Here is the outcome of nominations: Card Crawl 9 Ultraflow 7 Proto Raider 6 Pocket Mine 5 Alpha Omega 3 Dungeon Highway Adventures 3 Dungeon Hunter 3 Paper Dungeons 3 Paper Monsters Recut 3 Rop 3 ---------------------------Top 10--------------------------- Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager 2 Sid Meier's Starships 2 Five Nights at Freddy's Alone in the Wasteland Mini Drivers iDos2 Soundprism Electro Mini Green the Planet Mark Ellis: Train Bridge Inspector
My vote went to Paper Dungeons, I love it's mix of RPG, board game, and rogue-like elements. I foresee this being on my device for a long time. Edit: and Thank You again to Andy for going into the threads and bringing people here. Undeadcow Thank You for keeping the show going.
I went with Ultraflow as it's stylish, fun and the rarest of qualities - entirely free! I've bought but haven't played Card Crawl, rop, Alpha Omega, and Paper Monster though. Not sure where to start!
I ended up going with pocket mine2, but I loved all three so much that I keep thinking I want to change my mind lol. Looking at the release week I can see next week is gonna be a tough one too, I'm not complaining though, I've been in bit of a slump the last few months so it's great to be spoiled for choice