Whouah ! It's a PvZ like game so ? Didn't understand like that. Interesting so now I've got to manage 10 minutes trying playing this game !
Well I'm just about 10 minutes playing it and I can't hold my impressions. This little app is a pure gem ! For what I see this is a great indie work with southpark cute characters, humour in text and a lot of challenge ! I will return when I will pass more than 3 missions but for the moment it worths the 2 bucks for a nice action RPG game ! Don't know if I can replay old stages for looting but music is great, gameplay and interest will raise ! Just hope it won't be too difficult because I'm a casual gamer ! By the way the only complaint is about option to reser datas but it's only a detail ! Will do anything to have the underground side quest ! Thanks again !
Jejet, you can make it easier by changing the difficulty while paused if it gets too hard. Also, I can help with strategies if you get stuck. You can reset data from the options menu on the title screen, if that was your question. I'm really glad you are enjoying, thanks for the review
Let me a few times and I'll give you a hand to talk about this game... I would like to make it very special ! What's your inspiration ? I want to know more ! Very cute art ! Well I'm sold now
For reset datas, the way I have to do it is not natural. i don't know how to explain but there's no confirmation onscreen if it's done or not. Do you see what I mean ?
A few things inspired us. Mostly we just wanted to make a game we would enjoy playing ourselves. That meant we wanted a game with original game mechanics, that had enough depth that you could play it for a while without getting bored, and a unique art style. Personally I was inspired by old classics like Final Fantasy and Legend of Zelda as well as newer games like Battleheart and Plants vs. Zombies. I'm sure my brothers would have different inspirations but those are mine... I'm really glad you are having fun playing it and helping spread the word. If you feel like it is deserving you could nominate it in the game of the week thread!
Don't know how to nominate it but I will get a look ! Bros, a game like this deserve honour and success ! I am falling out Dragon Quest 5 to get more involved in yours so that's a big present !
8 bit, I gave Jetjet a code without being asked because I was overwhelmed by how excited he was about the game! Unfortunately it was the last code alloted for this forum. I only have a few left and I'm saving them for games press. In the future I will post some more codes for our next update in the promo codes section of this forum as I'm now aware that's the proper place to do it, not here in the iPhone games threads.
Only 14 persons to like your facebook page ? Well if you earn more french people liking it, thanks to the Jetjet ! I invite my contacts to discover your page and your work. By the way, which dev are your ? The first, the second or the third one ?
Exactly. I didn't ask for anything other than a review and Weretiger just proposed me a code by MP I'm very respectful with indie works and won't annoying them by asking them something for make a positive review. I'm free from any engagment so if I'm telling you that this game is a pure gem, just trust me I'm telling my inpressions !
On suggestions : actual icon isn't as attractive at it can be. Chance with his sword could suggest the game to be an RPG game for example.
All the areas are in the one world map. There are currently close to 100, and we will be adding more levels (although I haven't decided how the nodes will break out) in the future if the game takes off. I like the idea of going to another world, but it doesn't fit the story right now.
Hmmm... That's funny! The original icon was Chance with his sword, but I got a lot of feedback from beta testers that this one was better. Maybe we will try the Chance icon out later on and see if it makes a difference. Thanks for the feedback Jetjet
I'm enjoying this game so far, pulling small sessions between tasks at work and enjoying the light tone it encourages.