Yep. That's WOW for us either - this week has dozens of strong releases. Tinder is what many of my younger friends use and I might give it a try too in case I would be 15-20 years younger and single, but that's not the case for quite a while
Yep. I like progression too, although there is always a space for improvements. This is what make you fall into the state of flaw fast and you are trying again and again not realizing it
Very very interesting article. Thanx for sharing! Cool to see how relative skill and challenge are quantified.
Yep. Very interesting and often exploited in games. Sometimes devs do without even knowing it. In AAA titles it's a must like in Witcher (III) - when I stop playing it on my 4k TV and my rig that allows to play it 60FPS at 4k I relalze that I'm back to life, want to eat, sleep, toilet and so on. And that "flaw" is the state which I posess most of the time when I work what means that it's a job with a right amount of skill and challenge, as real world stops to exist to me when I'm working on a good task. And the drawback of it is that I'm usually pulled out of it when my body fells like I need to eat something to not die immediately. Because when you are within a "flaw" you feel neither hunger nor thirst.
I can relate to that. A note regarding the game, if there were one aspect that I feel could definitely use some tweaking it would be the rise rate of the encroaching water. Others have mentioned tweaking the traps and whatnot, but if the rise rate were slowed ever so slightly it would allow for those precious split seconds when you have to pause for that extra second for a trap or to try to grab that extra coin. I believe this would allow players to all achieve higher average scores and go a little bit further and balance the defeat/more successful run ratio. All skill and reflexes aside this is also majorly a game of split second timing. Even if this would raise the overall average scores for everyone, I don't see it having a negative impact and would contribute to the games balance and 'flow.' The games difficulty seems to be set very high allowing for basically zero mistakes. I believe allowing for more than one misstep would breed a more positive feeling toward wanting to play all the more. I'm no fan of relying on a high degree of luck to get me through anything albeit a game or work for that matter. Just something to consider. Your article is actually what brought it to the fore of my thinking.
When I'm asked to spin the Wheel of Fortune I feel like, can I buy a vowel? Haha. Choice game! I may have spent a little extra time in the bathroom at work today.
Awesome one I love this, this game is for me, not only for nobles. apparently is Downwell follower,but treats me more warmly. (of course I would appreciate warmer treatments further) Five stars,worthy of!
Happybyte I had no idea you guys made Hammy go round. I loved that game. I was looking in everyplay and I saw hammy go round under happy magenta and I went and looked. I really love you guys. I started playing hammy again now too. Restored my purchases hehe. Billy
Maybe I'm in the minority, but I would be happy with keeping the option for continues, but without the continue score going to the leaderboards. Just for the fun of exploring further, for people that aren't as proficient. I'm happy having it as 1 free continue per run for the paid version, and coin/ad-subsidized for free (and maybe for the paid one, after the free one is used). Really, just for the fun of exploration for people whose main motivation is less of as high score chase. I sometimes find myself dying in the middle of something fun and I really wanted to try to overcome that on my own. That's what the continue would be for. My 2 cents.
This game is incredibly fair in its monetization. I play games just for fun and don't really follow gamecenter anyway so I can't comment on that. But saying I won't touch it until it's premium sounds pretentious and ridiculously first world. Let people who can't pay for it play it, because it's a fun, quality game. And if you want to, support the developer in one of several ways. I will say I would love a slowed down version. "Zen" doesn't quite fit the nature of this game but perhaps just a slightly slowed down version of the main game. Worth less points and seperate leaderboards, of course. I also vote for different color schemes! Great game, thanks!!
Never. I think I've watched one video for coins so far, but other than that, I haven't used ads for anything. I guess you can also continue with coins, but I haven't done that either. I find I still collect plenty of coins in my runs with the secret side rooms.