Ninja exploit is the norm now. Most people I meet use it. Top players on ladder, lol, they have no moral.
They fixed ninja exploit with new update. So many tweaks, would like to see full patch notes edit: can see patch notes by clicking on the ! when logging in You can pvp with heroes in tower or on mission now. Tried attack wizard floor 31, I think it takes 20 tickets to beat at my level (39). Other people beat it easy, I guess it spawns at different levels. Still get opponents 2-3 levels above, and 10-100 x higher on ladder though. This will turn people off the game. Can you please not match me against top 10 players all the time?
Still bugs with PVP. Druid entangle 4 times in a row, etc. when matches are long. Bug with cooldown reduction? Still getting opponents that are top of ladder, and if I queue again right after, same opponent several times, lol. Not very fair.
Have not got a chest from PVP in about 50 wins . Must be another bug. edit: just got a rare chest. Still strange, they used to drop much more often, where are the common chests? Edit2: Chests drops normal now, every few wins give chest, strange with the 50 wins without any chests. I did write support before they turned normal though.
Game just crashed in a pvp fight, 2nd time this happen, now I cant even restart the ipad, it doesnt respond. Last time I could hold powerbutton to restart. edit: Ok, its restarted now.
Playerbase is bigger now, it doesnt take so long to get PvP opponent, but I hope they promote the game some more, because this game is good. Only takes about 3 months to hit max level (50), this is not a Supercell game
They fixed the "bug" that you could use heroes in tower for PvP etc, killed the enthusiasm I had for the game, sadly. The pvp already had slooow matchmaking, now its unbearable.