How people complain about the unfairness of ToF 3 but love Out There which is way unfairer and less of a game is beyond me.
I got all their games and ToF series is my favorite. Actually I think ToF 2 is harder and need much more gold and grind than 3. As Ringerill mentioned, the fun in the tavern is still there and improved in ToF 3. When I finish a quest or just a few steps of the quest and back to the tavern, I'm not just restore my HP. I also gain attribute by flirting with lady, dance to earn gold(easy way to get big money in the beginning!)and collect information. I plan every small journey and upgrade my gears carefully (a very good sword in tavern cellar when you defeat someone twice). Now I'm in floor 4(amazing Si-Fi atmosphere and background, you must see it) and no more dying since floor 2. Now I am busy to collect head and meat. Head for my evil master, he rewards very good equipment. Meat for my beast, he changes attack and transform after I throw lots meat to him. So much fun!
Apples and Oranges. Thing is, unlike OT, there were previous ToF releases, all challenging, but none this frustrating.
I discovered a few other early game approaches that can give you a bit of a lift: 1. Go directly to top level "Zero Dimension" (Heaven) before anything else. The loot from enemies is exponentially higher. Sure You will die quickly but since gold is retained, it's no loss. You'll have to flee from most encounters, but about half the enemies are "memories" which die from one hit. You can grind several hundred gold if you can avoid the Angels and Demons a for a few rooms. Doing this allows you to buy a 2nd health potion before you even start the game. 2. On the first level, once you find the "incinerator", while its open, keep exploring the area, over and over and you will keep finding a bag with someone struggling in it. Open cautiously and you will either free a man for 35exp, or fight a crawling zombie who never hits for more than one unless it's a combo. This is a fairly risk free area to grind exp and gold in the early game. While both of these can give you a boost, it's ridiculous to even have to consider them.
I'm not comparing the two games gameplay-wise, just their balance in the roguelike aspects. I may have slipped my disappointment towards OT, though. Back on topic, i think ToF3 is more nuanced and less straightforward in happily screwing the player than ToF2.( and OT. Sorry, had to.)
Tof 2 was hard but the more i got frustrated to more i wanted to finish the game because i wanted 2 get better and thats why i dont mind grinding or restarting the game at all, actually i love the games dor this
Has anyone figured out how to beat the dang chef on floor 2? It seems like there's a 90% chance of him parrying your attacks, and since he heals every turn it's nearly impossible to beat him! Is there a trick I'm missing?
I beat him, but I was probably level 25 by the time I bothered fighting him. One way I stay alive is to stay lots of levels "ahead" of bosses before fighting them. Even if he parries, your next attack will be combo2 if you land it, then combo3, etc. Eventually you will land one, or you can stun him for a few turns. And take in a bunch of life potions!
Had much more fun today. Took one of the earlier post's advice to flee more, and it makes all the difference. Like why bother fighting creatures who do reflection damage? Just flee, take your 1 or 2 HP loss, and move on. Up to level 30 now, almost done with the mine, got to join a faction, received a secret blessing from Cthulhu, got a really good sword Spoiler from the tavern basement ...things are cranking along. Honestly the only complaint I have now, and it's still a big one, is not being able to skip dialogue. It makes the game almost unbearably slow/repetitive at times.
Beat him 5 times already in about LV20, If my test is correct, his parry rate is about 30-40%. But it doesn't matter, try to create combos and he dies in one hit. I guess it is a test about practicing combo.
Now I am head to floor 7, incredible fun! Here is some hints and survival guide in floor 1: Buy armor and boot from yellow rat to increase DEF at beginning, each with 125 gold. Even without them. I believe Zombie deals only 1 damage unless combo or critical hit. So save your gold, no need to respin on it. Avoid burning zombie! You hit hard, It burns you more. Not worthy to fight it. Try to handle slot wheel and respin in tavern. You get attribute or XP when flirting, information or hint about the game, fight drunkard to get XP, you won't die when fighting him. Even your HP is full, drink 3 beers to dance and try to get the reward. Anyway, you get more than you pay. Check burning stake everyday or every main quest done, there are 4 or 5 different useful reward like: sword, VIP card, key, XP from the poor guy. Make sure you look around first then bring him to peace. Keep throwing herb or ore or anything into cesspool, it finally jumps a big worm, defeat him to get jukebox. You get music and all attribute boost when placing it back to VIP room. If you find the cellar key, back to tavern and try to solve the quest in it. It rewards good sword. Save useless gears, you can bring them to gold in floor 5. Something in the prison, gate with skull on it. Save it and you get a big help in combat!
Just have to say that this game is really incredible. They have created worlds within worlds with so much to do and explore.
If you mean the cellar in the tavern. You need to get the tavern celler key first, hint: check burning stake every day or finishing main quest in floor 1. If you mean the portal to those two gods, hint: Twins needs a twins soul which drop on twins. To the God sleeping in the sea, you need an ankh and throw it into water. You can find it at Burning stake, too.
Thanks, I got the cellar, quite a bit late into the game to benefit from the prize though. I have the Ankh but where is the sea?
To the evil God,You just need to find a well. If you already defeat someone in the cellar, you can challenge it again. But make sure you are tough enough.
Hi everyone, developer are working on update version now, here are the list: - Speed up the dialogue (done) - Fix a bug that screen may freeze after talking to the One in floor 8 and you insist to fight him (done) - Fix a bug that you can destroy the same cocoon again in floor 6 (done) - Support iPhone 4, iOS7: still working on it (even they finish it, it still need time to test it in all devices ) Btw, if you like the game, please rate and leave a comment on the AppStore, they really need your support.
I just left an excited review. Also, a bug that I have been encountering is after joining the Roaring Dragon (red) faction, every time I tried to collect payment from a Dragon Knight, the game would freeze and I would have to shut it down and restart from my previous save point.