I guess that's one way to look at it. I'm not saying it's not good, just it's getting old. Red Dead and ME2 were aweesoommee. Bioware is the shit.
Red Dead Redemption was the best game I've played all year. I also personally put Mafia 2 as my second favorite of the year. Mafia 2 is really underrated. Damn gamers expecting everything to have online.
Yeah that would suck, but you will get to play. Save for something catastrophic happening to the game itself. lol BioWare is amazing. Loved the Neverwinter Nights games and Dragon Age, I just didn't get into ME1 & 2 =D BioWare is for sure one of my favourite developers of all time. Oh I'm right. Not about when the world will end but this whole 2012 end of the world Myan prediction was the end of a calendar, not the world. Or something like that. I was drunk and watched some anylisis documentary on it. It was all silly to me. Plus I just straight up don't believe in any of that. hahahaah will be fun though, the week the world ends. I think I may kill some people. And sex... and drugs. Lots of that.
Yah, Mass Effect 2 deserves it... but if it hadn't gotten delayed, LBP2 would be GOTY for sure, look on the PS3 thread and I've got an epic video I posted.
I'd bet my entire bank account that Galaxy 2 is going to win the majority of the end of year awards this year.
I've got my money on Mass Effect 2 no clue on next year, too many good games: inFamous 2 Littlebigplanet 2 Killzone 3 Brink Rage Portal 2 Crysis 2 Motorstorm Apocalypse Gears of War 3 Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and more!
Well, Ladies and Gents, it appears the results are in, Halo: Reach is the winner. But in my heart Mass Effect 2 is still the winner