I suggest no one go to the next round until these people are finished. Let's keep. Just in case situations like Tenonez and Inkvzl come around we want flexibility What say you D4?
Tacoturtle, if you are reading this, let me know when is the best time to play. From the looks of it, we only have less than 48 hours. I will be available all mornings and evenings. I have also sent you a pm, let's get this out of the way
I won Me=3 Drogbathelegend=1 Ryu vs Bison (I won) Ryu vs Blanka (I won) Honda vs Sagat (He won) Ken vs Akuma (I won) I forgot to save replay [Ken vs Akuma] Good games Drogbathelegend.
Tacoturtle wins over Drogbathelegend Bison (me) loses to tacoturtle (Ryu) Blanka (me) loses to tacoturtle (Ryu) Sagat (me) wins over tacoturtle(Honda) Akuma (me) loses to tacoturtle (Ken) Good games man, I knew I had no chance. Edit: sorry I only saved our Sagat vs Honda match. I was really in to the match and forgot to save them.
So apparently people are asking me this, it wasn't because I was holding back - I definitely played my hardest. I didn't use Blanka because, as I'm sure Shane will attest, using Blanka with lag is impossible. If Ryu wants to uppercut and its laggy, he can just mash forward+SP. If Blanka wants to do up ball, it needs to be absolutely precise...and if lag eats the input, you eat a jump-in combo, because it requires you to charge while crouching. Further, if I want to use any EX ball move while it is laggy to counter projectiles or half-screen focus etc, I run the very real risk of having to press SP multiple times (lag eating some of the inputs). And if there is a moment where the spike suddenly clears, I waste a bar doing EX elec. Hopefully that solves any lingering curiosity anyone has. If POLICE and I can get a smooth connection sometime, I'll definitely break out the Blanka for some fun casuals. : )
Team D nashberry vs Hieu~ nashberry(Makoto) won vs Hieu~(Blanka) nashberry(Makoto) won vs Hieu~(Sagat) nashberry(Yun) won vs Hieu~(Blanka) Replays up on BN. However is game 1 is not show, think BN screw up again.. Good Games Hieu~
I saw the makoto vs sagat replay. Good play on both sides! Hieu was a bit too jumpy though. If you're having trouble with uploading the replay, talk to psxsquall. He helped me with a similar problem
Haha Nero. "scared" might have been the wrong word, especially since the all mighty Vageta, er I mean Nero is scared of no challenge! The thought of my Bison did effect your logic in choosing though!! I could tell at the character screen, you were patiently thinking and trying to figure out your best option. I lucked out that I beat Sagat with Honda, that was the momentum change! Good fights though. We played again last night... Nero's Viper beat Honda twice in a row, Zangief twice in a row and lost to Bison twice in a row
Thanks Harlequin~ those matches are close. One wrong move from both of us will change the outcome~ Mmmm~ alright will check with him~ mine is already loaded but never show...
Ajay Saini is out...wasnt there a couple of stand by replacements? Also, CYRUS maybe we could do our games -6GMT eveningtime today or tomorrow..or are we still waiting for this group to wrap it up?