iPad Touch KO (now v1.1!)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by STP_Tim, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. Jerson420

    Jerson420 Active Member

    Jul 2, 2009
    my ai did change they are harder to ko it takes me til like the last round to ko them
    they put one hand up and atake with the other sometimes and now they doge your punches like you can i dont know what all of ya are talkin about cuz the ai did change alot
  2. SoCal_Sponger

    SoCal_Sponger Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2009
    ....*sigh*, grammar dude
  3. Jerson420

    Jerson420 Active Member

    Jul 2, 2009
    if you cant read it then dont
  4. Ddyracer123

    Ddyracer123 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2009
    Take a pic by holding the sleep/awake button and home button. That's what I do when I want to take a picture of a game ;)
  5. Random_Guy

    Random_Guy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    Australia, mate!
    With the new update out, should I get this game?

    The reason why I held off before was because I heard that this game was too easy.
  6. Jerson420

    Jerson420 Active Member

    Jul 2, 2009
    Trust me its not to easy no more
  7. themendoz

    themendoz Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2009
    The game is much better, what I reccomend is to always choose the hardest fighter you can when given a choice in career mode. This will allow you enjoy the game a little bit better. Honestly it really is worth getting and I think once the next update is out, it will be much tougher since you will also receive body punches.
    My reccomendation: get it as soon as there is another sale. Currently it sells for 4.99
  8. themendoz

    themendoz Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2009
    The game is much better, what I reccomend is to always choose the hardest fighter you can when given a choice in career mode. This will allow you enjoy the game a little bit better. Honestly it really is worth getting and I think once the next update is out, it will be much tougher since you will also receive body punches.

    My reccomendation: get it as soon as there is another sale. Currently it sells for 4.99
  9. chickdigger802

    chickdigger802 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Atlanta GA
    is it just me or is the game is not really super easy? The opponents always blow with both hands and I can't really get a ko until round 3 +
  10. ericxd

    ericxd Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2008
    should of got it for 99
    anyways, my suggestion is wait for another 99 cents. Im not trying to be harsh or anything but their intro price of 2.99 was already pushing it. I'd stay again from the 5 dollar mark.
  11. dboobis

    dboobis Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    From what I can tell, the update has made punches take off slightly less health, and has made health regen faster. Further to this, opponents are less likely to try to punch your blocking hand, although they still do occasionally. It seems they also respond to hooks a bit quicker in terms of blocking, but it's still not perfect.

    Sad to say though that the serious AI deficiencies I pointed out before are still there. I'm still holding out hope that the next update will fix it, but as is TKOs are still coming in the first round, although it now takes 1:30 instead of 1:00!
  12. adam

    adam Member

    Apr 20, 2009
    Thanks again for your feedback folks, and thanks to everyone who has bought the game so far for your continued support!

    I would like to confirm that there is in fact no "hard mode" but rather an across-the-board rebalancing to all stats and the AI difficulty ramp. The first couple fights at the start of the career are roughly the same difficulty as they were in v1.0, though the opponent will certainly take more swings at you instead of just standing there. We still want new players to be able to win a couple fights right away.

    The new stat balancing and AI tweaks substantially increase the likelihood of longer, more difficult fights for most people--especially when selecting the hardest (third) opponent option. Ultimately, however, without body shots in yet, I am sure some hardcore players can still win some fights in the first round.

    Anyway, I wanted to let you all know that my wife and I are currently moving, which will delay v1.2 slightly, so don't panic if you don't see it right away! In the meantime, I also wanted to share a technical interview we did with The Career Gamer. There is some information in there many of you may find interesting and informative, so you can better understand why we made some of the development decisions we did.
  13. chickdigger802

    chickdigger802 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2009
    Atlanta GA
    can anyone give me some tips on this game? I'm confused how ya'll could get tko's within the first min in later matches...It usually takes me 3 rounds before I can tko them.
  14. SoCal_Sponger

    SoCal_Sponger Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2009
    I use all the features: dodging, blocking, and upper cuts to win in the first round. Its simple for what I do. Block with your nondominant hand (dominant hand lands harder punches), dodge in the direction of your blocking hand (if Im blocking with my left hand, tilt your device to the left.), and after your opponent hits and misses, send him a big uppercut. Do it over and over again and you can win within a minute or two.

    I bet some people use the "punch 1000 times in a row" technique since the update made combos more effective.
  15. rIcHrAnDoM

    rIcHrAnDoM Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 17, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    I'm the same. It frustrates me that every fighter I face I have to simply block until they let one guard down and I take one swing and lo and behold back to full guard. There is no way to break an opponents blocking down. So the game is simply tap, block, tap, block. Oh well another $2.99 game deleted off my device. I tried holding out until the update, which I did, but the update just brought more frustration.

    Not a great alternative, but I think I'll re-sync Iron Fist Boxing to my phone, at least I can hit my opponent more than one time in a row.
  16. Kiwii

    Kiwii Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2009
    Haha. I use the 1000 Hook punches in a row.
    Kinda looks funny because all you see is the opponents face going left and right really quickly
    I think TKO is making Body shots. So this way if they block their face we can hit their stomach. So that will fix the stupid blocking.
  17. Ajg3

    Ajg3 Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2009
    Lala Land
    GLITCH!!!!!!!!!!! right when you ko in a fight pause the game and ur opponent flies out the screen!!! Try it when he falls but it works
  18. don_k

    don_k Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2008
    What is 'punch 1000 times in a row'?
    Is it the first unlockable achievement? (I've unlocked ALL achievements except the first one, lol)
  19. SoCal_Sponger

    SoCal_Sponger Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2009
    Soo....hows 1.2 going?
  20. pauldavidmerritt

    pauldavidmerritt Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2012
    Ultrasound reporting systems
    East Rutherford NJ
    I would love to see v1.2.
    I can't buy the game yet, though. I'd like to see a price drop to .99cents, and I could be a proud owner. I'll take this game over Real Boxing any day. I've made some comparison comments on TKO vs. Real Boxing on its thread. Touch KO wins by a knockout.

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