Oooooooooooo shi- My bad, in my head it was like PV is never gunna lose so I saw 3-0 and assumed it was PV that won. Dont worry police, you are still in losers bracket, good luck there.
Good games D4, looks like im up against aiosora. I'll be waiting for your request. The sooner, the better.
Squall2002 WINS! Felix - Squall2002 Cammy < Sagat Ryu < Dhalsim Ryu < Sagat I only have the last replay, sorry.
No shame Felix. He has two FREAKING S TIER CHARACTERS!!!! I think he is number 1 seed in this tourney.
GG Felix, surprised that you did not use your Yun. Your yun is a headache for me. the result could be different. I feel you are holding back or something. anyway good luck on your next match. I'll upload the replays.
LOL hell no. my journey ends next round. I've been beaten by NYC the other day. his Ryu is awesome. if there is one bad match for Sagat, then that probably is Ryu, he is just overall faster and better in zoning. I dont think I have enough time to improve in order to stand a chance aganist NYC's Ryu
I played awfully... I didn't break out Yun because I expected Sagat in both of the first rounds, and it's horrible for Yun. I didn't expect you to pull out Dhalsim next, so I stuck with Ryu after you did Dhalsim because I expected Sagat. Didn't turn out so well, eh? I guess I was just too cautious. I didn't have any idea of how you might play. DANG! SORRY! I forgot to say good games! So... good games.
So, what player im waiting to face? D4 in the graphic there is a clip for attachmets next to players. is it possible to put the youtube replay link in that clip ?
Me vs N3ro209. I lost 3-0 Me Viper vs his viper me Cody vs his bison Me viper vs his viper Greats on wining n3ro209. I got smashed bad. Goof luck for your further tounorment
GGs berserk. For some reason, it felt a lot like regular friendlies haha. Wasn't as intense like when I faced Apprunner. My troll characters wiping away my Bison skills. 3-0 for berserk sagat-bison sagat-bison abel-gief
good games fffan, u r still the best bison I've ever faced. I noticed that your style playing bison is like playing boxer a lot right now, always trying to keep a good distance, less aggressive, but the attack is more accurate. Good luck for the rest of the tourney!
Wediafom! Lets finish the tourney games! the entire tourney is waiting for us! Any time after 12am PT is fine!
There was lag here and there and we can totaly redo our matches if you want KenKen Tourney matches are up. Wediafom barely/luckily wins over KenKen Ryu<Sim Sagat<Sim Sagat>Honda Ryu>Honda Bison>Gief It's no secret that you beat my two primeries easily and you're still the best Sim out there with Jibba!
Yay! I chocked BIG TIME! Ken|Ken(Sim) beat Wediafom(Ryu) 2-0 (1-0) Ken|Ken(Sim) beat Wediafom(Sagat) 2-0 (2-0) Ken|Ken(Honda) lost Wediafom(Sagat) 0-2 (2-1) Ken|Ken(Honda) lost Wediafom(Ryu) 0-2 (2-2) Ken|Ken (Gief) lost Wediafom (Dictator) 1-2 (2-3) Hey Wed, I only saved the 1st 2 sets, did you save sets 3,4,5? See you all on Ranked and the next TA tourney! wooo!