of his tunic for some reason.
  6. banpeikun

    banpeikun Member

    May 8, 2012
    There's not much, except to beat the boss and get equipment. I'm having to grind a lot to get money to unlock the halo, and playing the lower areas makes much more money than the later areas. They are prohibitively expensive just to enter. That should be rebalanced imo. It doesn't make sense that the best strategy to progress in the game is to keep playing the first level over and over.
  7. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    About the camp site. After you buy the mystic pet it will randomly apear at the camp site and you get free money for tapping it. (me tapping like my life depends on it gets somewhere around 200 gold each time it appears) so its not that great but it's no risk, free money :)
  8. dylanmannen

    dylanmannen Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
    love the game so far :) but no gamecenter? or ar least i can't sign in -.- so pls! fix that, and add GC achivements if it don't alreddy have it. will not play the game util its fixed, so i can get the achivements witout having to replay snd stuff :O x)
  9. ZenMonkey

    ZenMonkey New Member

    May 9, 2012
    I am usually not a fan of games where chance/randomness plays too much of a factor. But this game is a real charmer. I love the retro graphics, and I appreciate that everything seems to be acquirable via gameplay (correct me if I'm wrong). And the gameplay is so entertaining that even having to start over is no big deal.

    I rated this 4 stars. I would give an extra star for some sort of tutorial, since I made it to zero twice at first. The highlighted battle area made it difficult for me to see that there was a free one underneath, so I kep wasting money at the tavern, whose purpose I understand now. :)

    I'm not bothered at all by the English mistakes; in fact I think they're rather charming, along with the incongruous battle music others have mentioned. I guess I'm old enough to find it a convincing throwback to the original GameBoy.

    (Sorry if any of this has been talked to death. I'm trying the TA iOS app for the first time, and it's great overall, but I couldn't read the comments on this story.)
  10. ramon31

    ramon31 Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2011
    Great game, any future update with leader board and achievements through gamecenter?
  11. SteveWD40

    SteveWD40 Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2010
    Loving this so far, couple of questions:

    After death, you keep your campsite upgrades and other things under that tab, how about equipment slots? do they reset back to 1 after you die?

    Where do you get equipment? I have played for a few hours and not found any yet, from chests?

    All in all, fantastic game, I love the ambience.
  12. Samurai

    Samurai Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2011
    You get new equipment from bosses. Whenever you enter a section of the tower, there's a chance to encounter a boss.
  13. x999x

    x999x Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    Update is out and is nice. My only request is that the volume of the music be lowered more, it overpowers the sounds of the game. I do wish the music was 8bit chip tunes to fit this game better, but whats there still fits the theme of the game.

    Also, can you make an item that will create a character respawn point? It can cost a significant amount of gold, but it will essentially keep your character from completely starting over if he dies. "Scroll of Resurrection" lol...

    I AM SO AFRAID TO DIE... I exit any fight now that has drops me to 75%hp and I have no potion in stock. I have died twice now due to critting an enemy that reflects the damage onto myself :(
  14. banpeikun

    banpeikun Member

    May 8, 2012
    Does the update have any gameplay changes?
  15. x999x

    x999x Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    Not that I have noticed, other than now I can get stunned whilst my target is locked in a stun. Normally getting a skull while my enemy is stunned would just be a pass on the turn, but occasionally we'll both end up stunned...

    I don't see anything different in the gameplay other than that.
  16. yellobie

    yellobie Member

    May 11, 2010
    Had played this game for about a game, and really like it. But I do hope that it can be improved further. Some of the pts I noticed:
    - a limited range of equipments? I keep getting the same few options after a while
    - provide some explanation for the level up choices. Getting those "stats + when you rolled 2" doesn't seems to do anything now.
    - better loots when fighting in the higher tier.

    Looking forward to the updates!
  17. Rivozzz

    Rivozzz Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    Is there a survival mode or something? What happens when campaign is over? How many hours in the game?
  18. your personal robot

    your personal robot Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2008
    Help. I can't stop playing it. This damn gambling fever. Great game!
  19. banpeikun

    banpeikun Member

    May 8, 2012
    LOL you must have a funny sense of humor. I wouldn't describe it as a nice sense of closure, but I did like the endings because they definitely reminded me of some old-school NES type endings.
  20. x999x

    x999x Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2009
    Looks like LUK is capped out at 60. I gave it a few tries in the tavern and each time I returned to the campfire it still only reports 60.

    Anyone have any tips on doing more damage? My stats are:
    LVL 25
    ATK 19
    DEF 18
    LUK 60
    HP 113

    Bosses from the roots up to the melt are all at 500 HP now and I'm not doing nearly enough damage to have a fighting chance anymore. I'll get crit for 70+ from them and then get stunned for 3 moves! ugh

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