Can't wait!! Looks like May may be in your window for a release? Just asking. Love to see the over haul and can't wait because you said that the company is renouned! Thats a big deal! Next week can't come soon enough!
Tower Fortress will be published by Nitrome with new pixel art and animation by them! Here's a first glimpse.
Here's what the new suit looks like. We'll also have a hall of suit where you can pick 1 out of 25 unique suits with abilities that alter gameplay in many ways.
The long wait and team up with Nitrome is ridiculously hyping this game in my mind! I am expecting nothing short of perfection!! 6 stars and game of the year needs to be delivered for this! # lolz ##
A few days ago I asked Nitrome on Twitter about a release date. They are working on it but there is no release date yet to announce.
Hi everyone, sorry for lack of updates but we are nearing completion. Just a few more bits and we'll have a release announcement very soon. Meanwhile here's the new titlescreen.