This thread is so everyone can follow everyone on TA on twitter and know what is going on ALL THE TIME! Its simple, just post your twitter link! Enjoy Guys!
Haha "your" Twitter account says "Notice: This account had been operated by an imposter, and has been locked. No followers are currently being accepted."
I followed everyone on the list ( atleast the one's that I wasn't already following ) my link is in my sig. Currently giving away a Mirrored Screen Protector for an iPhone 3G so definitely follow if interested.
Here is our twitter, we've got a couple of games getting close to release now, one of which is our sequel to our game 'Sentinel'
Personal things and for Mac stuff: stuff and iPhone stuff: new apps and price drops (just announcements): I'll tweet in german. I'll reply in english if the OP was in english. I announce new articles (news, reviews) at I'll try to follow the game devs with the taptoplayde-account.