The winners of last week's Game of the Week poll are pending (and close with a possible 3 way tie for first)… Last week's GOTW thread: The first part is nomination where every member can vote up to 5 games to be included in the poll. Releases active before Saturday are eligible, weekend releases can be nominated the following poll. 10 games with the most nominations will then be added to the poll on Sunday. Poll will remain open until next Wednesday and whichever game has the max votes, will be Touch Arcade forum's Game of the Week. Please note: 1) Developers, publishing partners, or affiliates cannot vote for their own games. If your game is in the poll, you can't vote. You are free to ask TA forum posters in your game release thread to vote for your game... but please don't post multiple messages about it. 2) This voting is for TA members with some activity. If you have to ask someone to create a new account to vote, you're doing it wrong. 3) Suspect votes may be void. 4) Game updates, no matter how significant are not eligible for GOTW. There are enough new games to nominate that haven't been considered before. Notice of this poll may be given in the threads of all nominated games. You can see new games by looking at and checking the "New" tab. 300: Rise of An Empire Thread Video Avoid - Sensory Overload Thread Video Battlefield Civil War [iPad Only] Thread Bike Mayhem Mountain Racing Thread Video Broken Sword 5 – the Serpent’s Curse Thread Video Cloudbreakers Thread Video The Descent Thread Dungeon Highway Thread Video Eliss Infinity Thread Video Final Fantasy VI Thread Video Galcon Legends Thread Video Inter-Course Gold 3D Thread Video Journey to Kreisia Thread Video Kahuna Thread Video Keystone Kapers Thread Video Line of Defense Tactics Thread Video Modern Command Thread Video Naughty Kitties Thread Video Only One Thread Platforms Unlimited Thread Video The Quest – Elemental Asteroid Thread Video Rogue Resources Thread Video Spell Quest: Grimm’s Journey Thread Video Threes! Thread Video Toad Rider Thread Video Toast Time Thread Video You Will Fail Thread Video Credit to Ap0calypse, ImNoSuperman, TriggyWiggy, Arta, TheFrost, and EchoSeven for the GOTW legacy.
This week is going to be sooo hard to decide. Toaster Time and Threes! are two of the best games I played in a long time. Its going to be really hard between those two. My nominations: Toaster Time Threes! Platforms Unlimited Toad Rider CloudBreakers Also, I see UndeadCow has gone through the TAoGW past history... some interesting facts: didnt know ImNoSuperman did help... and that Ap0calypse started it all. Dont even know who he is... Edit: Toaster Time is a little bit ahead... Edit2: CloudBreakers added
What a fantastic week! Platforms Unlimited Threes! Toad Rider Avoid Sensory Overload Only One I'll edit this post with my 5th nomination: Dungeon Highway, Only One or Naughty Kitties
There are 3 games for me this week: 3.Threes. 3.Threes. 3.Threes. Did I mention that Threes is a good game.
I added Bike Mayhem Mountain Racing and Avoid - Sensory Overload to the origial post. Thank you. I can't take much credit for the information, that would go to the unstoppable ImNoSuperman -
Yeah, he is unstoppable. Thanks for adding me but I did it for only just some very few weeks while Echoseven was out, dont know if I can be there next to guys who had maintained it for months. IT IS A LOT OF WORK.
Threes Line of defense tactics Naughty kitties Added: Platforms Unlimited Toad Rider Only One Toast Time
What a ridiculously good week. Going to be using my full five votes and still have plenty of honourable mentions! I haven't even played half of the releases that I want to either; Toast Time, Eliss, Threes!, Avoid and FFVI could all end up on there so I'll edit as appropriate. Only One Spell Quest Platforms Unlimited Dungeon Highway Cloudbreakers