We just submitted 1.1! After a few final days of bug-hunting, this is our final change list: Added ability to pause game by pressing the timer Added ability to tap screen to skip slow-mo replays Improved AI system for harder difficulty ramp New stat balancing for longer, more varied fights Combos are now more powerful Distract opponents with a barrage of punches on one side to lower their guard on the other Substantially improved replay animations! Fixed positional audio bug for players wearing headphones Fixed bug that caused device to freeze when a southpaw is knocked down Fixed bug that caused device to crash if changing stance too quickly in the menu Fixed a variety of other small crash bugs The new AI is still pretty reckless and easy in the first couple of fights (so they are not overly tedious, and so new players can get an instant reward), but the challenge ramps up pretty quickly after that. By around 40-50% popularity in my amateur career, most of my fights have been lasting the better part of 3 rounds, while my pro ones have been even longer. Thanks again Donkei for your feedback! A couple of quick points: In the long run, we would like to include other high score lists, including some of the ones you mentioned. Blurst actually tracks quite a bit of gameplay information for us, so we certainly have the ability to handle this later on down the road. Different camera angles for replays is a good idea, and not terribly difficult to implement. We can do this for our next update. I will check out X2 football sometime! We'll be spending more time with this in the future, so we'll see what we can come up with. Right now, they do in fact move at (very) slightly different times. The problem is that we have to keep them more or less together, as all of the attack and defend animations must work from the same distance. I have some ideas about how to animate the lower body separately from the upper body to allow a little more flexibility, but it will take a bit of time to add it back into all the existing animations. In the end, I would like to add a variety of footwork animations that allow for intelligent movement in a variety of contexts. In short, I don't want to invest too much time in a temporary band-aid if I can devise a good scheme that will just solve the problem once and for all The main reason we leave the RETIRE button there is if someone starts a fight, they have locked themselves into it. So if they reset their phone, that fight is still in progress and they see that screen. We wanted to leave the option there if someone is having a hard time and gets frustrated and wants to start over. We tried to keep it out of the way so no one would accidentally mash it, but we can revisit menu layout later if enough people are having issues. Are you talking about adding sweat to their texture, or having more sweat particles fly off them when they get hit and stuff? Commentators would be nice, but it introduces a few complex problems. Basically, without enough variety, it can get really repetitive, really fast. The trouble is, even adding a sparse couple of commentator tracks could easily put us over our memory budget, let alone the amount needed to maintain variety. Even FNR3 on the 360 got pretty repetitive at times, and they have a lot more space to work with. In general, any performance problems people experience are not really related to graphics, or to anything that we can scale down from one device to another. I own a 3G and get pretty comparable performance when I tested on my friend's 1G phone. The difference can be more apparent, however, when playing iPod music though. In reality, most of the performance issues are across-the-board things related to memory allocations and a phantom CPU time increase. The memory issue is not related to assets like textures or models, but is a problem for data that gets created and destroyed during gameplay in our code somewhere. Allocating memory for simple things like numbers is no big deal, but allocating memory for complex things like text or animation states uses a different memory management scheme. When that management scheme cleans up old data is when you see a hiccup. We should be able to track this down pretty easily. The second problem is a little trickier though. When we profile the game, we occasionally see the time on the CPU spike for no real reason -- nothing special is happening with graphics, rendering, physics, etc. Hopefully we can track this down and squash it before long.
I knew it was coming yet I still decided to buy it at $2.99 All Chillingo games always drop to $0.99 even though it hasn't gone up from the 'intro sale price'. It's a good game with a lot of potentials, hopefully fulfilled in the future with updates.
For $0.99? Definitely! It would be worth $2.99 if they deliver body shots or even more if they improve the gameplay.
I've been thinking about whether I should get Touch KO. But now that it's at $0.99, I just couldn't resist.
Just got this in the sale and played only a couple of minutes. Just wondered, though, how do I hit to the body?
It's one of the most common complaints in any review. There's no body shots yet in this version, but the developer said it's coming in the second update with quadran-based control scheme like Iron Fist Boxing.
wow its on sale, anyone who was waiting until update just get it now b/c sale is only for this weekend this last week i've added way too much to my collection, i have no idea how i will make enough time to play them all but i cant resist a sale lol
same...i like the idea though of customizing your fighter and moving up through the ranks of amateur and pro venues