As I know, It auto saves when you quit the floor and enter tavern. Although it keeps your progress when you are in the dungeon or combat. But sometimes due to device and memory issue, device will force you to leave the game and clear the memory. So I always back to tavern, it is the best way to save your progress.
It is a good place to earn easy XP by opening the bag carefully at the beginning. And you can exchange useless stuff to ore here. Trust me, you need lots ore to forge equipment.
Here is a tip if you need lots ore. Go buy bullet and throw them into the incinerator to get ore. It's much cheaper than buy ore from NPC or throw equipment to get one. Save useless equipment to pawn shop at floor 5, it gives you 50% more gold than in recycling field.
I hope so 2 Many people wont get to experience how good actually this game is Wel at least i know it )
They really need some help as I know. As I mentioned in previous post, they are shy indies, they know only creating games. Not everyone knows the value, but they still insist to keep the retro spirit in game. At least I can help to answer questions here. If you guys don't mind, you can intro the game to your friends, rate the game and leave a comment on the AppStore. Anything you do will be appreciated.
I often wrote wrote with them on fb first message probably 2 3 years ago) and find the devs are really polite Are they making already profit with this game? I think they mentioned where they come from (think shanghai or something) they have the most customers or am i wrong?
Not yet, they barely survived. They come from Taiwan (a country near China, but not belongs to China), Designer is come from game industry with more than 15 years experience. Basically they create games with only two people.
But did they make profit with tof 2 or the match 3 game or dice game? If none of them made profit and tof 3 will not.. (which i hope will) will they stilll make more games? I would be really sad if they stop developing because ganestew are one of my top 3 devolper... Figers crossed for a ta review!!
As I know, they throw all profirt from ToF 1&2(yes, but not that much) to create all other games. They love games and will keep creating games until running out the last coin they earned.
My top 3 sword at forge LV. 10 1. Muramasa Deals 25 to 40 damage, 40% chance to attack twice Collect: Soul Bite, Samurai Essence, Phantom Orb, Bone Powder, 10 Mithril and bring them to Soul Anvil. Probably the best damage output, with ability of add one more attack with sword, you can attack three times easily. 2. Doom Blade Deals 30 to 50 damage, 25% chance to deal lethal damage Ability works even fighting boss. You can get it from sword ending 3. Horn of Black Goat Deals 24 to 42 damage, 50% chance to penetrate an enemy's DEF Faction reward, you can forget about enemy's high defense, best sword to fight boss!
Muramasa needs to be forged by materials dropped from floor 8 and 10 Mithril. After that, go soul forge at floor 2. Doom Blade is one of the ending reward from sword ending. You will know that after seeing it. There are 9 endings flowing in the final stage. After giving 100 skinned head to the god behind the twin's portal at floor 2. You can get all 5 black goat equipment including Horn of Black Goat.
Thank you Soryy If i asked the question already but cant fond it in this forum How long does it take to finish thia game approx?
Np of asking it again. As my sample, I spend about 20 hours to finish first round. I like to enjoy the game slowly and detailed. It worth my money.
Me 2 i love it I actually ask the questions and screenshot the answers but havent played for 5 days even im done with floor 1 ^^ I want 2 save the game for a while till i play it because it gives me a good mood in the daytime if i know that there is something i look foward 2.. Brings me in a good mood ^^ Maybe i should tell that my psychiatrist ##
Ok I've bought every other GS game so I'm definitely picking this up. I'm going to wait until I hear the update is out with the skippable dialogs as I'll probably have to play it a hundred times to get anywhere #